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Home Automation with MicroPython, the ESP8266 a...

Dale Humby
October 16, 2020

Home Automation with MicroPython, the ESP8266 and Google Home

In this IoT talk we will demo a home automation project by wiring up a switch to an ESP8266, write and load a MicroPython web service on the hardware, link it to Home Assistant.

This is a live hardware build and coding session. All hardware will be locally sourced, the instructions and code will be on GitHub.


Dale Humby

October 16, 2020

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  1. Home Automation with MicroPython, the ESP8266 and Google Home Dale

    Humby CTO, Nomanini Google Cloud Developer Expert
  2. Price ±R1,400 1.5 - 2 GHz CPU 4 GB RAM

    Gigabit Ethernet Low power < 5W 40 PIN GPIO
  3. Price ±R1,400 1.5 - 2 GHz CPU 4 GB RAM

    Gigabit Ethernet Low power < 5W 40 PIN GPIO Debian 10 / Raspberry OS Onboard WiFi + Bluetooth LE 2x mini-HDMI 2x USB2 + 2xUSB3 5V USB type-C Needs heatsink!
  4. Price ±R1,400 1.5 - 2 GHz CPU 4 GB RAM

    Gigabit Ethernet Low power < 5W 40 PIN GPIO Debian 10 / Raspberry OS Onboard WiFi + Bluetooth LE 2x mini-HDMI 2x USB2 + 2xUSB3 5V USB type-C Needs heatsink! Ubunt 20.04 / Android 9 1x full-size HDMI 4x USB3 Voltage range 5-17 V
  5. Home Assistant: Home automation Mosquitto MQTT broker: Pub/Sub protocol Prometheus:

    Time series database Grafana: Visualisation Node-Red: Flow-based software control Home Automation / IoT Stack
  6. 1,000 flashes per kWh LDR sensor (R20) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-ambient-light-sensor D1 Mini

    (R85) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-esp8266ex-nodemcu-wifi-board Screen Scrapers for Hardware Hackers
  7. 1,000 flashes per kWh LDR sensor (R20) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-ambient-light-sensor D1 Mini

    (R85) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-esp8266ex-nodemcu-wifi-board Screen Scrapers for Hardware Hackers
  8. 1,000 flashes per kWh LDR sensor (R20) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-ambient-light-sensor D1 Mini

    (R85) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-esp8266ex-nodemcu-wifi-board Screen Scrapers for Hardware Hackers
  9. 1,000 flashes per kWh ESP8266 D1 Mini LDR sensor (R20)

    https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-ambient-light-sensor D1 Mini (R85) https://www.communica.co.za/products/bmt-esp8266ex-nodemcu-wifi-board Screen Scrapers for Hardware Hackers
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP8266 https://www.espressif.com/ ESP8266 From Espressif Systems ... The Arduino killer

    32-bit CPU 80 MHz clock 160 kB RAM + 4 MB Flash Integrated WiFi + TCP/IP stack 16 GPIO pins / I2C / SPI / UART / ADC Cheap - used “everywhere”
  11. Resources MicroPython docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp8266/tutorial/intro.html Home Assistant home-assistant.io Mosquitto MQTT mosquitto.org Where

    to buy {hardware} Communica communica.co.za Build Actions on Google Assistant codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/actions-1 Dale Humby github.com/dalehumby [email protected] dalehumby.com We’re hiring nomanini.com/careers