This is a presentation based on the paper "HTTP Header Heuristics for Malware Detection", by Tobias Lewis. The paper is in the SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room.
Room Author: Tobias Lewis link to paper ! Presented by: Clay Wells (Sr. Systems Programmer) Department of Biostatistics & Epidemiology University of Pennsylvania
Application layer protocol (client-server) - Transfers information using headers ! “allows the client to pass additional information about the request, and about the client itself, to the server”! - RFC2616!
p0f: Introduction ! - Passive fingerprinting tool - Assuming malware uses TCP library of the host OS - Uses structure of OSI model ! TTL, Window Size, Sequence numbers ! References a fingerprint library
p0f: Demonstration ! - Generated traffic using wget and Firefox (header plug-in) - Conducted from a Windows 7 machine - Used a fixed User-Agent claiming to be IE6 on XP - Captured data using Fakenet
p0f: Considerations ! - Examines at the application and transport layers - Struggles to reliably detect the host OS - Relies on the spoof-ability of the malware author - Identifies malicious behavior fairly well - No tool or tool set will ever be 100% accurate!