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Gushed Light Field - Augmented Human 2017

Gushed Light Field - Augmented Human 2017

This slide was presented at Augmented Human 2017 long papers session.
Design Method for Gushed Light Field: Aerosol-Based Aerial and Instant Display

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Ippei Suzuki (鈴木 一平)
University of Tsukuba, School of Informatics
College of Media Arts, Science and Technology
Digital Nature Group (Yoichi Ochiai)

We present a new method to render aerial images using aerosol-based fog screens. Conventional fog screens are easily affected by air flow, and their fog generators occupy large areas. In this study, we propose to add new tradeoffs between the display time and the payloads. We employ aerosol distribution from off-the-shelf sprays as a fog screen that can resist wind and has high portability. Results showed that the minimum weight of the entire system is approximately 600 g including all components, the screen raise time is approximately 0.5s, the disappearance time is approximately 0.4 s, and the maximum wind speed at which we can project images is approximately 10 m/s. We conducted user studies on wearable applications, aerial imaging with a drone or radio-controlled model car, multi-viewpoint display, and a display embedded in the environment. This study will contribute to the exploration of new application areas for fog displays, and will augment expressions of entertainment and interactivity.

1. Ippei Suzuki Undergraduate Student, University of Tsukuba Shuntarou Yoshimitsu, Keisuke Kawahara, Nobutaka Ito, Atsushi Shinoda, Akira Ishii, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Ochiai Gushed Light Field Aerosol-Based Aerial and Instant Display Design Method for U n i v e r s i t y o f Ts u k u b a , Yo i c h i O c h i a i L a b o r a t o r y
2. How can we build lightweight midair display? Introduction 3
3. Ismo Rakkolainen et al. “The interactive fogscreen” 2005 Introduction 4 Siggraph 2005 - The Interactive Fogscreen https://youtu.be/RfmSJQuhlk4
4. Introduction 5 Fog screen is for… Fixed Large Long time "Fogscreen at N-Gage booth" by Ville Miettinen (CC BY-NC 2.0) https://flic.kr/p/dNkBS Display
5. Large Heavy Movable Introduction 6 Fog generator is … “FogScreen downloads” http://www.3dtv-research.org/publicDocs/showCase/rakkolainen/fogscreen.html 110kg (245lbs) 110cm (3.6 ft)
6. Introduction 7“FogScreen Projection screen for Hire” (CC BY 2.0) https://flic.kr/p/9uejWK
7. Large Heavy Movable How can we build lightweight midair fog display? Small Light Movable We need generator such as… Introduction 8
8. Introduction 9 Aerosol Spray
9. Introduction 10 vs.Display time Weight
10. Introduction 11 Display time Weight< In this study…
11. Introduction — Summary of Contribution 12 1. Evaluate an aerosol spray as a screen 2. Provide a design and fabrication method for the aerosol-based display 3. Enables the exploration of new application areas & expands the expression of fog display
12. Related Work 13 Passive Midair Display Free-Floating Display
13. Racing car is track. Dust. (Free photobank torange.biz) / ©torange.biz (CC BY 4.0) Fog Water dropsDisplay Composed of Water Drops; Eitoku et al. 2006 Bubbles Dust Foam beads Related Work — Passive Midair Display 14
14. Related Work — Passive Midair Display 15“FogScreen downloads” http://www.3dtv-research.org/publicDocs/showCase/rakkolainen/fogscreen.html Display Composed of Water Drops Eitoku et al. 2006 Fog screen Rakkolainen et al. 2002 The Information Percolator Heiner et al. 1999
15. Related Work — Passive Midair Display 16“FogScreen downloads” http://www.3dtv-research.org/publicDocs/showCase/rakkolainen/fogscreen.html Display Composed of Water Drops Eitoku et al. 2006 Fog screen Rakkolainen et al. 2002 The Information Percolator Heiner et al. 1999 Suited for Static & long-tern display But NOT suited for moving applications… Not enough small, heavy
16. 17 “Flying Display” Nozaki 2014 “BitDrones” Gomes et al. 2016 “Midair Displays” Schneegass et al. 2014 Related Work — Free-Floating Display
17. Implementation — Overview 18
18. Implementation — Overview 19 SpraySpraySpray ServoServoServo ArduinoArduinoArduino MirrorMirrorMirror ProjectorProjectorProjector Raspberry PiRaspberry PiRaspberry Pi Nozzle Actuator
19. Implementation — Aerosol Sprays 20 111 mm 175 mm Cooling spray 70 ml Isopentane, LPG Deodorant spray 280 ml Fatty acid salt-based deodorant, Quaternaty ammonium compounds, Ethanol , LPG
20. Implementation — Spray Nozzles 21 Nozzles for cooling spray Nozzles for deodorant spray Nozzles for graffiti Nozzles for graffiti
21. Implementation — Spray Nozzles 22 Graffiti (spray painting)
