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Let's start Cloud Native with Rancher !!

Let's start Cloud Native with Rancher !!

#rancherjp #cndjp


January 26, 2019

More Decks by cyberblack28

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  1. Profile Twitter : cyberblack28 Blog : https://cyberblack28.hatenablog.com/ Job Educational Solution

    Architect Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist Infrastructure Engineer Frontend Engineer !! Music,Live,FES !! Take a picture !! https://www.flickr.com/photos/cyberblack ISBN-10: 4798155373 ISBN-13: 978-4798155371 I wrote the Chapter 6 Rancher 2.0 part. Release on March 15,2018 #rancherjp #kujiraya #deepcn
  2. Agenda 1. Market trend of Kubernetes 2. Introduction of Kubernetes

    3. Introduction of Rancher 4. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 5. Rancher 2.2 Preview 6. Information
  3. Market trend of Kubernetes Kubernetes<17I $(&H?  CNCF. ,)"-.AEG/25 by

    Publickey 2018.3.8 Incubation Stage2 /,"02GJ( /.2' D6;= H <3?!-&% L97 >  CA   *) 2#!-&'+1$# 8B: 5F ECNCFTechnical Operating CommitteeTOC@IK4 A G/ Kubernetes@70 ;8D C4 B:=>!+,'%F9   63*#"-.
  4. Market trend of Kubernetes AWSKubernetes   Amazon EKS by

    Publickey 2018.6.7 • Amazon EKS(11" AWS re:Invent 2017 $ • "! ( &!)  "%! ()  '#*)201812GA
  5. Market trend of Kubernetes Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) GA –

    New regions, more features, increased productivity by Microsoft Azure Blog 2018.6.13 • Microsoft Build 2018 Azure Container Service Azure Kubernetes Service ./ • "61"$'"$'"2( 2  ,&30#)*! 10  4+5% -
  6. Market trend of Kubernetes    Kubernetes Google Cloud

    Google Kubernetes Engine on-PremGoogle Cloud Next ’18 by Publickey 2018.7.25 •  #"GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine)$ Kubernetes#" &  • Google Cloud Console Kubernetes! • Google Cloud Platform MarketplaceKubernetes  % 
  7. Market trend of Kubernetes Google    Serverless containers

    Google Cloud Next ’18 by Publickey 2018.7.25 • Google Kubernetes Engine( )2$ &%+-  'GKE serverless add-on*, • '!$ #"'Kubernetes0/ +- KnativeGKE serverless add-on  .1*,
  8. Market trend of Kubernetes GitHub Goes All in on Kubernetes

    by THENEWSTACK 2017.8.16 SRESite Reliability Engineering   
  9. What’s kubernetes ? kubernetesGoogle14/"$ #.,/ "*Borg / (  52

    OSS/"$ #.,/!-  B3'&" '&" '&" A CDk8skubernetes 8<@ 7=CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation)?6  :8;0 >9 )+%"52   
  10. What’s kubernetes ? • " " • ! " 

    •  " • 0*-1 • "#&43 •    • !"" • ! 2% • &%     )5 • $)5 • /6,"#)5 Kubernetes! '.+ $(
  11. Kubernetes Architecture Master API UI CLI Node 3 Node 2

    Node 1 KubernetesF=:K MasterNode 1+(1&  • Master /#$;I> ? #"-01*1&AB/#$854G7D  • Node )0!.1 1%'LH3<  1%'/1$,LH Master@C> 1%'E9J62D  Node n Image Registry
  12. Kubernetes Architecture API UI CLI API Server Scheduler Controller-Manager etcd

    Master   API Server kubernetesAPI B<69AREST,CRUD,FIFL5  Scheduler PodNode(,3 $ #.14   Controller-Manager 0$&?W !4-+4)Node[TNQMP!4'*2,1 "/4X1%$7O U@:   etcd 0$&=ECJZ (&$) V!4-+4)API Server>K etcd;S ECMP Y8H 9GRD  
  13. Kubernetes Architecture Node   Kubelet NodeLG Pod&#%247"JM YAML.5B 

