Product Security Committee Associate, and Google Developer Expert for Google Cloud Platform • Previously a SIGINT Cyber Sailor from the Canadian Forces Network Operations Centre and SANS Instructor • @jonpulsifer on the internet
Accounts are hard 2. tl;dr enables OIDC provider for GKE clusters 3. Bridges the GCP project and Kubernetes PKI 4. Is awesome :) 02 Policy and IAM • Multi-party approvals • IAM recommender • RBAC recommender • Cloud Identity ◦ FINALLY ◦ LDAP all the things 03 Container Security 1. GKE Sandbox Beta - 2. Container Analysis GA 3. Binary Authorization GA 4. Managed TLS certificates
to power over 800,000 businesses in approximately 175 countries and is trusted by brands such as Unilever, Kylie Cosmetics, Allbirds, MVMT, and many more ServicesDB Create Service Generate PR Approve and merge Create Features Container Registry Push Pull kubernetes-deploy CloudBuddies (Kubernetes controllers) Create custom resource or deployments Watch for custom resource API calls Google Cloud Platform Other GCP services Ground Control (service robot) Webhook Cloud IAM Creates namespace and secrets Shopify Build
policy objects are in place RBACbuddy Ensures our Kubernetes RBAC policies are applied and up to date Bucketbuddy Provisions GCS buckets and manages their IAM permissions Accountabilibuddy Grants IAM bindings for GCP service accounts and stores them in a ConfigMap Illustrations by David Neal @reverentgeek
to power over 800,000 businesses in approximately 175 countries and is trusted by brands such as Unilever, Kylie Cosmetics, Allbirds, MVMT, and many more ServicesDB Create Service Generate PR Approve and merge Create Features Container Registry Push Pull kubernetes-deploy CloudBuddies (Kubernetes controllers) Create custom resource or deployments Watch for custom resource API calls Google Cloud Platform Other GCP services Ground Control (service robot) Webhook Cloud IAM Creates namespace and secrets Shopify Build
accounts 1. Google managed GSAs are created and managed by Google and assigned to your project automagically 2. User-managed GSAs include new service accounts and the Compute Engine default service account 02 Keys are not well understood • Contains a security thingy • Documentation says do this: env: - name: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS value: /path/to/creds.json • It works! Thanks! shopifam [1:05 PM] left #help-infrasec 03 Keys are unreasonably hard to manage You need these processes: 1. Experience managing a PKI 2. Key storage 3. Key distribution 4. Key revocation 5. Key rotation 6. Protecting the keys from unauthorized users 7. Key recovery 8. … 9.
forever ◦ 10 years is forever in cloud years ▪ Who has the keys? ◦ Is actually 2048 bit RSA key pair ▪ CN=uniqueId 2. 1,000 GSAs per project ◦ Who would ever do that? ▪ We DoS IAM :(