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WikipediaやYouTubeにおける論文参照 / joss2024

WikipediaやYouTubeにおける論文参照 / joss2024

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Jiro Kikkawa

June 16, 2024

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  1. 4 ্Ґ෼ྨ Ϋδϥྨʢܵྨʣ͸ᄡೕྨͷ͏ͪ ϩʔϥγΞ्্໨ʹؚ·ΕΔɻ͜Ε·Ͱ͸ʮΫδϥ໨ order CetaceaʯͱϦϯωࣜ֊૚෼ྨମܥʹ͓͚Δ໨ͷ ֊ڃʹஔ͔Ε͍ͯͨɻ ۙ೥ͷ෼ࢠܥ౷ղੳʹΑΓɺΫδϥྨ͸ۮఙྨʹ಺แ͞ΕɺͦͷதͰ΋ಛʹΧόͱ࢞ຓ܈Λͳ͢ͱ͍͏͜ͱ ͕໌Β͔ʹͳ͍ͬͯΔ[1] [2]ɻ

    ͜ΕΒΛ·ͱΊͨΫϨʔυ͸ܵՏഅܗྨ Whippomorpha ͱ໋໊͞Εͨ [3]ɻ ΫδϥྨΛআ͘چۮఙ໨͸ଆܥ౷ͱͳΔͨΊ෼ذ෼ྨֶʹ͓͚Δ෼ྨ܈ʢ୯ܥ౷܈ɺΫϨʔυʣͱͯ͠ ೝΊΒΕͳ͘ͳΔɻͦ͜Ͱ͜ΕΛղফ͢ΔͨΊɺΫδϥ໨ͱچۮఙ໨Λ߹Θͤͨ୯ܥ౷܈ ܵۮఙ໨ Cetartiodactyla Λ৽ઃ͢Δߟ͑ͱ [2]ɺ৽͍͠෼ྨ܈໊Λ༻͍Δ΂͖Ͱ͸ͳ͘ۮఙ໨ Artiodactyla Λ ΫδϥྨΛؚΉ͜ͱͰ୯ܥ౷ͱͳΔΑ͏ʹ֦ு͢΂͖ͱ͢Δߟ͕͑͋Δ [4]ɻ ग़య 1.^ Irwin, D.M.; Árnason, U/ (1994). “Cytochrome b gene of marine mammals: Phylogeny and evolution.”. J. Mamm. Evol. 2 (1): 37-55. 2.^ a b Montgelard, C.; Catzeflis, F.M.; Douzery, E. (1997). “Phylogenetic relationships of artiodactyls and cetaceans as deduced from the comparison of cytochrome b and 12S rRNA mitochondrial sequences”. Mol. Biol. Evol. 14 (5): 550-559. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a025792. 3.^ Waddell, P. J.; Okada, N.; Hasegawa, M. (1999). “Towards resolving the interordinal relationships of placental mammals”. Systematic Biology 48 (1): 1-5. doi:10.1093/sysbio/48.1.1. JSTOR 2585262. PMID 12078634. 4.^ Prothero, Donald R.; Domning, Daryl; Fordyce, R. Ewan; Foss, Scott; Janis, Christine; Lucas, Spencer; Marriott, Katherine L.; Metais, Grégoire et al. (2022). “On the Unnecessary and Misleading Taxon “Cetartiodactyla””. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29: 93-97. doi:10.1007/s10914-021-09572-7. 例① クジラ - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A9
  2. 6 例② アーロン・ハルフェイカー - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD %E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%83%8F%E3%83%AB%E3%83%95%E3 %82%A7%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC 9. ^

    Halfaker, A.; Geiger, R. S.; Morgan, J. T.; Riedl, J. (28 December 2012). “The Rise and Decline of an Open Collaboration System: How Wikipedia's Reaction to Popularity Is Causing Its Decline”. American Behavioral Scientist 57 (5): 664–688. doi:10.1177/0002764212469365.
  3. 8 ٭஫ 200. ^ a b c ٶԼળଠ, ਆాਸߦ, Ԙݟণ༟

