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GenStage in Practice

Evadne Wu
January 24, 2018

GenStage in Practice

Our GenStage use case: a Postgres based job queue

Evadne Wu

January 24, 2018

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  1. Me Programmer ➤ Primary languages: Elixir & C/Obj-C ➤ Day

    job: Head of Exam Systems @ Faria Education Group ➤ Managed Services (for customers) ➤ Internal Components (for other teams) ➤ UK based team of 3
  2. Our Use Case 2.5m documents in legacy solution which goes

    EOL in 2 weeks. Replacement system is ready, but still waiting for data load. We need a migration pipeline that works quickly, so in case of mishaps, we can re-run the whole migration multiple times. (Subtext: spending less time preserves optionality.)
  3. Interim Solutions 1st Solution: Single-threaded Ruby migrator 2nd Solution: Ruby

    migrator with Sidekiq, 48 cores 3rd Solution: Ruby migrator as SQS consumer, 100+ cores
  4. Problems Low Performance due to additional overhead in handling API

    tokens, HTTPS traffic, marshalling/un-marshalling, etc. Threading Problems in Ruby… (which requires no further explanation) No Coordinated Rollbacks when migration fails partially; if the code crashes before it hits the deletion handler, there will be no deletion. Inherent Complexity in the legacy service which forced us to push every single document through a Headless Chrome process to extract JSONs
  5. Non-Problems Lack of Observability by spreading ingestion across 2 services.

    This means an additional Web UI to build just so progress can be monitored!
  6. Final Solution Elixir in Anger! Our replacement service is already

    written in Elixir, so theoretically, by conducting the entire ingestion process within our service as a separate module, we could eliminate problems #1, #2 and #3. Also replaced the roundtrip to/from Headless Chrome with a small regex which sped things up quite a lot. New Importer does the same thing in 320 lines of Elixir code.
  7. with \ {:ok, %{body: body}} <- HTTPoison.get(url), [{"script", _, [content]}]

    <- Floki.find(body, "script:last-child"), [_, json] <- Regex.run(regex, content), {:ok, objects} = Poison.decode(json) do {:ok, objects} end
  8. Polling Producer GenStage Producers always fulfil demand based on consumer

    status. Pitfall: when the queue is emptied but there is pending demand, the Producer should still periodically check if any pending demand can be fulfilled, hence polling. Without this mechanism processing will cease once all pending demand is fulfilled.
  9. def init(state) do {:producer, state} end def handle_demand(incoming_demand, state) do

    pending_demand = state.demand demand = incoming_demand + pending_demand address_demand(demand, state) end def handle_info(:poll, state) do pending_demand = state.demand address_demand(pending_demand, state) end
  10. defp address_demand(limit, state) do {count, events} = take_events(limit, state) unmet_demand

    = limit - count to_state = %{state | demand: unmet_demand} if unmet_demand > 0 do interval = case count do 0 -> round(:rand.uniform * 5000 + 5000) _ -> round(:rand.uniform * 1000 + 1000) end {:noreply, events, poll_after(to_state, interval)} else {:noreply, events, poll_clear(to_state)} end end
  11. defp poll_after(%{poll_timer: nil} = state, desired_interval) do timer_ref = Process.send_after(self(),

    :poll, desired_interval) %{state | poll_timer: timer_ref} end defp poll_after(state, desired_interval) do Process.cancel_timer(state.poll_timer) timer_ref = Process.send_after(self(), :poll, desired_interval) %{state | poll_timer: timer_ref} end
  12. defp poll_clear(%{poll_timer: nil} = state) do state end defp poll_clear(state)

    do Process.cancel_timer(ref) %{state | poll_timer: nil} end
  13. Explanation Address all incoming demand immediately ➤ Precise implementation left

    to module user If there is leftover demand that is not fulfilled, start a poll cycle ➤ If none of the demand is fulfilled, poll in 5–10 seconds ➤ If some of the demand is fulfilled, poll in 1–2 seconds Clear existing timer references whenever polling
  14. Database Layout ➤ Import Producer uses PollingProducer and overrides take_events

    ➤ Import Producer uses SELECT FOR UPDATE to claim rows for processing ➤ Each Import is backed by one tuple in the imports table
  15. CREATE TYPE import_status_type AS ENUM( 'pending', 'processing', 'processed', 'failed' );

