Winning in Production - RubyConf AU 2016 Gold Coast
My 10 years of history lessons of what "winning in production" requires; leading to the discovery of Cloud Foundry. There is a 12 minute demo of Cloud Foundry usage that is missing from static slides here.
just worked from day 1 ▸ Institutional - consulting clients happy ▸ Financial - free to get started @DRNIC - STARKANDWAYNE.COM HEROKU - BARRIERS TO LONG-TERM PRODUCTION ▸ Technical - how does it work when not working? ▸ Institutional - public cloud?! ▸ Financial - $35 dyno on $5 worth of AWS server
Technical - open source ▸ Institutional - run in own data centre ▸ Financial - deploy OSS, Pivotal CF, or IBM BlueMix Local ▸ Production - same experience from Month 1 to Month 60