    ΄͔ɺʮސ٬ͱإݟ஌ΓʹͳΔγϣοϐϯά ϞʔϧҊ಺ϩϘοτʯ『೔ຊϩϘοτֶձࢽ』 2008೥ 26ר 7߸ p.821-832, doi:10.7210/jrsj.26.821, 2013೥5݄26೔Ӿཡ 例③ イオンモール⾼の原 - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%8 3%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E9%AB%98%E3%81%AE%E5%8E%9F
  4. Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ࿦จࢀর 11 Wikipediaෆಛఆଟ਺ͷڠಇΛ௨ͯ͡ฤࢊ͞ΕΔඦՊࣄయ Wikipediaͷࡾେํ਑ • ݕূՄೳੑɺதཱతͳ؍఺ɺಠࣗݚڀ͸ࡌͤͳ͍ ʮ΢ΟΩϖσΟΞͷهࣄ͸ɺࣄ࣮֬ೝͱਖ਼֬͞ʹ͍ͭͯఆධͷ͋Δɺ৴༻Ͱ͖Δୈࡾऀ৘ใݯ ʹج͍ͯॻ͘΂͖Ͱ͢ɻֶज़తͳओ୊ʹ͍ͭͯ͸ɺͳΔ΂͘ϐΞϨϏϡʔ ࠪಡ Λܦͨ৘ใݯ

    Λ༻͍Δ΂͖Ͱ͢ʯ Wikipedia͸ ֶज़จݙͱࣾձҰൠͷਓʑ ඇઐ໳Ո ͱͷڮ౉͠ Λ͢Δ৔ʹͳΓಘΔ • Ӿཡऀ: ؔ৺ͷ͋Δهࣄɾ৘ใΛ୳͍ͯ͠Δ/ݟ͍ͯΔͱ͖ʹ ֶज़จݙʹ “ૺ۰” ͢Δ ࠜڌΛ஌Γ͍ͨͱ͖ɺֶज़จݙΛ௨ͯ͡௥੻ɾ֬ೝͰ͖Δ (ϑΝΫτνΣοΫ) • ฤूऀ: ৴པͰ͖Δ৘ใΛࣔ͢ ϑΝΫτνΣοΫ → ෆ͔֬ͳ͜ͱ͕ॻ͍ͯ͋Δ৔߹͸هड़Λमਖ਼ɾ࡟আ͢Δ ٬؍తɾݐઃతͳٞ࿦΍ҙࢥܾఆʹد༩͢Δ → Wikipediaͷ࣭͕޲্͢Δ
  5. ͲΕ͚ͩͷֶज़จݙ͕ࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔͷ͔ 12 • Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ֎෦ϦϯΫ܈͔ΒDOIϦϯΫ (υϝΠϯ໊͕ “doi.org” Ͱ͋Δ΋ͷ) Λநग़͢Δ͜ͱͰௐࠪΛߦͬͨ ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipedia 2015೥3݄࣌఺

    2023೥7݄࣌఺ උߟ DOIϦϯΫͷԆ΂਺ 28,509 206,819 7.3ഒʹ૿Ճ DOIϦϯΫͷҟͳΓ਺ 25,185 149,681 5.9ഒʹ૿Ճ Wikipediaͷهࣄ਺ 9,665 45,862 4.7ഒʹ૿Ճ ग़య: Kikkawa, Jiro; Takaku, Masao; Yoshikane, Fuyuki: “Long-term Progress of DOI Links on Wikipedia: Comparative Analysis of English and Japanese Wikipedia from 2015 to 2023”, Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 44-59, 2023.12.
  6. ͲΕ͚ͩͷֶज़จݙ͕ࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔͷ͔ 13 ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipedia 2015೥3݄࣌఺ 2023೥7݄࣌఺ උߟ DOIϦϯΫͷԆ΂਺ 28,509 206,819 7.3ഒʹ૿Ճ

    DOIϦϯΫͷҟͳΓ਺ 25,185 149,681 5.9ഒʹ૿Ճ Wikipediaͷهࣄ਺ 9,665 45,862 4.7ഒʹ૿Ճ ӳޠ൛Wikipedia 2015೥3݄࣌఺ 2023೥7݄࣌఺ උߟ DOIϦϯΫͷԆ΂਺ 1,467,903 2,491,399 1.7ഒʹ૿Ճ DOIϦϯΫͷҟͳΓ਺ 515,411 1,696,943 3.3ഒʹ૿Ճ Wikipediaͷهࣄ਺ 165,897 569,364 3.4ഒʹ૿Ճ ग़య: Kikkawa, Jiro; Takaku, Masao; Yoshikane, Fuyuki: “Long-term Progress of DOI Links on Wikipedia: Comparative Analysis of English and Japanese Wikipedia from 2015 to 2023”, Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 44-59, 2023.12. • Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ֎෦ϦϯΫ܈͔ΒDOIϦϯΫ (υϝΠϯ໊͕ “doi.org” Ͱ͋Δ΋ͷ) Λநग़͢Δ͜ͱͰௐࠪΛߦͬͨ
  7. ͲΕ͚ͩͷֶज़จݙ͕ࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔͷ͔ 14 ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipedia 2015೥3݄࣌఺ 2023೥7݄࣌఺ උߟ DOIϦϯΫͷԆ΂਺ 28,509 206,819 7.3ഒʹ૿Ճ

