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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Syst...

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Systems Librarianship (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Presentation given at New England Library Association Annual Conference October 27, 2015 by Emily Singley and Alison Thornton

Emily Singley

October 26, 2015

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    WERE AFRAID TO ASK) Emily Singley, Boston College Alison Thornton, Harvard University NELA Conference October 27, 2015
  2. What we are going to cover • What is a

    systems librarian? • What we do • What skills do you need? • And where can you get them • Questions
  3. What Alison does all day “the hybrid systems librarian” •

    Technical configurations for batch loads (dataloads) • New technical service initiatives using automation • Vendor and staff training • Linked data project • Some additional responsibilities
  4. Linked data project • So what is linked data, anyway?

    • Nuremberg medical trials • Authority work • Data clean up using Google Refine • Creation of triples • Triplestore
  5. Some additional responsibilities • Z39.50 technical configurations & troubleshooting •

    Cataloging tools management • Search & Discovery Education Working Group
  6. What Emily does all day  ILS  discovery system

     proxy server  link resolver  ILL system  website
  7. What I do in ILS • Set staff permissions •

    Configure loan rules • Run batch jobs • Run reports
  8.  Ex Libris SFX  ProQuest 360 Link  Innovative

    WebBridge (So what is a ‘link resolver’ anyway?)  A system that uses OpenURL protocol to parse metadata sent over the Web  Allows users to find all available copies of an electronic resource. link resolver
  9. Metadata Full text http://alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/uresolver/01BC_ INST/openurl?ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_id=10_1&ctx_tim=2015-10- 13T21%3A19%3A38IST&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&url_ctx_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&url_ver= Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/primo.exlibrisgroup.com-

    gale_ofa&req_id=&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx: &rft.genre=article&rft.atitle=SFX%2C+information +needs%2C+the+academic+library%2C+and+its +user.%28SFX+bt+Ex+Libris+OpenURL+link+re solver%29%28Report%29&rft.jtitle=Library+Philos ophy+and+Practice&rft.btitle=&rft.aulast=&rft.auinit =&rft.auinit1=&rft.auinitm=&rft.ausuffix=&rft.au=Bar ner%2C+Keren&rft.aucorp=&rft.date=20120601&rf t.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.part=&rft.date=20120601 &rft.quarter=&rft.ssn=&rft.spage=&rft.epage=&rft.p ages=&rft.artnum=&rft.issn=1522-0222&rft.eissn OpenURL
  10. (So what is a proxy server, anyway?)  Server that

    assigns external users a local IP that is recognized by e-resource vendors  Provides off-site users access to library resources  EZProxy  WAM proxy server
  11. # EBSCOhost (OCLC 2015-04-10) Title EBSCOhost URL http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx HJ eds.a.ebscohost.com

    HJ eds.b.ebscohost.com HJ eds.c.ebscohost.com HJ eds.d.ebscohost.com HJ eds.e.ebscohost.com HJ ehis.ebscohost.com HJ eoncontent.ebscohost.com HJ m.ebscohost.com HJ openurl.ebscohost.com ProQuest (OCLC 2015-04-10) HTTPHeader X-Requested-With T ProQuest U http://search.proquest.com/ip NeverProxy flow.proquest.com NeverProxy order.proquest.com NeverProxy rss.proquest.com DJ proquest.com HJ proquest.umi.com HJ sanborn.umi.com DJ umi.com DJ conquest-leg-insight.com # SAGE Publications (OCLC 2013-10-28 with update) Title Sage Publications URL http://online.sagepub.com HJ online.sagepub.com HJ sagepub.com DJ sagepub.com Find url = "http:// Replace url = "http://^A Find url = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.host Replace url = "http://^Aonline.sagepub.com" # Project Muse (HJ muse.jhu.edu is discontinued on 5/1/2015) T Project Muse U http://muse.jhu.edu HJ muse.jhu.edu HJ https://muse.jhu.edu DJ muse.jhu.edu EZProxy stanzas
  12. • Willingness to try new things • Ability to learn

    on the job • An interest in new technologies and tools • Flexibility and adaptability to a changing environment • Ability to work within a team environment and actively promote collaboration • And experience with some of the following:
  13. • Library systems and tools • Web application development in

    a Unix/Linux environment • Web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML/XSLT • Web services such as SOAP, REST and other XML- based APIs • Structured programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Python, Java • Library data formats and standards such as MARC, Dublin Core, METS, MODs • Proxy servers and/or authentication and authorization services
  14. How (and where) can I learn new skills? • Lynda.com

    • Codecademy (free) • Library Juice Academy • Women’s Coding Collective (Boston area) • Freely available webinars & slides • Continuing Education classes • Social media • Learn from mentors, colleagues, and friends • Find a safe space and play! Most important—don’t be scared to try!
  15. Questions? Thank you! Emily Singley Head Librarian, Systems & Applications

    Boston College emily.singley@bc.edu Alison Thornton Technical Services Systems Support Librarian Metadata Management Harvard Library alison_thornton@harvard.edu