    Container RuntimeRD  Pod9?P:NQ8  Container Runtime kubeletRD1%>C$7),;88 Kubernetes$7),37'0> OIE Dockercontainerdrktcri-o$7),37'0@<  Kube-proxy FNode=D Service /%!+A Cluster IPHK  -(+6!Proxy *.5 +iptables@<  Master Kube-proxy Container Runtime Kubelet Node 1,2,3,n Pod Image Registry Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod Pod
  14. Kubernetes Architecture Pod • 1 >3 ,!*21=6 • Pod/ ,."7

    IP)5 • Pod/ ,.Node- ?< • Pod/ ,90 & (5 Container Volume Pod Container Container Pod#'%$ +981:4- ,(! IP ※;  Container 3:  
  15. Kubernetes Architecture Pod Node2 Container Pod Container Pod Node 

       Node1 Node1 Container Pod Container  localhost IP Container Pod Node2 IP
  16. Kubernetes Architecture Deployment & ReplicaSet Master Node 1,2,3,n Deployment .<%(

    replicas:3 Controllers • ReplicationController D RS Kube proxy Container Runtime Kubelet Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Controller-Manager D RS Deployment ReplicaSet  DeploymentReplicaSet84A/CB?1   ReplicaSet79 Pod)&'52> ,.<%()&'5(replicas)0:   Pod- *'+ !&"#*( $!,  ReplicaSet.< 5Pod=;3 @6   Image Registry
  17. Kubernetes Architecture Service Client Node Service Pod Pod Pod 

     ClusterIP /"$7 Pod5C9>  -/.'IP(2" ExternalIP @6 NodeIP:Port ? '/+%4&)EG =89> NodePort :Node IP:Port ? '/+%4&)EG =89> LoadBalancer LB;D #"FBServiceL43(*/4 <B endpoint Pod Pod Node Node LoadBalancer Service/"$7=0"'Pod#" I1&4DNS<BAH , !' 
  18. Kubernetes Architecture Ingress Ingress *( HTTP(S)  '(Service "$ ""+&

    ,% ")Kubernetes! Service#4(TCP/UDP over IP)Ingress#7(HTTP(S))   Service Pod Internet Pod Pod Ingress endpoint
  19. What’s Rancher ? • ,"0&.)80#@? =B:6 0#>5&,! %* • '!$"

    0# >5&-+0 &/!.+0@ ? 17=B49 • 32 Rancher Labshttp://rancher.com/ • &0%!(!< ;AC 
  20. Difference between Rancher 1.6 and 2.1   • *14docker-compose-7

    +, '!* • Network ipsec,vxlan# • Storage NFS,EBS# • Architecture Docker" • Java Go5MySQL60 • $( )%,# • Architecture kubernetes" • 100%Go5etcd60 •  )%, 100% kubernetes • *14Helm-7 +,'!* • Network flannel,canal,Calico9kubernetes!& ,:.-73/ • Storage kubernetes2084  :.-73/
  21. Rancher v2.1.0 • Rancher1$ Cattle Orchestrator Rancher2$ Kubernetes  •

    Windows Kubernetes # Rancher 2.1 !Windows Node Kubernetes " http://ur0.link/PjA3 Main outline • Latest - v2.1.5 - rancher/rancher:latest • Stable - v2.1.5 - rancher/rancher:stable Version Rancher Release - v2.1.0 http://urx3.nu/MJA0 Details
  22. Feature of Rancher2.1 Kubernetes Clusters Create Import   

      Bare Metal Create,Import,Manage Kubernetes Clusters !! Manage
  23. Feature of Rancher2.1 One Click Deployment ! !  #-$,