    DOIϦϯΫͷҟͳΓ਺ 25,185 149,681 5.9ഒʹ૿Ճ Wikipediaͷهࣄ਺ 9,665 45,862 4.7ഒʹ૿Ճ ग़య: Kikkawa, Jiro; Takaku, Masao; Yoshikane, Fuyuki: “Long-term Progress of DOI Links on Wikipedia: Comparative Analysis of English and Japanese Wikipedia from 2015 to 2023”, Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2023), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 44-59, 2023.12. ͲͷΑ͏ͳίϯςϯπ͕ࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔͷ͔ • Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ֎෦ϦϯΫ܈͔ΒDOIϦϯΫ (υϝΠϯ໊͕ “doi.org” Ͱ͋Δ΋ͷ) Λநग़͢Δ͜ͱͰௐࠪΛߦͬͨ
  8. ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ%0*ϦϯΫͷಛ௃ 15 # %0*ϦϯΫ هࣄ਺ %0*ొ࿥ػؔ λΠτϧ 1 https://doi.org/10.11501/18 73236

    738 JaLC ఀं৔Ұཡ ত࿨41೥3݄ݱࡏ 2 https://doi.org/10.11238/m ammalianscience.58.s1 289 JaLC ੈքᄡೕྨඪ४࿨໊໨࿥ 3 https://doi.org/10.1051/000 4-6361:20078357 70 Crossref Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction 4 https://doi.org/10.15468/39 omei 70 DataCite GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 5 https://doi.org/10.1051/000 4-6361/201833051 64 Crossref Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties 6 https://doi.org/10.1099/002 07713-30-1-225 60 Crossref Approved Lists of Bacterial Names 7 https://doi.org/10.1134/s10 63772917010085 57 Crossref General catalogue of variable stars: Version GCVS 5.1 8 https://doi.org/10.11238/m ammalianscience.43.127 49 JaLC ᄡೕྨͷߴ࣍෼ྨ܈͓Αͼ෼ྨ֊ ڃͷ೔ຊޠ໊শͷఏҊʹ͍ͭͯ ද: 2023೥7݄࣌఺Ͱͷ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δࢀরճ਺ͷଟ͍ίϯςϯπ
  9. ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ%0*ϦϯΫͷಛ௃ 16 # %0*ϦϯΫ هࣄ਺ %0*ొ࿥ػؔ λΠτϧ 1 https://doi.org/10.1150 1/1873236

    738 JaLC ఀं৔Ұཡ ত࿨41೥3݄ݱࡏ ද: 2023೥7݄࣌఺Ͱͷ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δࢀরճ਺ͷଟ͍ίϯςϯπ ࠷΋ࢀরճ਺͕ଟ͍ίϯςϯπ • 738݅ͷWikipediaهࣄ͔Βࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔ • Japan Link Center (JaLC) ʹΑͬͯొ࿥͞ΕͨDOI • ೔ຊࠃ༗మಓ. ఀं৔Ұཡ ত࿨ 41 ೥ 3 ⽉ݱࡏ. ೔ຊࠃ༗మಓ.
  10. ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ%0*ϦϯΫͷಛ௃ 20 # %0*ϦϯΫ هࣄ਺ %0*ొ࿥ػؔ λΠτϧ 1 https://doi.org/10.11501/18 73236

