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[BristolR] Engineering Production-Grade Shiny A...

[BristolR] Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps with {golem}

Talk during the online BristolR meetup

Colin Fay

April 27, 2020

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  1. Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps with {golem} 2020-04-27 - BRISTOLR Colin

    Fay - ThinkR Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 1 / 27
  2. $ whoami Colin FAY Data Scientist & R-Hacker at ThinkR,

    a french company focused on Data Science & R. Hyperactive open source developer. http://thinkr.fr http://rtask.thinkr.fr http://twitter.com/_colinfay http://github.com/colinfay Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 2 / 27
  3. Data Science engineering, focused on R.  Training  Software

    Engineering  R in production  Consulting ThinkR Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 4 / 27
  4. Here comes {golem}  If you have to copy and

    paste a piece of code more than twice, write a function Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 10 / 27
  5. Here comes {golem}  If you have to copy and

    paste a piece of code more than twice, write a function  If you have to copy and paste an infrastructure more than twice, write a framework Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 10 / 27
  6. Here comes {golem} {golem} is an R package that contains

    a framework for building production-ready Shiny Applications. Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 12 / 27
  7. Why using {golem}?  Automate the boring stuff repetitive tasks

     Work with reliable tools  Gain time developing  Simplify deployment  Standardize team work About {golem} at ThinkR:  First built out of internal need, today used on a daily basis (I'm the #1 {golem} user)  We needed reliable and consistent tooling for deploying to our clients' environments  Build collective intelligence and share good practices globally  Promote R & Shiny in production Why {golem}? Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 13 / 27
  8. What's a "prod-ready" software?  Has meta-data  Is divided

    in functions  Is tested  Lists requirements  Is documented Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 14 / 27
  9.  Has meta-data  Is divided in functions  Is

    tested  Lists requirements  Is documented DESCRIPTION R/ tests/ NAMESPACE man/ & vignettes {golem} central philosophy Shiny App As a Package What's a "prod-ready" Shiny App? Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 15 / 27
  10. golex ├── DESCRIPTION ├── NAMESPACE ├── R │ ├── app_config.R

    │ ├── app_server.R │ ├── app_ui.R │ └── run_app.R ├── dev │ ├── 01_start.R │ ├── 02_dev.R │ ├── 03_deploy.R │ └── run_dev.R ├── inst │ ├── app │ │ └── www │ │ └── favicon.ico │ └── golem-config.yml └── man └── run_app.Rd Standard things DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, man/ R/ app_server & app_ui: Shiny UI and Server run_app: launches your app dev/ 0._.*.R: scripted worflows golem-config.yml: {config} files run_dev.R: relaunches your app while developing Understanding {golem} Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 17 / 27
  11. Template files (and where to put them) golem::add_module( name =

    "my_module.R" ) ✓ File created at R/mod_my_module.R Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 20 / 27
  12. ... #' @importFrom shiny NS tagList mod_my_module_ui <- function(id){ ns

    <- NS(id) tagList( ) } #' @noRd mod_my_module_server <- function(input, output, session){ ns <- session$ns } ## To be copied in the UI # mod_my_module_ui("my_module_ui_1") ## To be copied in the server # callModule(mod_my_module_server, "my_module_ui_1") Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 21 / 27
  13. What's next? All WIP and ideas are currently listed at

    https://github.com/ThinkR-open/golem/issues Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 23 / 27
  14. What's next? Spread the word (and share stickers): tweets, blog

    posts, talk to your friends and family about {golem} Open issues when you encounter a bug Give feedback about things you might find weird Open issue if you have idea / feature requests Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 24 / 27
  15. Online colin@thinkr.fr http://twitter.com/_colinfay http://twitter.com/thinkr_fr https://github.com/ColinFay https://thinkr.fr/ https://rtask.thinkr.fr/ https://colinfay.me/ Related projects

    engineering-shiny.org {golem} {shinipsum} {fakir} {shinysnippets} Thx! Questions? Colin Fay Colin FAY (@_ColinFay) - https://rtask.thinkr.fr 27 / 27