names should be sentences testFindsCustomerById() testFailsForDuplicateCustomers() tests, that class finds customer by ID tests, that class fails for dup customers
names should be sentences testFindsCustomerById() testFailsForDuplicateCustomers() Test method names should start with “should” word shouldFindCustomerById() shouldFailForDuplicateCustomers() tests, that class finds customer by ID tests, that class fails for dup customers class should find customer by ID class should fail for dup customers
names should be sentences testFindsCustomerById() testFailsForDuplicateCustomers() Test method names should start with “should” word shouldFindCustomerById() shouldFailForDuplicateCustomers() tests, that class finds customer by ID tests, that class fails for dup customers class should find customer by ID class should fail for dup customers TestCase class should be nouns in test method sentences class CustomerTableTest extends \PHPUnitTestCase { /** * @Test */ shouldFindCustomerById() ... } CustomerTable should find customer by ID
"returns 0 for all gutter game" do bowling = 20.times { bowling.hit(0) } bowling.score.should == 0 end end SPECIFICATION Write class , not UnitTEST
Then ensure some outcomes. Given some initial context (the givens), When an event occurs, Then ensure some outcomes. Story: In order to ... As a ... I need ...
givens), When an event occurs, Then ensure some outcomes. Given some initial context (the givens), When an event occurs, Then ensure some outcomes. In order to ... As a ... I need ...
Then ensure some outcomes. In order to ... As a ... I need ... Given some initial context (the givens), When an event occurs, Then ensure some outcomes. Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Story:
Then ensure some outcomes In order to ... As a ... I need ... Given some initial context (the givens) When an event occurs Then ensure some outcomes Scenario: 1st scenario title Scenario: 2nd scenario title Feature: Feature description
occurs Alors ensure some outcomes In order to ... As a ... I need ... Etant donné some initial context (the givens) Lorsque an event occurs Alors ensure some outcomes Scénario: 1st scenario title Scénario: 2nd scenario title Fonctionnalité: Feature description # language: fr
લఏ ensure some outcomes In order to ... As a ... I need ... ͳΒ some initial context (the givens) ͔͠͠ an event occurs લఏ ensure some outcomes γφϦΦ: 1st scenario title γφϦΦ: 2nd scenario title ϑΟʔνϟ: Feature description # language: ja
То ensure some outcomes In order to ... As a ... I need ... Допустим some initial context (the givens) Когда an event occurs То ensure some outcomes Сценарий: 1st scenario title Сценарий: 2nd scenario title Функционал: Feature description # language: ru
an event occurs Aye ensure some outcomes In order to ... As a ... I need ... Let go and haul some initial context (the givens) Blimey! an event occurs Aye ensure some outcomes Heave to: 1st scenario title Heave to: 2nd scenario title Ahoy matey!: Feature description # language: en-pirate
an event occurs Aye ensure some outcomes Let go and haul some initial context (the givens) Blimey! an event occurs Aye ensure some outcomes Heave to: Heave to: Ahoy matey!: # language: en-pirate
Scenario: 1st scenario title Scenario: 2nd scenario title Feature: Feature description Given some initial context (the givens) When an event occurs Then ensure some outcomes Given some initial context (the givens) When an event occurs Then ensure some outcomes
3. step ... ... Given some initial context (the givens) When an event occurs Then ensure some outcomes In order to ... As a ... I need ... Given some initial context (the givens) When an event occurs Then ensure some outcomes Scenario: 1st scenario title Scenario: 2nd scenario title Feature: Feature description feature tree
2. Undefined step that have no definitions (found) 3. Ambiguous step which match multiple definitions 4. Failed step that throw \Exception(); 5. Skipped step that follows pending/undefined/failed
2. Undefined step that have no definitions (found) 3. Ambiguous step which match multiple definitions 4. Failed step that throw \Exception(); 5. Skipped step that follows pending/undefined/failed 6. Passed step that doesn’t throw exceptions
=== 35 } ); Given I have a bank account <?php $steps->Given('/^I have a bank account$/', function() { throw new \Behat\Behat\Exception\Pending(); } ); When I deposit 35$
=== 35 } ); Given I have a bank account <?php $steps->Given('/^I have a bank account$/', function() { throw new \Behat\Behat\Exception\Pending(); } ); When I deposit 35$
throw new \Behat\Behat\Exception\Pending(); } ); <?php $steps->When('/^I deposit (\d+)\$$/', function($world, $dollars) { // $dollars === 35 } ); Given I have a bank account When I deposit 35$
$world->account = new BankAccount(); } ); <?php $steps->When('/^I deposit (\d+)\$$/', function($world, $dollars) { $world->account->deposit($dollars); } ); Given I have a bank account When I deposit 35$
$steps->Then('/^I should have (\d+)\$$/', function($world, $balance) { assertEquals($balance, $world->account->getBalance()); } ); using PHPUnit Then I should have 35$ <?php $steps->Then('/^I should have (\d+)\$$/', function($world, $balance) { if ($balance !== $world->account->getBalance()) { throw new \Exception('Wrong balance!'); } } );
Application\\HelloBundle . ᵋᴷᴷ src/Application/HelloBundle/Tests/Features ᵓᴷᴷ steps ᴹ ᵋᴷᴷ steps.php ᵋᴷᴷ support ᵓᴷᴷ bootstrap.php ᵋᴷᴷ env.php write and put your features here place step definition files here example step definition file place support scripts here bootstrap environment (context) initialization
Application\\HelloBundle . ᵋᴷᴷ src/Application/HelloBundle/Tests/Features ᵓᴷᴷ steps ᴹ ᵋᴷᴷ steps.php ᵋᴷᴷ support ᵓᴷᴷ bootstrap.php ᵋᴷᴷ env.php write and put your features here place step definition files here example step definition file place support scripts here bootstrap environment (context) initialization 3. Colorize: $ app/console behat:test:bundle Application\\HelloBundle
/^I go to(?: the)? (.*)$/ When /^I (?:follow|click)(?: the)? "([^"]*)"(?: link)*$/ When /^I go back$/ When /^I go forward$/ When /^I send (POST|PUT|DELETE) to (.*) with:$/ When /^I follow redirect$/