    738 JaLC ఀं৔Ұཡ ত࿨41೥3݄ݱࡏ 2 https://doi.org/10.11238/m ammalianscience.58.s1 289 JaLC ੈքᄡೕྨඪ४࿨໊໨࿥ 3 https://doi.org/10.1051/000 4-6361:20078357 70 Crossref Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction 4 https://doi.org/10.15468/39 omei 70 DataCite GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 5 https://doi.org/10.1051/000 4-6361/201833051 64 Crossref Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties 6 https://doi.org/10.1099/002 07713-30-1-225 60 Crossref Approved Lists of Bacterial Names 7 https://doi.org/10.1134/s10 63772917010085 57 Crossref General catalogue of variable stars: Version GCVS 5.1 8 https://doi.org/10.11238/m ammalianscience.43.127 49 JaLC ᄡೕྨͷߴ࣍෼ྨ܈͓Αͼ෼ྨ֊ ڃͷ೔ຊޠ໊শͷఏҊʹ͍ͭͯ ද: 2023೥7݄࣌఺Ͱͷ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δࢀরճ਺ͷଟ͍ίϯςϯπ ൪໨ʹࢀরճ਺ͷଟ͍ίϯςϯπ • 289݅ͷWikipediaهࣄ͔Βࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔ • Japan Link Center (JaLC) ʹΑͬͯొ࿥͞ΕͨDOI • ઒ా৳Ұ࿠, ؠࠤਅ޺, ෱Ҫେ, ৽୐༐ଠ, ఱ໺խஉ, ԼҴ༿͞΍͔, Ḻ૑, ࡚࢞ஐࢠ, ԣാହࢤ. (2018). ੈքᄡೕྨඪ४࿨໊໨࿥. ᄡೕྨՊֶ. • J-STAGEͰެ։͞Ε͍ͯΔ • ܵྨɺωίՊɺφϚέϞϊͳͲͷWikipediaهࣄ͔Βࢀর͞Ε͍ͯΔ • ൪໨ͷίϯςϯπʹؔͯ͠΋ಉ༷
  11. ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ%0*ϦϯΫͷಛ௃ 21 # %0*ϦϯΫ هࣄ਺ %0*ొ࿥ػؔ λΠτϧ 1 https://doi.org/10.11501/18 73236

    738 JaLC ఀं৔Ұཡ ত࿨41೥3݄ݱࡏ 2 https://doi.org/10.11238/m ammalianscience.58.s1 289 JaLC ੈքᄡೕྨඪ४࿨໊໨࿥ 3 https://doi.org/10.1051/000 4-6361:20078357 70 Crossref Validation of the new Hipparcos reduction 4 https://doi.org/10.15468/39 omei 70 DataCite GBIF Backbone Taxonomy 5 https://doi.org/10.1051/000 4-6361/201833051 64 Crossref Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties 6 https://doi.org/10.1099/002 07713-30-1-225 60 Crossref Approved Lists of Bacterial Names 7 https://doi.org/10.1134/s10 63772917010085 57 Crossref General catalogue of variable stars: Version GCVS 5.1 8 https://doi.org/10.11238/m ammalianscience.43.127 49 JaLC ᄡೕྨͷߴ࣍෼ྨ܈͓Αͼ෼ྨ֊ ڃͷ೔ຊޠ໊শͷఏҊʹ͍ͭͯ ද: 2023೥7݄࣌఺Ͱͷ೔ຊޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δࢀরճ਺ͷଟ͍ίϯςϯπ
  12. ӳޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ%0*ϦϯΫͷಛ௃ 22 # %0*ϦϯΫ هࣄ਺ %0*ొ࿥ػؔ λΠτϧ 1 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas .242603899

    4,181 Crossref Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences 2 https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.25 96504 3,022 Crossref The Status, Quality, and Expansion of the NIH Full-Length cDNA Project: The Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) 3 https://doi.org/10.24436/2 2,796 DataCite World Spider Catalog 4 https://doi.org/10.1134/s106 3773712050015 2,153 Crossref XHIP: An extended hipparcos compilation 5 https://doi.org/10.1051/0004 -6361/201833051 2,126 Crossref Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties ද: 2023೥7݄࣌఺Ͱͷӳޠ൛Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δࢀরճ਺ͷଟ͍ίϯςϯπ
  13. Wikipediaʹ͓͚Δ࿦จࢀর 23 Wikipediaෆಛఆଟ਺ͷڠಇΛ௨ͯ͡ฤࢊ͞ΕΔඦՊࣄయ Wikipediaͷࡾେํ਑ • ݕূՄೳੑɺதཱతͳ؍఺ɺಠࣗݚڀ͸ࡌͤͳ͍ ʮ΢ΟΩϖσΟΞͷهࣄ͸ɺࣄ࣮֬ೝͱਖ਼֬͞ʹ͍ͭͯఆධͷ͋Δɺ৴༻Ͱ͖Δୈࡾऀ৘ใݯ ʹج͍ͯॻ͘΂͖Ͱ͢ɻֶज़తͳओ୊ʹ͍ͭͯ͸ɺͳΔ΂͘ϐΞϨϏϡʔ ࠪಡ Λܦͨ৘ใݯ

