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DevGeekWeek15 - Docker Clouds

DevGeekWeek15 - Docker Clouds


June 23, 2015

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  1. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. (very) short intro to

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  8. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Mesos is a Distributed

    OS kernel • Created in 2009 at UC Berkeley, hardened in Twitter • Top-level Apache project • Mesosphere, Twitter, and Airbnb are major users / contributors • Scales to 10,000s of nodes, production grade • Packages and support through Mesosphere • Google officially endorsed Mesos for Kubernetes • Built-in containerization, including Docker
  9. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Mesos - abstract resource

    manager virtual machines docker App A App A MESOS host | host | host | host | host | host
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    and how? blog.twitter.com/2012/incubating-apache-mesos nerds.airbnb.com/introducing-chronos/ dev.hubspot.com/blog/mesos-hubspot-and-the-singularity ebaytechblog.com/2014/05/12/delivering-ebays-ci-solution-with-apache-mesos-part-ii/
  11. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Marathon features • Start,

    stop, scale, update applications • Useful web interface • Highly available, no Single Point of Failure • Native Docker support (makes our lives easier) • Full featured REST API • Pluggable event bus • Rolling deploy / restart • Application health check • Artifact staging
  12. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Chronos A scheduler for

    batch and one- off jobs, the cron of mesos.
  13. Leading in IT Education .co.il www. Chronos Features • Distributed

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