/^I go to(?: the)? (.*)$/ When /^I (?:follow|click)(?: the)? "([^"]*)"(?: link)*$/ When /^I go back$/ When /^I go forward$/ When /^I send (POST|PUT|DELETE) to (.*) with:$/ When /^I follow redirect$/ Form Steps When /^I fill in "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/ When /^I select "([^"]*)" from "([^"]*)"$/ When /^I uncheck "([^"]*)"$/ When /^I uncheck "([^"]*)"$/ When /^I attach the file at "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/ When /^I press "([^"]*)" in (.*) form$/
has cookie "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^Request has not cookie "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^Request cookie "([^"]*)" is "([^"]*)"$/ Response Steps Then /^Response status code is (\d+)$/ Then /^I should see "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^I should not see "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^I should see element "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^Header "([^"]*)" is set to "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^Header "([^"]*)" is not set to "([^"]*)"$/ Then /^I was redirected$/ Then /^I was not redirected$/ Then /^Print output$/
I am on the “/login” When I fill in “username” with “everzet” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Welcome, everzet” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario: Existing user can login Given a site have “everzet” user with “qwerty” password And I am on the “/login” When I fill in “username” with “someone” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Login or password is incorrect” Scenario: Non-existing user can’t login Feature: User logins
I am on the “/login” When I fill in “username” with “everzet” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Welcome, everzet” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario: Existing user can login Given a site have “everzet” user with “qwerty” password And I am on the “/login” When I fill in “username” with “someone” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Login or password is incorrect” Scenario: Non-existing user can’t login Feature: User logins
in “username” with “everzet” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Welcome, everzet” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario: Existing user can login Given I am on the “/login” page When I fill in “username” with “someone” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Login or password is incorrect” Scenario: Non-existing user can’t login Feature: User logins
in “username” with “everzet” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Welcome, everzet” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario: Existing user can login Given a site have “everzet” user with “qwerty” password Background: Given I am on the “/login” page When I fill in “username” with “someone” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Login or password is incorrect” Scenario: Non-existing user can’t login Feature: User logins
in “username” with “everzet” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Welcome, everzet” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario: Existing user can login Given a site have users: Background: Given I am on the “/login” page When I fill in “username” with “someone” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Login or password is incorrect” Scenario: Non-existing user can’t login | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Feature: User logins
in “username” with “everzet” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Welcome, everzet” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario: Existing user can login Given a site have users: Background: Given I am on the “/login” page When I fill in “username” with “someone” And I fill in “password” with “qwerty” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “Login or password is incorrect” Scenario: Non-existing user can’t login | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Feature: User logins
in “username” with “<username>” And I fill in “password” with “<password>” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “<message>” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario Outline: Only existing users can login Given a site have users: Background: | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Feature: User logins
in “username” with “<username>” And I fill in “password” with “<password>” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “<message>” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario Outline: Only existing users can login Given a site have users: Background: | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Examples: Feature: User logins
in “username” with “<username>” And I fill in “password” with “<password>” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “<message>” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario Outline: Only existing users can login Feature: User logins Given a site have users: Background: | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Examples: | username | password | message | | everzet | qwerty | Welcome, everzet | | someone | pa$$word | Login or password is incorrect |
have users:$/', function($world, $table) { $em = $world->getClient()-> getKernel()-> getContainer()-> get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager'); // remove all users from test db with EntityManager foreach ($table->getRowHash() as $row) { // persist new user into test db with EntityManager // $row[‘username’] AND $row[‘password’] } $em->flush(); }); $ app/console behat:test:bundle Application\\HelloBundle
in “username” with “<username>” And I fill in “password” with “<password>” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “<message>” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario Outline: Only existing users can login Feature: User logins Given a site have users: Background: | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Examples: | username | password | message | | everzet | qwerty | Welcome, everzet | | someone | pa$$word | Login or password is incorrect |
in “username” with “<username>” And I fill in “password” with “<password>” And I press “login” in login form Then I should see “<message>” In order to have extended abilities As a site user I need to be able to login Scenario Outline: Only existing users can login Feature: User logins Given a site have users: Background: | username | password | | everzet | qwerty | Examples: | username | password | message | | everzet | qwerty | Welcome, everzet | | someone | pa$$word | Login or password is incorrect | @javascript