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Digital TV technologies: present and future

Digital TV technologies: present and future

An overview of the transition to digital TV worldwide, and the corresponding technologies.

Francisco J. Escribano

August 27, 2018

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  1. Digital TV technologies: present and future An overview Francisco J.

    Escribano, Universidad de Alcal´ a francisco.escribano@ieee.org August 23, 2018 Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 1 / 99
  2. Table of contents I 1 Motivation 2 Overview of analog

    TV 3 Technologies for digital TV 4 Situation of digital TV worldwide 5 Prospects of digital TV 6 Final remarks 7 References Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 2 / 99
  3. Motivation TV, what’s it up to? I Figure 1: Source

    Wikipedia. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 4 / 99
  4. Motivation TV, what’s it up to? II Figure 2: Average

    number of minutes watching TV in Spain, 2017 (source [1]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 5 / 99
  5. Motivation TV, what’s it up to? III Figure 3: Hours

    watching TV and other media in UK, 2014 (source [2]). Figure 4: Hours watching video content in USA, 2013-2015 (source [3]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 6 / 99
  6. Motivation TV, what’s it up to? IV Figure 5: TV

    sets per household in Spain, 2006-2015 (source [4]). Figure 6: Total TV revenues in UK, 2000-2016 (source [4]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 7 / 99
  7. Overview of analog TV Overview of analog TV Francisco J.

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  8. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history I Television was an invention born of the work of many individuals, during late XIXth and early XXth centuries. Decisive contributions were made both in USA and Europe (specially UK). Figure 7: John Logie Baird (UK) standing next to his mechanical analog TV transmitter (source [5]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 9 / 99
  9. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history II Analog TV started as mechanical TV. ◮ In the 1930s, radio stations across Europe and USA were broadcasting experimental television programs using mechanical systems. ◮ Synchronisation and quality were an issue. ◮ Scanning and projection were done in lines. ◮ Difficult to upgrade to color TV. ◮ Resolution was poor: achieved no more than 200 lines. Figure 8: Scanning and reproducing images using the Nipkow disk (source [6]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 10 / 99
  10. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history III Electronic TV was also an active field of research during the same period. ◮ In 1927, American inventor Philo Farnsworth’s image dissector camera tube trans- mitted its first image. Figure 9: Source [7]. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 11 / 99
  11. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history IV Electronic TV was based on the usage of cathode ray tubes. ◮ They were first b/w, but during the 50s-60s operational CRT color TV was developed. ◮ Electronic cameras were designed under similar principles. ◮ As in mechanical TV, scanning and projection were done in lines (horizontal). ◮ Modes could be interlaced or progressive. ◮ This system achieved a far higher quality without the constraints of mechanical TV. ◮ Resolution could reach hundreds of lines without much trouble. Figure 10: Structure of a cathode ray color TV set (source [8]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 12 / 99
  12. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history V Once TV was technically mature and the public was ready for its re- ception, standards had to be made. ◮ TV cameras and TV sets had to be produced massively, and had to be compatible. ◮ Original deployments were essentially wireless, and spectrum was a concern (this posed a practical limit on resolution availability). ◮ Format, resolution and modulation had to be agreed on among regulatory agencies and industry. Figure 11: Analog TV standards in use, as of 2000 (source [9]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 13 / 99
  13. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history VI Characteristic NTSC PAL SECAM Lines/Field 525/60 625/50 625/50 Horizontal line rate 15734 Hz 15625 Hz 15625 Hz Vertical field rate 59.94 Hz 50.0 Hz 50.0 Hz Chrominance carrier(s) 3.579545 MHz 4.433618 MHz 4.40625/4.250 MHz Chrominance modulation Analog QAM Analog QAM FM Video bandwidth 4.2 MHz 5.5 MHz 5.0 MHz Audio carrier 4.5 MHz 6.0 MHz 5.5 MHz Channel Bandwidth 6 MHz 8 MHz 8 MHz Color coding YIQ YUV YDbDr Sampling 4:2:2 4:2:2 4:2:2 Interlacing Yes Yes Yes Table 1: Comparison of the three main analog TV format standards (source Wikipedia). NTSC: National Television System Committee (Americas, Japan), developed in USA. PAL: Phase Alternating Line (Europe and former colonies), developed in Germany. SECAM: Sequential Couleur Avec M´ emoire (France, Soviet Union, former colonies and satellites), developed in France and adapted in Soviet Union. 60i (interlaced) as vertical rate is translated as 60 fields/s or 30 frames/s. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 14 / 99
  14. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history VII Figure 12: Typical time signal in analog TV (source [10]). Figure 13: Example of frequecy spectrum of PAL signal (source [11]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 15 / 99
  15. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history VIII In the 50’s, TV started its massive deployment in households. Systems and TV sets were improved in the following decades but res- olution and formats did not essentially change. In the mid 80’s, Japan successfully worked out a concept for analog HDTV → MUSEa. ◮ Manufacturers required a drastic evolution to shatter an already saturated market. ◮ Consumers were eager to accept (and pay for) better resolution in their screens. ◮ The system relayed on a flexible pattern to (sub)sample chroma signal, and allowed for a better usage of the spectrum. Figure 14: Example of chroma sampling patterns (source Wikipedia). a Multiple sub-Nyquist Sampling Encoding: reached 1125i lines (1035 active). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 16 / 99
  16. Overview of analog TV A bit of history A bit

