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Lobbying with Elixir: Real-Time LiveView & OTP

Evadne Wu
October 11, 2019

Lobbying with Elixir: Real-Time LiveView & OTP

Learn how LiveView can supercharge your new service idea, with an example project which maintains game lobbies.

In this talk, you will learn from a constructed example how LiveView can supercharge your new service idea, with an example project which maintains online game lobbies. Follow us on a journey of Phoenix, LiveView and OTP. Walk away with weeks of your life now freed up for doing new things.

The expressive power of Phoenix LiveView has now been widely acknowledged by the community, with various teams adopting it within projects. This talk aims to provide an end-to-end view as to how it can supercharge your development process, by first constructing the design of a full-stack service with OTP, and then comparing various User Interface implementation strategies, inclusive of LiveView, Channels + Vue.js, and hand-crafted HTML/JS, among other approaches.

I will also cover various implementation strategies for integrating stateful backend services with front-end layers, which will make evident why the combination of LiveView and OTP primitives could provide you best bang for the buck.

Evadne Wu

October 11, 2019

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  1. Lobbying with Elixir: Real-Time LiveView & OTP Evadne Wu Head

    of Exam Systems, Faria Education Group ev@radi.ws twitter.com/evadne revised 11 October 2019
  2. Myself I’m here to explain why you should use Elixir.

    Inquiries: ev@radi.ws Arguments: twitter.com/evadne
  3. Problem: Lobby Management Lobbies are waiting areas for prospective gamers

    Lobbies have teams and slots Lobbies can change state Users can join lobbies as players or spectators
  4. Lobby: Initial State Team 1 Role Type Team 2 Empty

    Slot Scout 1 Empty Slot Empty Slot Scout 2 Empty Slot Empty Slot Soldier 1 Empty Slot Empty Slot Soldier 2 Empty Slot Empty Slot Demo Empty Slot Empty Slot Medic Empty Slot
  5. Lobby: Slot Acquisition Team 1 Role Type Team 2 Player

    1 Scout 1 Player 1 Empty Slot Scout 2 Player 2 Player 3 Soldier 1 Empty Slot Player 4 Soldier 2 Empty Slot Empty Slot Demo Player 5 Player 6 Medic Player 6 Users acquire Slots
  6. Lobby: Launched when Full Team 1 Role Type Team 2

    Player 1 Scout 1 Player 1 Player 2 Scout 2 Player 2 Player 3 Soldier 1 Player 3 Player 4 Soldier 2 Player 4 Player 5 Demo Player 5 Player 6 Medic Player 6
  7. Lobby: Launched when Full Team 1 Role Type Team 2

    Player 1 Scout 1 Player 1 Player 2 Scout 2 Player 2 Player 3 Soldier 1 Player 3 Player 4 Soldier 2 Player 4 Player 5 Demo Player 5 Player 6 Medic Player 6 Let the game begin
  8. Problem: Solution Scope Build a system to organise Lobbies ➤

    Focus on Slot Acquisition / State Propagation ➤ Allow users to join as Players or Spectators ➤ Propagate changes to all open tabs
  9. State: The Programmer’s Burden In the distant past, pages were

    stateless. HTML Forms were all we needed. Nothing required JavaScript. We have now left this world behind and look back with rose-tinted glasses.
  10. State: The Programmer’s Burden We have entered a new world

    where the Browser has become an inner-platform, and each Web Application a distributed system of its own. Their components pass messages between each other to reconstruct and represent state.
  11. Conventional Solution Serialise access somehow (maybe with transactions) Ask the

    data store to notify server of changes Subscribe for changes in a different process Spray changes to all matching clients
  12. Example: Propagation with PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION lobby_notify() RETURNS trigger AS

    $$ BEGIN PERFORM pg_notify('lobby' || NEW.id, row_to_json(NEW)::text); RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  13. Example: Propagation with PostgreSQL CREATE TRIGGER notify AFTER UPDATE ON

    lobbies FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE lobby_notify();
  14. Conventional Pain Points Lack of mechanism to manage cross-node messaging

    Lack of proper mechanism to manage state Data Store becomes the bottleneck Serialisation/deserialisation at boundaries can be buggy Proliferation of technologies
  15. Use Elixir For This ➤ Clustering: Built-in / Easy (Distributed

    Erlang / libCluster) ➤ Spreading Out: Easy (Swarm / Horde) ➤ Data Synchronisation: Built-in / Easy (ETS / Mnesia) ➤ Communication with JS: Easy (with Phoenix Channels) ➤ Communication without JS: Easy (with Phoenix Live View)
  16. Use Elixir For This Lobby
 Supervisor Lobby
 Server Lobby

 Server Data Store Lobby Channel Lobby Channel Lobby Channel Lobby Channel Lobby Channel
  17. Summary ➤ Backend Solution: Cookie-Cutter (OTP Style) ➤ Front-End Solution

    1: Phoenix Channels & Presence ➤ Front-End Solution 2: Phoenix LiveView
  18. Summary: Lobby Lifecycle ➤ Lobby is created and held in

    Data Store. ➤ When the Lobby Page is loaded, a Lobby Channel is spawned. ➤ The Lobby Channel looks for its corresponding Lobby Server, which is returned or spawned accordingly. ➤ The Lobby Channel and Lobby Server are, subsequently, in two-way communication.