./test_dram_dma The slot appears loaded, but the pci vendor or device ID doesn't match the expected values You may need to rescan the fpga with fpga-describe-local-image -S 0 -R Note that rescanning can change which device file in /dev/ a FPGA will map to. To remove and re-add your edma driver and reset the device file mappings, run `sudo rmmod edma-drv && sudo insmod <aws-fpga>/sdk/linux_kernel_drivers/edma/edma-drv.ko` 2017-09-23T21:44:45.594093Z, test_dram_dma, ERROR, test_dram_dma.c +97: check_slot_config( The PCI vendor id and device of the loaded image are not the expected values. 2017-09-23T21:44:45.594150Z, test_dram_dma, ERROR, test_dram_dma.c +149: dma_example(): sl config is not correct 2017-09-23T21:44:45.594154Z, test_dram_dma, ERROR, test_dram_dma.c +58: main(): DMA exampl failed