22. Implementation — Spray Actuator 23
23. Implementation — Computer 24 Spray Laser projector Servo Video signal USB serial Pin conectorPin conector Mirror Servo Raspberry Pi Arduino http://www.raspberrypi.org https://www.arduino.cc
24. Implementation — Projector 25 Portable Laser Projector seeser m1 WXGA (800 × 480) Up to 25 ANSI lumens 60 × 118 × 20 mm 148.5 g 2 hours battery life http://amzn.asia/4oy1hX4
25. Implementation — Projector 26 Servo-Controlled Mirror Earn projection distance ON/OFF Lights Make height shorter Mirror ProjectorProjector Projector
26. Implementation — Overview 27 SpraySpraySpray ServoServoServo ArduinoArduinoArduino MirrorMirrorMirror ProjectorProjectorProjector Raspberry PiRaspberry PiRaspberry Pi Nozzle Actuator
27. Evaluation — Viewing Angle 28 0° 90° 0° (a) (b) (c) 10° 20° 30° 40° Cam Source Projector Distribution ±10°
28. Evaluation — Spray Patterns 29
29. Evaluation — Spray Patterns 30 (a) 10cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm (b) (c) (d)
30. Evaluation — Spray Patterns (a) 10cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm (b) (c) (d) 31
31. Evaluation — Spray Patterns (a) 10cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm (b) (c) (d) 32 High density near nozzles but short
32. Evaluation — Spray Patterns (a) 10cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm (b) (c) (d) 33 When it is attached to a small & low-pressure spray, the width becomes narrow Optimal
33. Evaluation — Length of distribution 34
34. 35 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d) 50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Evaluation — Length of distribution
35. 36 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d) 50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Longest, moderately wide Not steady with small spray Evaluation — Length of distribution
36. 37 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d) 50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Narrow, short Evaluation — Length of distribution
37. 38 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d) 50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Evaluation — Length of distribution
38. 39 Evaluation — Wind Tolerance
39. Evaluation — Wind Tolerance 40 Gushed from above Gushed from bottom 6 m/s 10 m/s 11 m/s Wind Wind
40. Evaluation — Response Speed 41 Rise: 0.5s Disappearance: 0.4s
41. 42 Evaluation — Display Time Continuous (non-stop)
42. 43 Evaluation — Display Time Continuous (non-stop)
43. 44 Evaluation — Display Time 1 sec Gush & 1 sec Interval
44. 45 Evaluation — Display Time 1 sec Gush & 1 sec IntervalContinuous (non-stop)
45. 46 Evaluation — Display Time 1 sec Gush & 1 sec IntervalContinuous (non-stop)
46. Application — Wearable Display 47
47. Application — w/ Drone 48
48. Application — w/ Drone 49
49. Application — w/ Radio-Controlled Model Car 50
50. Application — Embedded in Environment 51 Photo by Keisuke Yasuda
51. Application — Embedded in Environment 52
52. Application — Multi-viewpoints 53[Reference] “360degreee fog projection interactive display” Yagi et al. 2011
53. Discussion — Safety Issue 54 Fire in Axe (Bodyspray) https://youtu.be/pWXfftugSBQ Spray contains Flammable gas (e.g., LPG) *This video is for illustration purposes.
54. Discussion — Safety Issue 55
55. Discussion — Spray Performance 56 More tolerance for wind More large display area Higher pressure… Shorter display time, Heavier spray But…
56. Discussion — Spray Performance 57 Fabricate nozzles & spray Use properly according to the application In future work…
57. Discussion — Narrow Viewing Angle 58 Control drone/mirrors based on results of simulation In future work…
58. Conclusion — Summary of Contribution 59 1. Evaluate an aerosol spray as a screen 2. Provide a design and fabrication method for the aerosol-based display 3. Enables the exploration of new application areas & expands the expression of fog display
59. Research Group 60 Ippei Suzuki University of Tsukuba Shuntarou Yoshimitsu Waseda University Keisuke Kawahara University of Tsukuba Nobutaka Ito The University of Tokyo Atushi Shinoda University of Tsukuba Akira Ishii University of Tsukuba Takatoshi Yoshida The University of Tokyo Prof. Yoichi Ochiai University of Tsukuba
60. Special Thanks 61 Takanari Kawasumi Technical support for Drone
61. Special Thanks 62 Contributors via Crowdfunding project https://readyfor.jp
62. Ippei Suzuki Undergraduate Student, University of Tsukuba Shuntarou Yoshimitsu, Keisuke Kawahara, Nobutaka Ito, Atsushi Shinoda, Akira Ishii, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Ochiai Gushed Light Field Aerosol-Based Aerial and Instant Display Design Method for University of Tsukuba , Yoichi Ochiai Laboratory

