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On the path to evolutionary architecture with APIs

On the path to evolutionary architecture with APIs

Daniel Kocot

March 30, 2023

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  1. codecentric AG Hoher Wall 15 44137 Dortmund Telefon: +49 (0)

    151. 10 86 70 74 Daniel Kocot Head of API Experience & Operations daniel.kocot@codecentric.de www.codecentric.de Innovative - Trustful - Competent - Pragmatic 2 https://linktr.ee/danielkocot
  2. When the API delivers the right datasets at the right

    time the consumers are not interested in the architecture of the API backend.
  3. Platform APIs • Use a framework the development team is

    proficient with • To create a first representation of the data • Transformation is maybe needed
  4. Service APIs 16 API as a Product Transformations Aggregations •

    Use Enterprise Integration Patterns • Apache Camel, Spring Integration, Apache Nifi, SaaS Service (e.g., Make), ... • Use again a framework the development team is proficient with • To create aggregated or composed representation of data from Platform APIs • These APIs help to create a better experience for the user
  5. “Implement an API gateway that is the single-entry point for

    all clients. The API gateway handles requests in one of two ways. Some requests are simply proxied/routed to the appropriate service. It handles other requests by fanning out to multiple services.” Chris Richardson 31
  6. 32

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  8. 39

  9. 51 References Cover Slide: Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

    Slide 2: Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash Slide 7: Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash Slide 11: Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash Slide 17: Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash Slide 18: Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash Slide 22: Photo by Omar Flores on Unsplash Slide 35: Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
  10. codecentric AG Hoher Wall 15 44137 Dortmund Telefon: +49 (0)

    151. 10 86 70 74 Daniel Kocot Head of API Experience & Operations daniel.kocot@codecentric.de www.codecentric.de Innovative - Trustful - Competent - Pragmatic 52 https://linktr.ee/danielkocot