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Breaking Good Habits

Harry Roberts
April 28, 2012

Breaking Good Habits

Slides from my first conference talk at Front-Trends (Warsaw, Poland) 26 April, 2012.

Video: https://vimeo.com/44773888

Harry Roberts

April 28, 2012

More Decks by Harry Roberts

Other Decks in Design


  1. Web standards… •A great idea? Definitely! •Well intentioned? You bet!

    •Ambiguous? Sadly :( •Open to interpretation? Unfortunately…
  2. Best practices •Best for who? •What are we achieving? •What

    do we really want to achieve? •Are we always solving the right problems for the right people?
  3. IDs •No advantage over classes. •Waaaaaay overly specific. •Not dissimilar

    to !important •Everything you can do with an ID can be done with a class.
  4. Classes •No one uses classes except browsers and other developers

    (and microformats). •Classes are neither semantic or insemantic; they’re sensible or insensible.
  5. .red .red{ color:blue; /* WTF */ } <h1>I am a

    <span class=red>designer</span> and <span class=red>developer</span></h1>
  6. .brand .brand{ color:#BADA55; /* FTW */ } <h1>I am a

    <span class=brand>designer</span> and <span class=brand>developer</span></h1>
  7. The media object bit.ly/cCY3Ew <div class=media> <img class=img> <p class=body>Lorem

    ipsum...</p> </div> .media,.body { overflow:hidden; } .img { float:left; margin-right:20px; } .img img { display:block; }
  8. The media object bit.ly/cCY3Ew <div class=media> <img class=img> <div class=body>

    <p>Lorem ipsum...</p> <a href>Read more...</a> </div> </div>
  9. .nav{ list-style:none; margin-left:0; } .nav li{ display:inline; } .nav a{

    display:inline-block; } The nav abstraction bit.ly/oD2M9n
  10. Double stranded heading hierarchy h1,.alpha { font-size:; line-height:; } h2,.beta

    { font-size:; line-height:; } h3,.gamma { font-size:; line-height:; } h4,.delta { font-size:; line-height:; } h5,.epsilon { font-size:; line-height:; } h6,.zeta { font-size:; line-height:; } bit.ly/yyReiE
  11. Benefits and side-effects •Sites are faster to build… •…more robust

    •…more maintainable •…more consistent •…and incidentally more efficient.
  12. Now what? •Solve problems for the right people. •Keep yourselves

    happy and sane. •Learn when enough is enough; cut yourself some slack.