Digital Nature Group

March 16, 2017

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  1. Ippei Suzuki Undergraduate Student, University of Tsukuba Shuntarou Yoshimitsu, Keisuke

    Kawahara, Nobutaka Ito, Atsushi Shinoda, Akira Ishii, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Ochiai Gushed Light Field Aerosol-Based Aerial and Instant Display Design Method for U n i v e r s i t y o f Ts u k u b a , Yo i c h i O c h i a i L a b o r a t o r y
  2. Ismo Rakkolainen et al. “The interactive fogscreen” 2005 Introduction 4

    Siggraph 2005 - The Interactive Fogscreen https://youtu.be/RfmSJQuhlk4
  3. Introduction 5 Fog screen is for… Fixed Large Long time

    "Fogscreen at N-Gage booth" by Ville Miettinen (CC BY-NC 2.0) https://flic.kr/p/dNkBS Display
  4. Large Heavy Movable Introduction 6 Fog generator is … “FogScreen

    downloads” http://www.3dtv-research.org/publicDocs/showCase/rakkolainen/fogscreen.html 110kg (245lbs) 110cm (3.6 ft)
  5. Large Heavy Movable How can we build lightweight midair fog

    display? Small Light Movable We need generator such as… Introduction 8
  6. Introduction — Summary of Contribution 12 1. Evaluate an aerosol

    spray as a screen 2. Provide a design and fabrication method for the aerosol-based display 3. Enables the exploration of new application areas & expands the expression of fog display
  7. Racing car is track. Dust. (Free photobank torange.biz) / ©torange.biz

    (CC BY 4.0) Fog Water drops Display Composed of Water Drops; Eitoku et al. 2006 Bubbles Dust Foam beads Related Work — Passive Midair Display 14
  8. Related Work — Passive Midair Display 15 “FogScreen downloads” http://www.3dtv-research.org/publicDocs/showCase/rakkolainen/fogscreen.html

    Display Composed of Water Drops Eitoku et al. 2006 Fog screen Rakkolainen et al. 2002 The Information Percolator Heiner et al. 1999
  9. Related Work — Passive Midair Display 16 “FogScreen downloads” http://www.3dtv-research.org/publicDocs/showCase/rakkolainen/fogscreen.html

    Display Composed of Water Drops Eitoku et al. 2006 Fog screen Rakkolainen et al. 2002 The Information Percolator Heiner et al. 1999 Suited for Static & long-tern display But NOT suited for moving applications… Not enough small, heavy
  10. 17 “Flying Display” Nozaki 2014 “BitDrones” Gomes et al. 2016

    “Midair Displays” Schneegass et al. 2014 Related Work — Free-Floating Display
  11. Implementation — Overview 19 Spray Spray Spray Servo Servo Servo

