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Critique Presentation on Previous CSC 405 Projects

Critique Presentation on Previous CSC 405 Projects

CSC 404
Critique of Past Projects

Frances Coronel

September 29, 2015

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  1. Positives Better Dev Setup Looking at their software, it’s clear

    that Astro used Git, Bootstrap, JS - which are popular components in modern industry practices for software development. Compared to the other projects, Astro does this slightly better. Improvements Organizing the files so that the modularization of the app increases and it’s easier for someone else to look at it and contribute.
  2. Positives Formatting overwhelmed me at first, since at some points,

    it lacked appropriate spacing. Improvements All throughout their docs, ASTRO was clear and comprehensive in detailing their project. Documentation
  3. Positives They use flat icons to represent different states in

    the application and do this wonderfully. Design The app is not responsive, meaning it doesn’t look the same on various screen sizes. Improvements
  4. Negatives Lack of organization In industry, their project probably couldn’t

    be properly contributed to due to the lack of organization in file structure/hierarchy. Modularization is extremely important for future scalability. Solution The screenshot on the left shows an ideal project setup, with a separate folder for frontend and backend components, tests, and seed data. There is also bower, gulp, and npm related startup files.
  5. Negatives Unlike DICE, Astro failed to deploy their software anywhere,

    making the possibility of users actually using it intangible. Not deployed Clean up code and then deploy using Heroku or GitHub pages. Solution
  6. Challenges We Face with ASTRO Modularity Cleaning up the code

    While ASTRO did use modern technologies, it failed to organize the structure of its code so that contributions could be easily made. Quiz/Award System Improve UI, Add Content I’m not entirely sure why a user got an award or not because of the poor user interface. In addition to having to improve the design, some tests lack any content. Deployment Increase conversion In order for users to actually be able to use this app, it needs to be hosted somewhere. Users shouldn’t have to download anything!
  7. Positives Login Features The login feature is effective, the lost

    password feature works and only hampton emails can be used with the login page. Forgot password feature also works seamlessly allowing user to reset password quickly. Improvements The design of the login is bland and could see some improvements such as a theme using CSS or javaScript.
  8. Positives DICE explained their product in the documents and included

    diagrams that explained the implementation well. Documents also gave great description of technologies used. Documentation Format was confusing in some spots as well as structure. They could both be improved on. Improvement
  9. Negatives Gamification The application is just comprised of multiple choice

    questions. With little to no color and no theme the application feels more like an online test than it does a game. Improvements Add themes, colors, and different challenges to make the application more interactive and fun to use.
  10. Negatives Accessibility Week one is the only week accessible on

    the home page and when all questions are answered for week one there is no way to advance to the next weeks challenge. Improvements Allow all of the weeks’ challenges to be accessible to the user along with adding different types of challenges.
  11. Negatives Unfinished Pages The leaderboard and profile page were not

    implemented correctly and have no usable function. Some avatars on profile page do not appear. Appearance on documents differs from actual program. Improvements Create a functional leaderboard that tracks the user's points by username, profile and avatar. Also create a user page where users are able to send messages to other students and instructors while also being able to track progress.
  12. Challenges We Face with DICE Gamification Unfinished Pages Documentation Although

    there is a leaderboard that brings in the element of competition, the application feels more like an online quiz than it does a game. The login screen works perfectly fine however, the design of the application is bland with little color to no color. The profile page has no functionality, and the home page’s accessibility is limited. The information needs to be reordered so the requirements document contains “What”, the functional specification contains “How”, and the design specification should be detailed enough to code from it without further research.
  13. Overview of Kings and Queens According to the Kings and

    Queens documents, the aim of this project is to increase the passing rate of students in CSC 151 and also the holding rate of people within the computer science/ computer information systems major. The software is a game that will use trivia and questionnaire to help students in 151 have a better learning experience. This trivia game will be based off of internet connection .
  14. King and Queens Overview continued This interface is used from

    two different perspectives which is one from the student and the other from the teacher. The student uses this for review while the teacher checks grades and releases announcements on the site. This site uses an account from the student to track their progress thru there Hampton emails. Software used to implement this project: -Firebase -Adobe Illustrator -Adobe Flash -Adobe Captivate -cPanel -Javascript -HTML/CSS -Actionscript -JQuery -Photoshop -Fireworks
  15. Positives Dev Tools The use of front end and back

    end libraries such as Firebase, JQuery, and Bootstrap to facilitate the application. Improvements Their files should be structured in a hierarchy so that it is easier to locate a specific file which increases modularity.
  16. Positives Presentation By looking at the Kings and Queens Presentation

    we could tell that a lot of effort was put into the production of the presentation. Improvements This can be improved by making sure the demo for the presentation is active and running even months after the demo was presented because the website for the project does not work.
  17. Negatives Looking at their documentation, it’ s clear that K&Q

    was very thorough in their descriptions of their product. However, their explanations were a bit lengthy. Design Formatting their documentation so that it is easier to comprehend and more and less overwhelming. Improvements
  18. Negatives Log In Failure During our attempts to log into

    the StuckInCSC game, the application failed to launch. The website would not load nor deploy thus indicating that testing for this website was non existent Improvements Actually deploy it to a server that is maintained so that there is no possibility of failure.