    Λ༻͍Δ΂͖Ͱ͢ʯ Wikipedia͸ ֶज़จݙͱࣾձҰൠͷਓʑ ඇઐ໳Ո ͱͷڮ౉͠ Λ͢Δ৔ʹͳΓಘΔ • Ӿཡऀ: ؔ৺ͷ͋Δهࣄɾ৘ใΛ୳͍ͯ͠Δ/ݟ͍ͯΔͱ͖ʹ ֶज़จݙʹ “ૺ۰” ͢Δ ࠜڌΛ஌Γ͍ͨͱ͖ɺֶज़จݙΛ௨ͯ͡௥੻ɾ֬ೝͰ͖Δ (ϑΝΫτνΣοΫ) • ฤूऀ: ৴པͰ͖Δ৘ใΛࣔ͢ ϑΝΫτνΣοΫ → ෆ͔֬ͳ͜ͱ͕ॻ͍ͯ͋Δ৔߹͸هड़Λमਖ਼ɾ࡟আ͢Δ ٬؍తɾݐઃతͳٞ࿦΍ҙࢥܾఆʹد༩͢Δ → Wikipediaͷ࣭͕޲্͢Δ
  14. YouTubeʹ͓͚Δ࿦จࢀর 24 Kikkawa, Jiro; Takaku, Masao; Yoshikane, Fuyuki: “Quantitative Analysis

    of Scholarly References on YouTube: Focusing on Their Research Fields and Contributors”, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 14457, pp. 149-158, 2023.12. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8085-7_13. Reveal online attention to research - Altmetric https://www.altmetric.com/ • AltmetricࣾͷσʔληοτΛ༻͍ͨ෼ੳ • 2023೥4݄10೔࣌఺ • 39,416݅ͷYouTubeνϟϯωϧʹΑͬͯ౤ߘ͞Εͨ 137,629݅ͷಈըʹ͓͚Δ Ԇ΂410,101݅ɺҟͳΓ228,192݅ͷֶज़ίϯςϯπ
  15. 26 ྫ: How Smart Are Crows Actually? - YouTube https://www.youtube.co

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  16. 27 SciShow - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@SciShow • Պֶχϡʔεʹয఺Λ౰ͯͨYouTubeνϟϯωϧ • ϋϯΫɾάϦʔϯࢯ͕࢘ձΛ຿Ίɺަ୅Ͱڞԋऀ͕ग़ԋ͍ͯ͠Δ •

    SciShow͸2012೥ʹ։ઃ͞ΕͯҎདྷɺܧଓతʹ৽͍͠ಈըΛެ։͍ͯ͠Δ SciShow - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SciShow
  17. 28 • Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) ͸2006೥ʹ૑ץ͞Εͨδϟʔφϧ • Peer

    Reviewed Scientific Video Journal https://www.jove.com/ • ϏσΦΞϒετϥΫτ • ֶज़ग़൛ࣾʹΑͬͯYouTubeʹಈը͕౤ߘ͞Ε͍ͯΔࣄྫ JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com /@JoVEJournal
  18. 30 Engineering Education and Research by Online Experimentation System |

    Protocol Preview - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0b0iOxX5u0 Watch the Full Video at https://www.jove.com/v/63342/... ϓϨϏϡʔ൛ͷެ։
  19. 31 Read this paper in the ACM Digital Library: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3243734.3243817

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPYsWn13yhM • ֶڠձʹΑͬͯYouTubeʹಈը͕౤ߘ͞Ε͍ͯΔࣄྫ • ࠃࡍձٞͷΞʔΧΠϒɺಈըऩ࿥͞ΕͨݚڀൃදϓϨθϯςʔγϣϯ
  20. YouTubeʹ͓͚Δ࿦จࢀর 35 Kikkawa, Jiro; Takaku, Masao; Yoshikane, Fuyuki: “Quantitative Analysis

    of Scholarly References on YouTube: Focusing on Their Research Fields and Contributors”, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 14457, pp. 149-158, 2023.12. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8085-7_13. • AltmetricࣾͷσʔληοτΛ༻͍ͨ෼ੳ • 2023೥4݄10೔࣌఺ • 39,416݅ͷYouTubeνϟϯωϧʹΑͬͯ౤ߘ͞Εͨ 137,629݅ͷಈըʹ͓͚Δ Ԇ΂410,101݅ɺҟͳΓ228,192݅ͷֶज़ίϯςϯπ • ୭͕࿦จࢀরΛ൐͏ಈըΛެ։͍ͯ͠Δͷ͔? • ֶज़ग़൛ࣾ (JoVE)ɺֶڠձ (ACM)ɺSciShowɺ ͦͷଞͷݸਓ (Ώͬ͘ΓղઆνϟϯωϧͳͲ)