    (%!  !    Creating Private Catalogs ! ! )" '&  +*  
  24. Rancher2.1 Technical Architecture Cluster Controller Auth Proxy Rancher Server RKE

    Nodes Kubectl Kubernetes API Rancher UI CLI API Rancher Component Other Kubernetes Master Legend Rancher API Server etcd Cluster Agent 1 Cluster Agent 2 RKE Kubernetes Master GKE Nodes GKE Kubernetes Master Kubelet Kubelet   a x v x tiy Rd l o b e N H r c b e Re d c Dk AKC e d r b n b I Hus oC Gg eP e d v v S h
  25. Rancher Labs New Project “Rio” Kubernetes, Istio, Service Mesh like

    Docker Darren Shepherd Co-founder and Chief Architect at Rancher Labs, Inc. @ibuildthecloud https://github.com/rancher/rio https://www.slideshare.net/cyberblackvoom/whats-rio-112779732 Rio!!
  26. Get started with Rancher 2.1 OS Hardware Software Ubuntu 16.04

    (64-bit) Memory: 4GB • 1.12.6 • 1.13.1 • 17.03.2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 (64-bit) RancherOS 1.3.0 (64-bit) Step 2: Start the server $ sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 rancher/rancher Web Access!! https://<server_ip> Step 1: Prepare a Linux Host
  27. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 1. Rancher Server 2. Kubernetes Cluster

    3. weavescope   4. RancherUIkubectl  5. Guestbook    rancher-server rancher-host Guestbook Guestbook Rancher Server weavescope Agent Server Qiita URL http://u0u1.net/PnyX
  28. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 1.Rancher Server 1.Instance2   4/

    rancher-server )'+ asia-northeast1,2 + asia-northeast1-b &+% vCPUx1 $"! Ubuntu 16.04 LTS !80GB #* HTTP"(# 87 HTTPS"(# 87 6.  -  GCP(Google Cloud Platform)30 #* ** 187/5    4/ rancher-host )'+ asia-northeast1,2 + asia-northeast1-b &+% vCPUx1 $"! Ubuntu 16.04 LTS !80GB #* HTTP"(# 87 HTTPS"(# 87 6.  -  1 2
  29. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 2.Docker 2:rancher-server,rancher-host $ curl https://releases.rancher.com/install-docker/17.03.2.sh |

    sh 3.Rancher2.0 Server (1:rancher-server ) $ sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 rancher/rancher:v2.2.0-alpha3 4.  RancherUI rancher-server https://EXTERNAL-IP/ 5. 
  30. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 2.CUSTOM Cluster Name  Next E

    C POF , , 2 E C POF SG E C POF G A K N D C D , , , , D C
  31. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 4. Node Role etcd Control Plane

    Node Address Public Address Internal Address 2 (rancher-host) IP Copy to Clipboard 2 (rancher-host) - Done 1 2 3 5 4
  32. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 3.kubectl get nodes > kubectl get

    nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION rancher-host Ready controlplane,etcd,worker 39m v1.10.5 > kubectl version Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.5", GitCommit:"32ac1c9073b132b8ba18aa830f46b77dcceb0723", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-06-21T11:46:00Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"12", GitVersion:"v1.12.3", GitCommit:"435f92c719f279a3a67808c80521ea17d5715c66", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-11-26T12:46:57Z", GoVersion:"go1.10.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"} 4.kubectl version
  33. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 5.Guestbook 2 .1 Guestbook  yaml

       https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/examples/master/guestbook/all-in-one/guestbook-all-in-one.yaml 2 .1 > kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/examples/master/guestbook/all-in-one/guestbook-all-in-one.yaml service "redis-master" created deployment "redis-master" created service "redis-slave" created deployment "redis-slave" created service "frontend" created deployment "frontend" created > kubectl get services NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE frontend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1m kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 47m redis-master ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 1m redis-slave ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 1m
  34. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 1guestbook-all-in-one.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata:

