Dasapta Erwin Irawan
Shared in the first workshop hosted virtually by the University of Sydney:
Tuesday 21 September, 9-12pm (AEST) | Maximising the impact of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
Erwin Irawan Shared in the first workshop hosted virtually by the University of Sydney: Tuesday 21 September, 9-12pm (AEST) | Maximising the impact of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
to promote open science in Indonesia. Our reasons are: - That in Indonesia, mainstream metric concepts have been passed down through generations of researchers. The process has been so fluid that researchers are now even not knowing the reasons. - Given the situation, ECRs are very fragile as they commonly have been under the supervision of senior researchers. - Most of the time, ECRs are just doing and following what their seniors say and do.
aware that ECRs need metrics to keep their career and save their position - But we also know that they are capable of doing more than that - So we advise them to also share their research as wide as possible - Publishing in journals is just one way.