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ANRT 2016: Why Didn’t METAFONT Catch On?

Dave Crossland
November 17, 2016

ANRT 2016: Why Didn’t METAFONT Catch On?

The second edition of the inter­national con­fe­rence 'automatic type design' (http://automatic-type-design.anrt-nancy.fr/en) orga­nized by the anrt, addressed the history of digital fonts, and parti­cularly metafonts, in a historical and critical pers­pective; the renewal of para­metric type­faces in new appli­cations; font production proces­ses and auto­mation of type design, the contri­bution of compu­ter sciences and document analysis to typo­graphic design; the role of design in the field of digital humanities, and new pers­pectives in responsive typography.

This presentation addressed the history of METAFONT, largely presenting my TUG Conference 2008 presentation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwPObPbk90I) that was also published as TUGBoat paper, https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/tb29-3/tb93crossland.pdf

Dave Crossland

November 17, 2016

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  13. NT TeX Nerds esfj isfj infj enfj esfp isfp infp

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