    Arduino Arduino Arduino Mirror Mirror Mirror Projector Projector Projector Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Nozzle Actuator
  12. Implementation — Aerosol Sprays 20 111 mm 175 mm Cooling

    spray 70 ml Isopentane, LPG Deodorant spray 280 ml Fatty acid salt-based deodorant, Quaternaty ammonium compounds, Ethanol , LPG
  13. Implementation — Spray Nozzles 21 Nozzles for cooling spray Nozzles

    for deodorant spray Nozzles for graffiti Nozzles for graffiti
  14. Implementation — Computer 24 Spray Laser projector Servo Video signal

    USB serial Pin conector Pin conector Mirror Servo Raspberry Pi Arduino http://www.raspberrypi.org https://www.arduino.cc
  15. Implementation — Projector 25 Portable Laser Projector seeser m1 WXGA

    (800 × 480) Up to 25 ANSI lumens 60 × 118 × 20 mm 148.5 g 2 hours battery life http://amzn.asia/4oy1hX4
  16. Implementation — Projector 26 Servo-Controlled Mirror Earn projection distance ON/OFF

    Lights Make height shorter Mirror Projector Projector Projector
  17. Implementation — Overview 27 Spray Spray Spray Servo Servo Servo

    Arduino Arduino Arduino Mirror Mirror Mirror Projector Projector Projector Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Nozzle Actuator
  18. Evaluation — Viewing Angle 28 0° 90° 0° (a) (b)

    (c) 10° 20° 30° 40° Cam Source Projector Distribution ±10°
  19. Evaluation — Spray Patterns (a) 10cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm

    25cm 30cm (b) (c) (d) 32 High density near nozzles but short
  20. Evaluation — Spray Patterns (a) 10cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm

    25cm 30cm (b) (c) (d) 33 When it is attached to a small & low-pressure spray, the width becomes narrow Optimal
  21. 35 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d)

    50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Evaluation — Length of distribution
  22. 36 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d)

    50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Longest, moderately wide Not steady with small spray Evaluation — Length of distribution
  23. 37 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d)

    50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Narrow, short Evaluation — Length of distribution
  24. 38 (a) (b) (c) Laser source 50cm 50cm (c) (d)

    50cm 50cm *Photos are lighten composed 15 frames. Evaluation — Length of distribution
  25. 45 Evaluation — Display Time 1 sec Gush & 1

    sec Interval Continuous (non-stop)
  26. 46 Evaluation — Display Time 1 sec Gush & 1

    sec Interval Continuous (non-stop)
  27. Discussion — Safety Issue 54 Fire in Axe (Bodyspray) https://youtu.be/pWXfftugSBQ

    Spray contains Flammable gas (e.g., LPG) *This video is for illustration purposes.
  28. Discussion — Spray Performance 56 More tolerance for wind More

    large display area Higher pressure… Shorter display time, Heavier spray But…
  29. Discussion — Spray Performance 57 Fabricate nozzles & spray Use

    properly according to the application In future work…
  30. Conclusion — Summary of Contribution 59 1. Evaluate an aerosol

    spray as a screen 2. Provide a design and fabrication method for the aerosol-based display 3. Enables the exploration of new application areas & expands the expression of fog display
  31. Research Group 60 Ippei Suzuki University of Tsukuba Shuntarou Yoshimitsu

    Waseda University Keisuke Kawahara University of Tsukuba Nobutaka Ito The University of Tokyo Atushi Shinoda University of Tsukuba Akira Ishii University of Tsukuba Takatoshi Yoshida The University of Tokyo Prof. Yoichi Ochiai University of Tsukuba
  32. Ippei Suzuki Undergraduate Student, University of Tsukuba Shuntarou Yoshimitsu, Keisuke

    Kawahara, Nobutaka Ito, Atsushi Shinoda, Akira Ishii, Takatoshi Yoshida, Yoichi Ochiai Gushed Light Field Aerosol-Based Aerial and Instant Display Design Method for U n i v e r s i t y o f Ts u k u b a , Yo i c h i O c h i a i L a b o r a t o r y