Technical configurations for batch loads (dataloads) • New technical service initiatives using automation • Vendor and staff training • Linked data project • Some additional responsibilities
WebBridge (So what is a ‘link resolver’ anyway?) A system that uses OpenURL protocol to parse metadata sent over the Web Allows users to find all available copies of an electronic resource. link resolver
assigns external users a local IP that is recognized by e-resource vendors Provides off-site users access to library resources EZProxy WAM proxy server
on the job • An interest in new technologies and tools • Flexibility and adaptability to a changing environment • Ability to work within a team environment and actively promote collaboration • And experience with some of the following:
a Unix/Linux environment • Web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML/XSLT • Web services such as SOAP, REST and other XML- based APIs • Structured programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python, Java • Library data formats and standards such as MARC, Dublin Core, METS, MODs • Proxy servers and/or authentication and authorization services
• Codecademy (free) • Library Juice Academy • Women’s Coding Collective (Boston area) • Freely available webinars & slides • Continuing Education classes • Social media • Learn from mentors, colleagues, and friends • Find a safe space and play! Most important—don’t be scared to try!
Boston College Alison Thornton Technical Services Systems Support Librarian Metadata Management Harvard Library