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DevGeekWeek15 - Continuous Delivery

June 23, 2015

DevGeekWeek15 - Continuous Delivery


June 23, 2015

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  1. Leading in IT Education $$$ single most important key performance

    indicator (KPI) for any commerial business
  2. Leading in IT Education Continuous Delivery A software development discipline

    where you build software in such a way that the software can be released to production at any time. -- Martin Fowler Code Build Test Release Deploy Monitor Idea Customer
  3. Leading in IT Education Continuous Delivery Reduce the cost, time

    and risk of delivering incremental changes to users. -- Jez Humble
  4. Leading in IT Education Continuous Integration Tools Jenkins CI /

    Bamboo / TeamCity CI-aaS - Travis CI / Circle CI / … magnum-ci.com / semaphoreapp.com / codeship.io / drone.io / solanolabs.com / shiningpanda-ci.com hosted-ci.com / fazend.com / appharbor.com / cloudbees.com /clinkerhq.com
  5. Leading in IT Education Continuous Integration / CD ◦ 1997

    Extreme Programming extremeprogramming.org/rules/integrateoften.html ◦ 2000 Martin Fowler martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html ◦ 2007 Paul Duvall (CI book) ◦ 2010 Jez Humble (CD book)
  6. Leading in IT Education “Between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM

    on April 25, 2013, Quora released new versions of the site 46 times. This was a normal day for us.” - Quora / April 2013 “Deployment every 11.6 seconds, 1,079 max in one hour. 10,000 mean number of hosts per deployment, with 30,000 maximum” - Amazon.com / November 2012 “On the Google Consumer Surveys team, 8 minutes after you commit code it's live in production.” - Google / June 2014 “10+ deploys per day.” - John Allspaw / June 2009
  7. Leading in IT Education Esty.com is an online marketplace for

    handmade and vintage items. Etsy.com employs 500+ people and has grown to a community of more than 25 million members and 1,000,000+ online shops who generated 1.35$ billion of sales in 2013. extfiles.etsy.com/progress-report/2013-Etsy-Progress-Report.pdf Deploying etsy.com 40+ times every day by a team of 175+ committers supporting 60+ million unique monthly visitors. youtube.com/watch?v=4pVOXLvoUyE infoq.com/news/2014/03/etsy-deploy-50-times-a-day slideshare.net/beamrider9/continuous-deployment-at-etsy-a-tale-of-two-approaches etsy.com
  8. Leading in IT Education amazon.com Business 250+ million active customer

    accounts. 1+ million active retail partners worldwide. Between 100-150 services are accessed to build a page. fool.com/investing/general/2014/05/24/how-many-customers-does-amazon-have. aspx Deployment 1,079 max deploys per hour affecting 30,000 hosts simultaneous receiving a deployment. youtube.com/watch?v=dxk8b9rSKOo
  9. Leading in IT Education 36 milliion members, more than one

    billion hours of video per month. Two billion requests per day to the API, more than a dozen billion backend requests. Developers deploy when they want. • They also manage their own capacity and autoscaling. • And fix anything that breaks at 4am. Deploys a hundred times per day, without the use of Chef or Puppet, without a quality assurance department and without release engineers. infoq.com/presentations/netflix-architecture-resilience / QCon SF 2013 infoq.com/news/2013/06/netflix netflix.com
  10. Leading in IT Education FlowCon flowcon.org youtube.com/channel/UCMk1sRo1hnTLMA3kpn6BVKg SAP - youtube.com/watch?v=NJJdPlcCYK4

    Before: monthly releases, 2 week qa cycle, late night incidents, 12 month lead time → After: bi-weekly release, <1 day qa, single-button rollback, 1 week lead time SAP.com
  11. Leading in IT Education Business HP software sells multiple categories

    of software, serving 94 of Fortune 100 companies. Third largest company in software revenue in the world. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_Software_Division Deployment 1000+ builds per day, 825,000+ change requests in a year, 100,000+ tests run daily. h30614.www3.hp.com/collateral/Barcelona2014/presentations/B5756.pdf hp.com
  12. Leading in IT Education devopsenterprise.io youtube.com/user/DOES2014 Huawei CD - youtube.com/watch?v=G_coTcbj1FU

    Before: 30 days per feature delivery, 300min prod build, 1440min full test → After: 7 days per feature delivery, 10min prod build, 360min full test Ticketmaster - youtube.com/watch?v=01gfNOwhnro Before: Bi-monthyl/Quarterly releases → After: 109 deployments in September Target.com - youtube.com/watch?v=exrjV9V9vhY 30+ APIs, 80 deployments per week, <10 incidents per month Devops Enterprise Summit
  13. Leading in IT Education slideshare.net/realgenekim/2014-state-of-devops-findings-velocity-conference Successful IT organizations • 30x

    more frequent deployments • 8000x faster lead times than peers • 12x faster Mean Time to Recover (MTTR) • 50% faster market cap. growth State of Devops 2014 Report
  14. Leading in IT Education lead time for changes release frequency

    time to restore service change fail rate How long is the delay between a request for a change, and a production system operating with that change implemented? How long does it take for an abnormal behavior in the system to be restored to the normal standard agreed way of operation? How many changes and features are being released to production in a fixed period of time? How often the system fails or service is disrupted?
  15. Leading in IT Education who? everyone! developers, devservices, managers. what?

    observe processes, decide on improvements, change for the better! when? continuously, every day! where? in development, in production, everywhere!
  16. Leading in IT Education Build Quality IN Cease dependence on

    mass inspection to achieve quality. Improve the process and build quality into the product in the first place. -- W. Edwards Deming
  17. Leading in IT Education changes for the better ◦ alerts

    with great signal to noise ratio. e.g. Google SRE notes & StackExchange Alerts ◦ standard procedures and checklists. e.g. AWS Operational Checklist ◦ practice recovery from system failures. e.g. Netflix downtime & Xbox downtime ◦ practice backup with restore to dev/test. e.g. Netflix Priam ◦ infrastructure as code & auto-healing. e.g. Antifragile Systems ◦ simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. e.g. Forrester Devops & Simple Made Easy ◦
  18. Leading in IT Education We invite you to join Operations

    Israel Facebook group on on.fb.me/Ops-IL we are hiring at jobs@devops.co.il Thank you! www.devops.co.il