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The FullStack Education Paradox

The FullStack Education Paradox

In this talk Hannes, who is a young lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, will share the story on how his department (now 6 years old) evolved, and what they did to address at least a dozen issues they had with their department within the academic system.

Hannes is passionate about teaching. At his university there is a department dedicated to web engineering, so he is lucky enough to teach something fancy and new every year, but the basics of computer science still need to be explored in the courses.

At Hannes' department they are deeply in love with new technologies and they try to be as progressive as possible. Node.js/io.js, Ruby on Rails, Continuous Delivery with docker, agile workflows and all the stuff you have never heard of during your computer science classes, are part of their identity. The department's goal is to teach people everything they need to become a full-stack developer someday.

This talk explores topics such as getting science and economics together, how they translate theoretical computer science topics into something useful for web developers, and how they manage to not be like any other academic institution.

Hannes Moser

October 27, 2015

More Decks by Hannes Moser

Other Decks in Education


  1. 6

  2. Where is the !? 4 Web development is not an

    important part of Computer Science. 4 Learning programing might not even be part of computer science at all! 4 Most of the technology we use as web developers, has been invented/researched 20 years ago. 4 The FullStack developer is a myth6 6 http://andyshora.com/full-stack-developers.html 15
  3. Where is the !? Languages used in computer science programs

    4 1990: Modula, LISP, Prolog, Smalltalk 4 1993: Ada, Occam, Smalltak 4 1995: Java, Java, Java 4 1998: Java, Java, Java 4 2000: Java, Java, Java 4 2005: Java, Java, Java 4 2013: Java, Java, Java 16
  4. Where is the !? The good news 4 Python as

    first language (at some universities) 4 Acceptance of script languages 17
  5. Formal education systems They have got a bad reputation: 4

    Not innovative 4 Bureaucracy 4 Teaching the wrong stuff 4 Theory over Applied Sciences 19
  6. Formal education systems But there are some positive things too:

    4 An environment dedicated to learn 4 You get time to learn (years) 4 Intense networking 4 You can build relationships that last a lifetime 20
  7. Formal education systems “Still today you can't go to college

    and expect to graduate with a degree in front-end engineering.” — Front-end Handbook 21
  8. Formal education systems But it might not be for everybody:

    4 Learn about stuff you do not want to know 4 You already know all that stuff (or you at least think so) 22
  9. Informal education systems 4 Rails Girls & Rails Girls Summer

    of Code8 4 Nodeschool 4 Open Tech School 4 Mentorship Programs 4 … 8 Anika Lindtner – „Getting more Women in Open Source“ 23
  10. Informal education systems But this might not be enough for

    some students: 4 Limited time (1 day to 1 month) 4 Limited to certain technology 24
  11. First time using a scripting language const Singleton = (function

    () { let instance function createInstance() { const object = new Object(„I am the instance“) return object } return { getInstance() { if (!instance) { instance = createInstance() } return instance } } })() 28
  12. After using it for some time export default Object.freeze({ method()

    {…} }) AWWWWESOME! cause modules are singeltons. 5 5 http://www.2ality.com/2014/09/es6-modules-final.html 30
  13. 32

  14. The Stack How we teach it: 4 Focus on applied

    development (projects) 4 Try to pick the best parts from Computer Science 4 Make progressive technology choices 34
  15. The Stack First things first 4 Introduction to (Web-)Programing 4

    Introduction to Databases 4 Introduction to Computer Networks 4 Algorithms & Data Structures 4 Applied Mathematics 35
  16. The Stack Additional courses 4 A statically typed language (C#)

    4 Multimedia systems 4 Computer Graphics 36
  17. The Stack Second year 4 Front-end Development (ECMAScript2015, CSS) 4

    Back-end Development (Ruby on Rails, Node.js) 4 Content Management Systems 4 Interaction Design 4 Workflows & Operations (DevOps) 4 Software Project Management 37
  18. The Stack Computer Science 4 Design Patterns 4 Cryptography 4

    Concurrent & Distributed Systems 4 Writing a Scientific Paper 39
  19. The Stack Final year 4 Internship (3-5 months) 4 Final

    (interdisciplinary) project 4 Bachelor thesis 40
  20. The Stack What can you do with this knowledge? 4

    Concept Development 4 First Project 41
  21. The Stack – Results vidatio 4 Open Government Data 4

    Semi-automatic visualization 4 Autocorrection for input data 4 In cooperation with the city of Salzburg https://vidatio.mediacube.at/ 42
  22. The Community 4 Salzburg Webdev Meetup 4 Visiting local companies

    4 2-3 Talks 4 Barcamp "the next web" 4 Web development conference 4 Field trips 46
  23. Barcamp “the next web” 4 Classic barcamp format 4 Twice

    a year 4 120 developers 4 … https://barcamp-sbg.at 47
  24. 48

  25. 50

  26. Field trips 4 Mozilla Festival London 4 EuRuKo 4 JSUnconf

    4 Trivago Hackathon 4 … Invite Us! Contact Contact Hannes Moser 51
  27. 52

  28. 60

  29. You should teach what you are really into 4 Frontend:

    ECMAScript 2015, CSS Modules, React 4 Backend: Ruby on Rails, Node.js 4 Tooling: GitHub, Browserify, Webpack, CI/CD 4 TDD, BDD 4 Operations → *NIX, Docker, Databases, Scalable Architectures 64
  30. If you don't care about my university in particular, you

    can still… 4 be a mentor to others 4 offer paid internships 4 and share your knowledge 68
  31. You should be able to study Web Development at a

    university near you 4 If you are a student. Demand it! 4 If you are a developer. Offer it! 4 If you are in academia. Get over Java! 70
  32. Links 4 Hannes Moser 4 GitHub 4 Twitter 4 MultiMediaTechnology

    4 University of Applied Sciences Salzburg 73