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A Methodology for Global Sensitivity Analysis o...

Damar Wicaksono
September 02, 2015

A Methodology for Global Sensitivity Analysis of Transient Code Output applied to a Reflood Experiment Model using TRACE

(Presented at the 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics, Chicago, USA, 2015)

Damar Wicaksono

September 02, 2015

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  1. Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen Laboratory for Reactor

    Physics and Systems Behaviour NURETH-16 Conference, Chicago, USA September 2, 2015 A Methodology for Global Sensitivity Analysis of Transient Code Output Applied to a Reflood Experiment Model using TRACE D. Wicaksono, O. Zerkak, and A. Pautz
  2. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 2/ 22) psi.ch/stars Revisiting OECD/NEA PREMIUM

    Benchmark Background and Motivation Problem: Simulation FEBA Reflood SETF in thermal- hydraulics code (OECD/NEA PREMIUM Benchmark) Goal: Derive the uncertainty of code (reflood) model parameters using experimental data (temperature) Steps Involved: Parameter Selection, Model Parameters Uncertainty Quantification, Uncertainty Propagation Inverted Annular Film Boiling (IAFB) Dispersed Flow (DFFB) Transitionary (Inverted Slug) TRACE Post-CHF Closure Laws in [mm] H = 4.114 [m] 26 Parameters to specify the TRACE model: 1. (4) boundary conditions (backpressure, inlet flow, etc.) 2. (9) material properties (conductivity, heat capacity, etc.) 3. (2) spacer grid model (heat transfer enhancement, pressure drop correlation) 4. (10) Post-CHF closure relations describing transfer terms of phases (IAFB wall HTC, DFFB Interf. Drag,…) 5. (1) quench temperature
  3. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 3/ 22) psi.ch/stars Revisiting OECD/NEA PREMIUM

    Benchmark Background and Motivation Problem: Simulation FEBA Reflood SETF in thermal- hydraulics code (OECD/NEA PREMIUM Benchmark) Goal: Derive the uncertainty of code (reflood) model parameters using experimental data (temperature) Steps Involved: Parameter Selection, Model Parameters Uncertainty Quantification, Uncertainty Propagation in [mm] H = 4.114 [m] FEBA Take away message from the Project: • Methodology that has large uncertainty range (minor update) on the parameter able to cover experimental results of other facility • Methodology that updated the prior distribution of a few selected parameters failed to cover experimental results of other facility • Symptom of over-fitting
  4. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 4/ 22) psi.ch/stars How do parameters

    perturbation affect code output that is a function? Background and Motivation 1. How to characterize the variation of time-dependent code output? 2. How such variations can be decomposed and apportioned to the inputs variation? Reflood Curves at mid asssembly height of 100 Monte-Carlo Samples Problem: Simulation FEBA Reflood SETF in thermal- hydraulics code (OECD/NEA PREMIUM Benchmark) Goal: Derive the uncertainty of code (reflood) model parameters using experimental data (temperature) Steps Involved: Parameter Selection, Model Parameters Uncertainty Quantification, Uncertainty Propagation To investigate how the prior distribution affects the model output and gain better understanding on (TRACE reflood) model behavior
  5. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 6/ 22) psi.ch/stars Suppose: { },

    = 1, … , = 0, … − 1 • Realizations (Code runs) • Output given at each = 0, … − 1 • Total data points × Describing the variation in functional output: Discrete Dataset Describing Variation in Functional Output (1) 1 Using a predefined scalar function • Relevant to the application • Problem-specific (max., min., saddle point, etc.) = 1 ෍ =1 − ത 2 Variations of the output described by the variance of some quantities of interest (QoI) Max. Temperature Time of Quenching (time at maximum negative curvature) Which QoI to choose?
  6. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 7/ 22) psi.ch/stars Describing the variation

    in functional output Describing Variation in Functional Output (3) How to have parsimonious description of functional data that capture the shape variation?
  7. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 8/ 22) psi.ch/stars Describing the variation

    in functional output: Covariance in Functional Dataset Describing Variation in Functional Output (4) 2 Using functional principal component analysis on functional dataset Functional Dataset: { }, = 1, … , ∈ [ , ] • Realizations (Code runs) • Output given at continuous • Total data points functions , = 1 ෍ =1 ( − ത ()) ⋅ ( − ത ()) (Co)variance in functional sense: Covariance a surface; hard to interpret Functional Principal Component Analysis (fPCA)
  8. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 9/ 22) psi.ch/stars Lower Dimension Projections

    and its relevance for data analysis fPCA: Eigenvalues and fPC scores KL is an optimal orthogonal basis functions expansion and functional Principal Component (fPC) scores contains the random character of each curves = ത + ෍ =1 ∞ ⋅ fPC scores, calculated for each reflood curve Quantities of Interest describing functional variation • Karhunen-Loève Transform (KLT) of the covariance function reads: , = ෍ =1 ∞ ⋅ ⋅ () • : Eigenvalues • : Orthogonal Eigenfunctions (fPC) = න[ − ത ] ⋅
  9. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 11/ 22) psi.ch/stars Code output variance

    can be decomposed into its contributing inputs variances Variance Decomposition Consider a model : ∈ ℝ ↦ ∈ ℝ with -dimensional inputs The High-Dimensional Model Representation (Rabitz et al.) reads: = + ෍ =1 + ෍ 1≤<≤ , + ⋯ + 12… () Univariate Bivariate Higher-order For random variable inputs with independent uniform distributions { ~ 0,1 ; = 1, … }, the Hoeffding–Sobol’ Decomposition gives the variance of : [] = ෍ =1 ~ + ෍ 1≤<≤ [~ , ] + ⋯ 1st-Order (Main) Effect (Partial variance) 2nd-Order Effect (Partial variance) Higher- order Effect Constant
  10. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 12/ 22) psi.ch/stars Sobol’ Indices gives