    name: redis-master labels: app: redis tier: backend role: master spec: ports: - port: 6379 targetPort: 6379 selector: app: redis tier: backend role: master --- apiVersion: apps/v1 # for k8s versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2 and before 1.8.0 use extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: redis-master spec: selector: matchLabels: app: redis role: master tier: backend replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: redis role: master tier: backend spec: containers: - name: master image: k8s.gcr.io/redis:e2e # or just image: redis resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi ports: - containerPort: 6379 --- redis-master
  35. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 1guestbook-all-in-one.yaml redis-slave apiVersion: v1 kind: Service

    metadata: name: redis-slave labels: app: redis tier: backend role: slave spec: ports: - port: 6379 selector: app: redis tier: backend role: slave --- apiVersion: apps/v1 # for k8s versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2 and before 1.8.0 use extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: redis-slave spec: selector: matchLabels: app: redis role: slave tier: backend replicas: 2 template: metadata: labels: app: redis role: slave tier: backend spec: containers: - name: slave image: gcr.io/google_samples/gb-redisslave:v1 resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi env: - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM value: dns # If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to # instead access an environment variable to find the master # service's host, comment out the 'value: dns' line above, and # uncomment the line below: # value: env ports: - containerPort: 6379 ---
  36. Kubernetes & Rancher Handson 1guestbook-all-in-one.yaml frontend apiVersion: v1 kind: Service

    metadata: name: frontend labels: app: guestbook tier: frontend spec: # if your cluster supports it, uncomment the following to automatically create # an external load-balanced IP for the frontend service. # type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 80 selector: app: guestbook tier: frontend --- apiVersion: apps/v1 # for k8s versions before 1.9.0 use apps/v1beta2 and before 1.8.0 use extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: frontend spec: selector: matchLabels: app: guestbook tier: frontend replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: guestbook tier: frontend spec: containers: - name: php-redis image: gcr.io/google-samples/gb-frontend:v4 resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi env: - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM value: dns # If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to # instead access environment variables to find service host # info, comment out the 'value: dns' line above, and uncomment the # line below: # value: env ports: - containerPort: 80
  37. Rancher 2.2 Preview PrometheusGoogleBorgmon!5'-! 8PullKHTTP1,3#'HI &'*0KubernetesLBA9 CN Service Discovery@EHI:J6? ;7

       GrafanaPrometheus>MHI+( 9<GI=)4 Web/2"%$2.= +(3 4 (!0FD  Rancher’s New Mluti-Tenant Prometheus Support
  38. 7.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces  # Run kubectl commands inside

    here # e.g. kubectl get all > kubectl get pods --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cattle-prometheus exporter-kube-state-cluster-monitoring-779b96cf75-gg272 1/1 Running 0 20m cattle-prometheus exporter-node-cluster-monitoring-ljhch 1/1 Running 0 20m cattle-prometheus grafana-cluster-monitoring-5b4bc74756-hx7mx 3/3 Running 0 20m cattle-prometheus prometheus-cluster-monitoring-0 4/4 Running 1 20m cattle-prometheus prometheus-cluster-monitoring-nginx-5ff785dd4d-d6l8l 1/1 Running 3 20m cattle-prometheus prometheus-operator-system-monitor-77df6db6df-gdmmz 1/1 Running 0 20m cattle-system cattle-cluster-agent-77498f79c-5w78s 1/1 Running 0 30m cattle-system cattle-node-agent-s8gnz 1/1 Running 0 30m ingress-nginx default-http-backend-5bdd9fdd69-2ntmw 1/1 Running 0 30m ingress-nginx nginx-ingress-controller-xdwnk 1/1 Running 0 30m kube-system canal-wzw4r 3/3 Running 0 30m kube-system kube-dns-autoscaler-689f6f9756-zqn6f 1/1 Running 0 30m kube-system kube-dns-ddddcfcc8-xbpwn 3/3 Running 0 30m kube-system metrics-server-5444cf6dfc-g7xvp 1/1 Running 0 30m kube-system rke-ingress-controller-deploy-job-bshtx 0/1 Completed 0 30m kube-system rke-kubedns-addon-deploy-job-k9vxg 0/1 Completed 0 30m kube-system rke-metrics-addon-deploy-job-hmr7k 0/1 Completed 0 30m kube-system rke-network-plugin-deploy-job-tjqhn 0/1 Completed 0 31m Rancher 2.2 Preview
  39. http://ur0.link/PjJn • December 2018 Online Meetup Introducing Rancher's New Multi

