a 15 year record high. This year ¾ of all graduate employers only selected students with a 2:1 or above... ...and the same companies reported an average of 80 applicants for every job.
£10,000 more in 2011...but to get that you still need to find work. If you going to get The Career you want in 3 years time you need to learn 1 Thing...
£10,000 more in 2011...but to get that you still need to find work. If you going to get The Career you want in 3 years time you need to learn 1 Thing... ...How to Beat the System and get the most from your University Experience!
hobby your passionate about and think it might be better if you shared it? Why not join or start a society…they’re a great way to meet people and learn valuable skills.
can experiment with lots of different business ideas. Most need relatively small investments and if one works then you can develop it and see what happens.
Adam Logan, Joe Tatum, The Italian Voice, Nickwheeleroz, Puzzledmonkey, Baptise Pons, Oxygeon, Alicia light, Alalscienne, Icedphotography, Matt Niemi, Epiclectic - Thanks All! Info Credits BBC News Office of National Statistics National Union of Students Prospects