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Water Awareness for Rescue Professionals

Water Awareness for Rescue Professionals

Slides prepared for Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue (an ALSAR team) for their training on Water Awareness

David Webster

October 19, 2011

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  1. June 2011 Water Awareness for Rescue Professionals David Webster for

    Oxfordshire Lowland Search and Rescue Tuesday, 18 October 11
  2. !"#!$%&'()*% +*',-,-.% &'()*% !/'*)-)00% 1(2,0%0)00,3-4% #)'*526% 7'-8%7'0)9% #)'*52)*% :3-%#)'*526% ;<=$!%=>339%

    !55)006%&'()*% $)05?)%=,*0(% $)0@3-9)*% % ALSAR’s national policy on water training Everyone Anyone searching near water Tuesday, 18 October 11
  3. What does water awareness cover ✤ How not to become

    a victim ✤ Some other less important stuff. Tuesday, 18 October 11
  4. What does water awareness cover ✤ How not to become

    a victim ✤ Some other less important stuff. Stay out of the water HINT: Tuesday, 18 October 11
  5. River Anatomy Image from: Ventura County Sheriff's Volunteer Search &

    Rescue http://www.vcsar1.org/swchar.html Tuesday, 18 October 11
  6. River Zones ✤ 3 meters or closer = Warm zone.

    Wear PPE. Have Bank Searcher Training. DRA can increase or decrease the size of warm zone. ✤ PPE = PFD, Helmet, Whistle, Knife, Throw Rope. ✤ In moving water have Upstream spotters and Downstream safety. Tuesday, 18 October 11
  7. Why is water dangerous? ✤ It’s cold: Hypothermia, Cold Shock

    (gasp reflex). ✤ It’s powerful: knocks you off your feet, washes banks away ✤ It hides obstructions: you can get trapped. ✤ It’s often polluted: Leptospirosis, Cryptosporidium, Algae Tuesday, 18 October 11
  8. If you fall in: ✤ Do NOT try to stand

    up in moving water. ✤ Float on your back, letting PFD do the work. ✤ Feet up, pointing down stream. ✤ Look around you and listen Tuesday, 18 October 11
  9. Video ✤ Section 3: ✤ Self Survival ✤ Moral Pressure

    from Bystanders ✤ Flood Situations ✤ Dangers of Weirs ✤ Hazards near water ✤ Section 5: ✤ Survival Strategies ✤ Cardiac Response ✤ Physiological Effects of Immersion. Tuesday, 18 October 11
  10. Put the following in order, starting with the safest rescue

    option: ✤ Talk ✤ Reach ✤ Throw ✤ Row ✤ Go ✤ Helo (Helicopter) Tuesday, 18 October 11
  11. Put the following in order, starting with the safest rescue

    option: ✤ Talk ✤ Reach ✤ Throw ✤ Row ✤ Go ✤ Helo (Helicopter) Tuesday, 18 October 11
  12. Remember the basics: ✤ Water is cold, wet & heavy

    = dangerous. ✤ You can’t help someone if you become a casualty. Any Questions? Tuesday, 18 October 11