    Tenant Prometheus Support Webinar • Rancher v2.2.0-Alpha3 Multi-Tenant Prometheus Support Docs http://ur0.link/PjK6 Rancher 2.2 Preview
  40. Information Docker  $;&:   ISBN-10: 4844339621 ISBN-13: 978-4844339625

    Docker,"  439#0)<?  81765(. 2019/2/18+-;'* Windows $;&:   ISBN-10: 4295000957 ISBN-13: 978-4295000952 Windows   = / >%!"2/: 
  41. Information c : ISBN-10: 4798153222 ISBN-13: 978-4798153223 L L L

    Docker D ――Linux c : ISBN-10: 4774176540 ISBN-13: 978-4774176543 LD e LD
  42. Information kubernetes ?V@: &8$9*62; ISBN-10: 4873118409 ISBN-13: 978-4873118406 MUKubernetes Up

    & Running<=QXXAG !EM#I  <=F HS "!  / D ?V@: [W@ ISBN-10: 4798155373 ISBN-13: 978-4798155371 Google,RedHat,IBM, $;,1-/,Rancher#>J(;.0TC &'+/ :)7;#O! !NL 48-/3%5#YRDZP BK 
  43. Information The Kubernetes Book ,: Independently published ISBN-10: 1521823634 ISBN-13:

    978-1521823637 kubernetes )$(+ *% "'  Kubernetes in Action ,: Manning Pubns Co ISBN-10: 1617293725 ISBN-13: 978-1617293726 "'#-!   *&%  (+ 
  44. Information Docker/Kubernetes ! +8,:5674, ISBN-10: 4297100339 ISBN-13: 978-4297100339 Docker/Kubernetes1:)!"%'&).-2/ (9;

      )!".-#$(* 30       https://cyberblack28.hatenablog.com/
  45. Information Kubernetes 8L::7+5 ISBN-10: 4295004804 ISBN-13: 978-4295004806 C1M KubernetesFB 

    C2M KubernetesIH =KP C3M API3 kubectl C4M Workloads3 C5M Discovery & LB3 C6M Config & Storage3 C7M Cluster3 Metadata3 C8M 3G? $37 C9M ,4!" 7#& 2*4 C10M .7#&7 (% JD C11M ;< NO 137 C12M 13# C13M -'*$ Q@>9+7*$ C14M /' 37 C15M 7#&6 EA C16M CI/CDIH C17M -6) ServiceMesh C18M Kubernetes #!0 C19M Kubernetes 
  46. Information    Kubernetes Azure   :!:=<! ISBN-10:

    4798157848 ISBN-13: 978-4798157849 1  ,1; Kubernetes ,2; Kubernetes20/9 ,3; Kubernetes &  2  ,4; Kubernetes(+ ,5;  # ,6;  3  ,7; *-'7 ,8; .%)Availability ,9; 61)Scalability ,10; $3)Manageability ,11; "4Security ,12; .58)Observability
  47. Information Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA) ,/,. a C v kp l

    gh Y uc W ( kp l gh $$YZ W 1 no Ytcba Z rsN kp l gh 1 moei w U o l g 9CC 032EE      9CC FFF 6 4C: : 6 4 ) Certified Kubernetes Application Developer(CKAD)
  48. ! !