This presentation show several options how to implement microservices: the Netflix stack, Consul, and Kubernetes. Also integration options like REST and UI integration are covered.
virtual machines > Standardized communication: Synchronous, asynchronous, or UI integration > Macro- and Micro-Architecture i.e. clearly defined common, and specific decisions
> Standardized Operations (configuration, log analysis, tracing, monitoring, deployment) > Standards on the interface level e.g. not a specific log library > Resilient (compensate failure, crashes …) therefore separate processes, VM, Docker containers
Java Object > Service Registry allows other bundles to consume services > Services come and go at runtime > Quite easy with OSGi Blueprints or OSGi Declarative Services
server (Spring / plain Java EE) > Microservice = Fat JAR (Spring Boot / Wildfly Swarm) > Per microservice decision > App server more complex and dead > application-servers-are-dead