    quantitative measure of sensitivity globally with less model assumption Sobol’ Indices 1 , 2 , 3 = 1 + 2 + 3 1 , 2 , 3 = 1 3 + 2 0.8 + 3 20 1 , 2 , 3 = 1 ⋅ 2 + 1 ⋅ 3 + 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 Additive, Linear Additive, Non-Linear Interacting, Non-Linear Examples: Three kinds of 3-parameter model 2 Sensitivity measures from the decomposition: Sobol’ Indices Definition Meaning Main-effect (1st –order) ≡ ~ Output variance cut if fixed additive effect of each inputs separately Total Effect ≡ 1 − ~ ~ Output variance left if other than fixed total effect of with all its interactions
  11. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 13/ 22) psi.ch/stars Estimating Sobol’ indices

    by MC simulation is expensive, yet (can be more) affordable Estimating Sobol’ Indices ≡ ~ = ׭ ~ ′ , ⋅ ~ , ~ ′ − ׬ 2 ׬ 2 − ׬ 2 2 + 1-dimensional integral! Variance and Expectation can be written in integral form Monte-Carlo (MC) estimation by Sobol’ –Saltelli method (sampling - resampling): required runs = × + . Improvement by: = 1’000 # of parameters () 5 10 26 Code runs 7’000 12’000 28’000 1 Parameters Screening 2 Using Better MC Estimator A better estimator
  12. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 14/ 22) psi.ch/stars Only 10 parameters

    (of 26) are influential in the reflood temperature transient Notes on Screening • Parameter screening using the Morris Screening method • Closure laws, boundary conditions, and spacer grid model parameters are relatively influential (10 parameters) • 16 parameters are excluded from further analysis • Generate 2’000 MC samples on the 10-parameter model What does influential mean? Check run with 50 MC samples for each parameter set
  13. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 15/ 22) psi.ch/stars Simulation experiment with

    in-house scripting and open-source tools Simulation Experiment Design of Experiment Sensitivity Analysis Post-processor Functional Data Analysis Post-processor • Simple Random Sampling (SRS) • Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) • Sobol’ Sequence • Morris factorial design TRACE Launcher • Basis function expansion (B-spline) • Curve registration • Functional Principal Component Analysis • Sobol’ Indices (1st- and total) • Elementary effects • … • Parallel Execution • Output management Results Reporting Simulation experiment on TRACE reflood model to decompose mid-assembly temperature variance: • Sobol’ Indices estimated using Janon et al. estimator (1st) and Jansen est. (total) • 2’000 Sobol’ sequence samples on the 10-parameter model (24’000 TRACE runs) • 10’000 bootstrap samples for MC error assessment
  14. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 17/ 22) psi.ch/stars For 2 relevant

    static quantities in reflood, TRACE model is additive (minor interaction) Sensitivity Analysis of Static Quantities 48% 12% 8% 8% Spacer Grid 18% 24% 22% 20% Other 1st Order 10% Other 1st Order 15% Interaction 7% Interaction 9% Max. Temperature σ = 60 [K], σ = % Quenching Time σ = 61 [s], σ = % (66%) DFFB Closure Laws Bootstrap samples boxplot (CI: Confidence Interval) Median 50% 95% CI 1 Using a predefined scalar function
  15. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 18/ 22) psi.ch/stars The eigenfunctions describe

    the functional variation of a functional dataset fPCA: Eigenfunctions Eigenfunction [K] Temperature [K] 1 , 2 ≈ ෍ =1 3 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 2 Perturbation (±) around the mean by the eigenfunction assists in their interpretation Temperature Ramp Temperature Descent Quenching 55% 32% 5% KL Transform in finite series Using fPCA on functional dataset 2
  16. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 19/ 22) psi.ch/stars Temperature ramp variation

    is driven by DFFB and Grid HT parameters (no interact.) Sensitivity Analysis of 1st fPC scores • The model is additive with respect to temperature raise • Given temperature data, these parameters (and their uncertainties) by structure of the model can be estimated 21% 21% 25% 20% Other Main-Effect 5% Interaction 8% DFFB Parameters (66%) Sum of Main-Effect Indices = 92%
  17. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 20/ 22) psi.ch/stars Temperature descent variation

    is driven by the interactions of all model parameters Sensitivity Analysis of 2nd fPC Scores Small 1st-order effect: σ = % Boundary Conditions Physical Model Parameters Δ indices = Total Interaction Effect • The model is interacting w.r.t to this functional behavior • Parameters estimation might suffer from non-identifiability (non-uniqueness)
  18. (Page 21/ 22) Conclusions How do parameters perturbation affect code

    output that is a function? 1. Using a scalar function (problem specific but relevant) 2. Using functional principal component analysis (parsimonious, but less straightforward) Combining fPC and Variance-Based sensitivity analysis gives more complete description of model behavior; functional output variation and attributing these variations to the responsible input … and apply them to the OECD/NEA Benchmark Problem using TRACE… • Reducing the variation of the max. temperature and time of quenching is possible in terms of the structure of the model • Parameter interaction exists for some form of functional variation (possible non-identifiability issue, but which with which not known yet) Decompose them using Sobol’-Saltelli Method
  19. Thanks a lot for your attention Acknowledgments: • Dr. Gregory

    Perret, LRS – Paul Scherrer Institut • Dr. Carl Adamsson, Vattenfall AB • Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) • Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFM)
  20. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 23/ 22) psi.ch/stars References 1. P.

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  21. NURETH16/02.09.2015 D. Wicaksono (Page 24/ 22) psi.ch/stars References 9. A.

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