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Fearless Concurrency with JavaScript and Beyond

Evadne Wu
October 06, 2018

Fearless Concurrency with JavaScript and Beyond

Evadne Wu

October 06, 2018

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  1. Fearless Concurrency
 with JavaScript & Beyond Evadne Wu Head of

    Exam Systems, Faria Education Group ev@radi.ws twitter.com/evadne revised 5 October 2018
  2. Concurrency Parallelism Concurrency: multiple tasks run It is possible to

    have concurrency on even a single thread. Parallelism: multiple tasks run at the same time True parallelism is not possible without multiple concurrently active execution contexts, and can be extremely fragile in code written for Web applications. ≠
  3. Some Benefits of Parallelisation Jank Reduction Frees up the main

    thread to respond to user input, resulting in a snappier experience. Additional executors might also be used to wrap otherwise synchronous operations, as long as the underlying platform allows. Better Utilisation of Resources Additional execution contexts can better utilise available cores when there is a non- trivial amount of work to be done on the client.
  4. Parallelisation Pitfalls Parallelisation might have diminishing returns, because parts of

    the work cannot be parallelised. Essentially true for things that will be shown to the end user (in the UI). Breaking work down into multiple pieces might introduce additional overhead. This results in a net increase of processing time and could make things worse!
  5. Theoretical speedup is always limited by the part of the

 that cannot benefit from the improvement. Amdahl’s Law [1967] Slatency(s) = 1 (1 − p) + p s
  6. Preemption vs Event-Driven Single Context: setTimeout / Promise / Callbacks

    No Parallelism. Event-driven. No pre-emption. Multiple Contexts: Channel Messaging API Parallelism. Preemption possible.
  7. Command & Control The script running in your Document (main

    execution context) is responsible for managing the Control Flow. It can spawn multiple execution contexts, or just schedule work to be done. It has to aggregate work results and present these to the end user.
  8. Cross-Context Messaging Each separate Execution Context needs to start somewhere.

    They need to be seeded with work to be done, and they need to convey the results back. This is usually done with the Channel Messaging API (postMessage calls and message events).
  9. Data Movement in Messaging worker.postMessage(message, [transfer]); The data may be

    any value or JavaScript object handled by the structured clone algorithm, which includes cyclical references.
  10. Data Movement in Messaging worker.postMessage(message, [transfer]); An optional array of

    Transferable objects to transfer ownership of. But bitmap support isn’t everywhere yet.
  11. Design Considerations Cancellation (Pre-Emption) of Unwanted Work If the user

    no longer wants to do something, in-progress work can be cancelled. Isolation & Handling of Errors Instead of doing everything in a single Worker, consider a supervision tree, which allows cleaner code, partial failures/restarts and general isolation of failures.
  12. What if the Worker is stuck in a bad state

    or too busy to be cancelled? Bad Example: the lone Worker Document Worker
  13. Caveat > Any sufficiently complicated concurrent program in another language

    contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Erlang. Robert Virding [2008]
  14. Think First Can the Problem be designed away? Maybe the

    Problem should be dealt with server-side? Can the Problem actually be dealt with concurrently? Amdahl’s Law, etc. — maybe only parts of the Problem can be solved concurrently? Additional complexity needs to be justified.
  15. Divide & Conquer Measure twice and cut once. Be conscious

    of both execution and maintenance overhead. Use Promises to manage control flow. Resolve the appropriate Promise in message event handlers, to avoid nested callbacks or other complications. Allows maintenance of a single-threaded illusion — part affordance and part burden.
  16. Demo 1: Sleep Sort Messages are causally ordered and buffered.

    What’s sent first will be received first. Busy workers cause buildup of messages. Web Workers are not threads. You can create many, many more Workers than the number of threads that a healthy system is capable to support. System stability may suffer, though, and additional Workers might block/fail on creation since Workers are implemented with Threads which may be subject to quota.
  17. Demo 2: Parallelisation Overhead There is a mechanical cost to

    parallelisation You need to spend time setting up and tearing down contexts, aggregating results, and so on. There is also a mental cost to parallelisation At least in Web applications, parallelisation is not straightforward and usually carry quite a big maintenance burden.
  18. Demo 3: Error Isolation iFrames are currently run within the

    same context. Unlike Web Workers, there is no true isolation between the host document and its iFrames. Chrome’s ongoing work on top-level document isolation is supposed to help with this though. Cancelling something is as important as running it A Web application that can’t regulate itself is an app that goes “Aw Snap”.
  19. Demo 4: Teasing the Compositor Audio/Visual things are hard to

    parallelise There is only one compositor per document at this time. Even in case of each iFrame being driven from a separate process, composition is non-trivial. Some things can’t be poly-filled You can fake the illusion of a feature, like Offscreen Canvas, but reality catches up with you, eventually. Sometimes it is never as good as native.
  20. Demo 5: iFrame Spawnfest If you really need to use

    iFrames, don’t draw anything Even the simplest thing can slow down in great numbers. Don’t use iFrames for concurrency They are not isolated from each other. You can use multiple windows, though, as long as the browser does not decide to offload or throttle background contexts.
  21. Reference: Slide & Code Jake Archibald
 “In the Loop” (2018).

    Singapore: JS Conf Asia. Conference Talk. Evadne Wu
 Examples shown. GitHub Repository.
  22. Reference: Documentation MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) Web Docs.
 Channel Messaging

    API. The Chromium Projects
 Chromium Security — Site Isolation.
 Chromium Design Document — Site Isolation.
 Blink Workers. WHATWG
 Living Standard for Web Workers.
  23. Reference: Miscellaneous Source Code Locations Firefox: dom/workers WebKit: webkit/Source/WebCore/workers Blink:

    See “Worker Code Locations” in Blink Workers. Bugs etc. Blink: Can’t start nested workers (#31666)