    CREATE TABLE service_imports ( id uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL, status import_status_type DEFAULT 'pending'::import_status_type NOT NULL, … );
  16. Retries ➤ Any good task queue will need a way

    to handle retires ➤ Essentially, a simple SQL query problem at small scale ➤ Automatic exponential backoff ➤ Plus: automatic revival of dead (stuck) jobs
  17. f(n) = n4 + 15 + 30 * r *

    n where 0 ≤ r ≤ 1
  18. defmacro retry_fragment do retry_component = "coalesce(metadata- >>'retries', '0')::int4" retry_formula =

    "pow(#{retry_component}, 4) + 15 + 30 * random() * (1 + #{retry_component})" retry_after = "utc_now() - ((#{retry_formula}) * interval '1 second')" quote do fragment(unquote(retry_after)) end end
  19. select_query = Model |> where([i], i.status == "pending") |> or_where([i],

    i.status == "processing" and i.started_at < fragment("utc_now() - interval '5 minute'")) |> or_where([i], i.status == "failed" and (is_nil(i.ended_at) or i.ended_at < retry_fragment()) and 32 > retry_component_fragment()) |> select([i], i.id) |> limit(^limit) |> lock("FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED")
  20. Repo.transaction(fn -> ids = Repo.all(select_query) update_query = Model |> where([i],

    i.id in ^ids) {count, events} = Repo.update_all update_query, [set: [status: "processing"]], [returning: true] end)
  21. Consumer Supervisor ➤ We explicitly mark the Workers as “restart:

    :temporary” to work around an idiosyncrasy which kills the Consumer Supervisor… ➤ Further investigation needed ➤ We also changed default min/max demand in Consumer Supervisor ➤ “As child processes terminate, the supervisor will accumulate demand and request more events once :min_demand is reached” ➤ Default max_demand is 1,000; min_demand is 50% of max_demand
  22. def start_link(args \\ []) do ConsumerSupervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, args) end def init(_)

    do children = [worker(Worker, [], restart: :temporary)] min_demand = 6 * System.schedulers_online max_demand = 8 * System.schedulers_online subscription = [{Producer, min_demand: min_demand, max_demand: max_demand}] {:ok, children, [strategy: :one_for_one, subscribe_to: subscription]} end
  23. Explicit Timeout ➤ Some tasks may take a while to

    run and you’d not want to have timers everywhere, so we decided to wrap a stateless module in a Worker ➤ Therefore the Worker is actually just a runner, and uses another Task Supervisor and Task.yield to enforce timeouts ➤ Worker is responsible for updating contexts ➤ We also want stack traces in case of exits or exceptions
  24. # Get current stack trace for a given process #

    then format it defp stacktrace_for(pid) do pid |> Process.info(:current_stacktrace) |> elem(1) |> Enum.map(&Exception.format_stacktrace_entry/1) end
  25. defp mark_event_failed(event, reason, metadata \\ []) do updates = Map.merge(%{

    error: reason, retries: (event.metadata["retries"] || 0) + 1 }, Map.new(metadata)) to_metadata = Map.merge(event.metadata, updates) update_event(event, %{ status: "failed", ended_at: DateTime.utc_now, metadata: to_metadata }) end
  26. # Worker def start_link(event) do mark_event_processing(event) Task.start_link(fn -> supervisor =

    TaskSupervisor task = Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(supervisor, fn -> run_event(event) # {:ok, result} | {:error, reason} end) task_response = Task.yield(task, @timeout) handle_task_response(task, task_response) end) end
  27. # Task.yield returns nil # which means task is still

    running and has timed out defp handle_task_response(task, nil) do stacktrace = stacktrace_for(task.pid) _ = Task.shutdown(task) mark_event_failed(event, :timeout, stacktrace: stacktrace) end
  28. defp handle_task_response(_, {:ok, {:ok, context}}), do: mark_event_processed(event, context) defp handle_task_response(_,

    {:ok, {:error, reason}}) when is_atom(reason), do: mark_event_failed(event, Atom.to_string(reason)) defp handle_task_response(_, {:ok, {:error, reason}}), do: mark_event_failed(event, inspect(reason)) defp handle_task_response(_, {:exit, reason}), do: mark_event_failed(event, inspect(reason))
  29. Outcome ➤ Migrated the whole dataset two times in December

    ➤ Another time in January 2018 ➤ Break/Fix included — due to higher performance, we were able to use time saved on investigating all corner cases ➤ “Smoothest deployment ever”, says customer ➤ Conclusion: GenStage saved our asses. Thank you!