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EduCloud Alliance – Standardising digital learning resource market

EduCloud Alliance
March 18, 2015

EduCloud Alliance – Standardising digital learning resource market

Presentation at the European Commission ET2020 Working Group on Digital and Online Learning

EduCloud Alliance

March 18, 2015


  1. EduCloud Alliance – Standardising digital learning resource market Counsellor of

    Education Thomas Vikberg WG Digital and Online Learning 18.3.2015
  2. Government • National objectives for education • Subjects and time

    allocation Board of Education • Core Curriculum • Coordinator of national development of educatio Education Providers • Mostly muncipalities, ~98% of pupils • Local curriculums • Employers of teachers Schools • School specific curriculums • Led by principal Teachers • Choose their own working methods
  3. National efforts to digitalise education (uncomplete) Targeted state grants and

    programs Support programs for compan National Core Curriculu Digitalisation of the Matriculation Examinati Digital Curriculum Tool Targeted state grants Reports and working gro Registry of Verified Competence
  4. Now • A consortium of interested parties, due tomorrow –

    Ministry of Education and Culture – Companies (eg. publishers, platform providers, ict compan – Universities – Non-profit organisations • Jointly agree on a de facto standard (ECA) to provide interoperability • Joint collaboration with Estonia – Memorandum of Understanding signed in Jan. 2014
  5. Reference platform • The consortium will lead the development of

    a 100% open source ECA compatible reference solution • Serves as a pilot for the ECA standard and a model for derivatives
  6. Due 2016 • Easy to use national single sign on

    (SSO) especially targeted for minors • Several distribution channels that are ECA compliant – Easy access to digital learning resources – Different business models • Opportunities for teachers to exchange ideas
  7. Technical Development Bazaar CMS API KnowHow API GetInspired API Payments

    management API License management API API Management API EduCloud SSO EduCloud Role Manage ment Customer Services Management Services Infra services BZR API Data storage Security Server (X- Road) Adapter Server ”Government driven”
  8. Thank you! More information • Senior Advisor Jarkko Moilanen, [email protected]

    • http://www.educloudalliance.org (mostly in Finnish) • Source code: https://github.com/educloudalliance/ • Presentations: https://speakerdeck.com/educloudalliance • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=6671440 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/educloudallianc