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Architectural Clash - HalfStack Meetup March 2019

Architectural Clash - HalfStack Meetup March 2019

The purpose of the talk is to introduce a new format designed to tackle legacy code and technical debt. This format is called Architectural Clash. We will analyze the principle behind the format and some successful use case in which this format really helped our team to deliver value to an existing codebase.

Francesco Strazzullo

March 12, 2019

More Decks by Francesco Strazzullo

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Which project do you prefer? Photo by Loren Gu on

    Unsplash Photo by Valeriy Kryukov on Unsplash
  2. ➔ Less bugs in production ➔ Increase Velocity for new

    features ➔ Easy Onboarding ➔ Easier Recruitment ➔ Don’t miss the deadline Examples of Business Needs
  3. ➔ Retrospective ➔ Lean Value Tree ➔ Impact Mapping ➔

    SWOT Analysis ➔ Tradeoff Slider ➔ Lego Serious Play Exercises
  4. From the business needs try to extract a list of

    experiments that will increase the code quality
  5. ➔ Extract the core domain to a separate micro service

    ➔ Automate the build with CI ➔ Remove AngularJS and use Web Components for the frontend ➔ Remove Tomcat and use Spring Boot for our JVM application Example of Experiments
  6. Split the group in very small teams (two or three

    people) and work on different experiments for 45 minutes
  7. At the end of the 45 minutes bring all the

    team together to exchange the results for 15 minutes
  8. Every team should write an outcome answering these questions and

    put it on the wall • What did we do? • What did we learned? • Did we encounter any roadblock?
  9. From every outcome, try to extract an action and put

    them on an Change Options Canvas
  10. What happens if in 45 minutes I’m not able to

    learn anything on the problem?