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Dicoding Developer Coaching #54: Back-End | Yuk...

Dicoding Developer Coaching #54: Back-End | Yuk, Pantau Infrastruktur AWS Kamu

Saat kita mengembangkan suatu aplikasi, prosesnya tidak berakhir pada saat di-deploy saja. Akan tetapi, kita harus terus memantaunya agar aplikasi tersebut dapat berjalan dan beroperasi sesuai yang diharapkan. Ini disebut continuous monitoring.

Penasaran apa saja mekanisme monitoring yang ditawarkan AWS? Simak lebih lengkapnya pada Developer Coaching dengan poin pembahasan seperti berikut:

- Apa itu Monitoring?
- Mengapa monitoring itu penting?
- Pengenalan layanan-layanan monitoring di AWS
- Meniliki praktik monitoring di AWS

Dicoding Indonesia

July 27, 2022

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  1. Yuk, Pantau Infrastruktur AWS Kamu Dicoding Developer Coaching #54 Fikri

    Helmi Setiawan Curriculum Developer REPLACE ME (Silakan ubah dengan image yang relevan sesuai materi)
  2. Why Monitoring? • Deploying an app, doesn’t mean the work

    is done! • Having a public-facing app, means a lot things will happen: increase traffic, server down, networking attack, etc. • So, we should know how the systems are performing for the real world.
  3. Mentoring Topics Environments the application is running, such as: •

    CPU and Memory utilization. • Disk Space • Number of Read/Write I/Os Help you to detect architectural bottlenecks and do optimizations. Environment Application-specific metric, such as: • How much time those processes take to complete? • How many total active users per hour? • How much time each user spends in the platform? Helpful to find slow queries or prioritize code refactoring, to make things run faster and cheaper. Application Focuses on networking, such as: • Latency measurements • Packets per second • Other networking aspects of the operation. Very valuable, especially if you are developing applications that concern so much about latency and speed. Network
  4. Cloud Environment • Want to get insight about your infrastructure?

    ◦ Amazon CloudWatch metric and dashboard • Want to get notifications if anything happens on your infrastructure? ◦ Amazon CloudWatch alarms • Want to analyze logs from all your systems? ◦ Amazon CloudWatch logs • Want to know any API activity in your AWS account? ◦ AWS CloudTrail
  5. Application • CloudWatch Custom Metric We can create metrics that

    are specific and important to our application and business need (that not covers in CloudWatch built-in metrics), such as User signups, Page views, Request rates, etc. • AWS X-Ray Allows you to see an end-to-end view of requests as they flow through your application to get a better idea of what the customer experience is like.
  6. Networking • VPC Flow Logs ◦ The service that allows

    you to monitor network traffic that in and/or out your AWS network. ◦ VPC Flow Logs will capture information about IP traffic coming into our VPC, subnets, and any network interface (such as ELB, RDS, EC2, etc).
  7. Dicoding Dicoding Dicoding Dicoding Indonesia Contact us : Contact me

    : [email protected] REPLACE ME (Silakan ubah dengan image yang relevan sesuai materi)