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How we built TechLadies in Asia

How we built TechLadies in Asia

Updated version of the talk given at Ruby Malaysia 2017, presented at AWS Asian Women's Association (https://aawa.info/) in Jun 2019.

In this talk, I’ll share the lessons learned from building a 2700-member community and teaching programming skills to 500 women and kickstarted 11 ladies’ careers in engineering roles.

Elisha Tan

June 01, 2019

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    | Opportunity Go Meet Study Coding Weekend Tech Talks Bootcamp Go Meet
  2. TechLadies.co Community | Education | Opportunity Study Coding Weekend Tech

    Talks Bootcamp Go Meet Community | Education | Opportunity
  3. TechLadies.co Community | Education | Opportunity Bootcamp Tech Talks Study

    Coding Weekend Go Meet Community | Education | Opportunity
  4. TechLadies.co Exploration Figuring out if tech industry is for them

    Investment Spending significant amount of time to gain employable skills Commitment Actively searching for employment Women’s journey into the tech industry Community Education Opportunity Study Group - Full stack, starting from front-end - Bi-Weekly Meet - Topic synced with Study - Once every 2 months Bootcamp - 15 weeks, part time Go - Ad-hoc basis Coding Weekend - Held overseas yearly Tech Talks - Held once overseas
  5. TechLadies.co 5 lessons from building TechLadies • Good people +

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  6. TechLadies.co “I was extremely lost and my self- confidence fell

    tremendously after being kicked out from NUS Masters programme two years ago. Today, I am here standing up again to pursue my new-found dream.” Oon Xin Tian Frontend Developer, Meiro
  7. TechLadies.co Join the movement to increase gender diversity in tech

    Start TechLadies in your city! elisha@techladies.co