    of history IX In 1990, General Instrument in USA demonstrated the feasibility of digi- tal TV, and MUSE foreseen deploy- ment for worldwide HDTV standard was checked. USA FCC pushed towards the new con- cept of digital TV, and a new race was triggered around the world for its devel- opment and planned transition. ◮ The availability of high-performing cheap digital processing HW was paramount for this choices. ◮ Digital TV was clear to offer a much bet- ter resolution with less resources, and much more possibilities for new services. Figure 15: Digital vs analog TV (source Wikipedia). The world was ready for a big leap in TV technology Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 17 / 99
  17. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    I Once TV was working on both ends, the signal had to be broadcast. A small number of transmitters provide coverage to millions of users. Initial TV deployments inherited a lot from previous radio broadcasting experience. Main technologies: ◮ Wireless: terrestrial, satellital. ◮ Guided: cable. Figure 16: Source [12]. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 18 / 99
  18. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    II Figure 17: Television broadcasting antenna (source [13]). Figure 18: Analog TV reception antenna (source [14]). Terrestrial wireless analog TV was typically transmitted in both VHF (30-300 MHz) and UHF (300-3000 MHz) bands. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 19 / 99
  19. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    III Figure 19: Block diagram of an analog monochrome CRT TV (source Wikipedia). Figure 20: Block diagram of an analog color CRT TV (source [15]). From the 90’s, CRT was not the only choice, and other imaging devices appeared, like flat plasma or LCD TV sets, boosting further develop- ments towards digital formats. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 20 / 99
  20. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    IV Figure 21: Bandpass spectra of the three main analog transmis- sion formats (source Britannica). Figure 22: Source [16]. For terrestrial wireless transmission, available spectrum was a primary concern. Signals were sent in VSB (Vestigial Sideband Modulation), since SSB (Single Sideband Modulation) would have led to unacceptable phase distortion. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 21 / 99
  21. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    V Figure 23: TV repeater in UK (source [17]). Figure 24: Corresponding TV coverage map (source [17]). Terrestrial TV transmission required allotment of frequencies and assignation of channels by national regulatory bodies. A network of transmitters and repeaters had to be built to provide coverage to all the target population. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 22 / 99
  22. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    VI Depending on the region of the globe, the VHF and UHF spectrum management had its own particularities, depending on band availability and channel bandwidth required. Figure 25: VHF spectrum usage along different world regions for analog video and audio carriers, and corresponding channels (source [18]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 23 / 99
  23. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    VII Figure 26: Telstar 1 communications satellite (source [19]). The space race made it evident that TV signal could also be delivered worldwide through satellite systems. In 1962, Telstar 1 demonstrated the feasibility of the concept, and satellital TV was born. This boosted the internationalization of TV content delivery, and expanded the choices. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 24 / 99
  24. Overview of analog TV Analog TV signal delivery Signal delivery

    VIII Figure 27: Astra 1A/1B program list as of 1991 (source [20]). Satellite TV used NTSC, PAL or SECAM standards. Signals were FM modulated prior to trans- mission over the satellite transponder. TV sets could be reused with minimal adaptations (apart from the dish anten- nas), usually requiring a set top box to recover the IF TV signal. Bodies like ITU had to regulate the usage of spectrum. Broadcasts have been traditionally made in C-band (4-8 GHz) and Ku-band (12-18 GHz). Figure 28: Satellite TV receiver dish antenna (source [21]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 25 / 99
  25. Overview of analog TV Concluding remarks Concluding remarks Francisco J.

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  26. Technologies for digital TV Technologies for digital TV Francisco J.

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  27. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    I Digital TV proved its feasibility at the beginning of the 1990’s, and a number of standards have been defined since then. It is the most significant TV evolution since the appearance of colour TV in the 1950’s. It reuses spectrum more efficiently, and can offer quality and services that traditional analog TV is not able to provide. Figure 29: Source [22]. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 28 / 99
  28. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    II Advantages / Opportunities Better quality of video and sound Broadcasts in high definition Consumes less bandwidth and saves RF spectrum More channels and services offered Easier convergence to integrated digital services (e.g. HbbTV) Disadvantages / Problems Need of special new hardware (transition produces a lot of technological waste) No retrocompatibility Cliff effect: signal may be utterly lost in bad propagation conditions Compression artifacts are likely to appear (“mosquito noise”) Recovering of signals offers higher latency Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of digital TV (sources [23, 24]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 29 / 99
  29. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    III ATSC (Advanced Television Sys- tems Committe) has created a set of standards (terrestrial, mo- bile, cable, satellital) intended to replace NTSC [25]. Developed by the so-called Grand Alliance, a consortium of USA companies impulsed by the FCC. Though available for free, the standards include a number of patented elements, and licensing is required to build ATSC de- vices. Figure 30: Source ATSC. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 30 / 99
  30. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    IV Type Vert. Horiz. Aspect ratio Picture rate HDTVa 1080 1920 16:9 60i, 30p, 24p HDTV 720 1280 16:9 60i, 30p, 24p SDTVb 480 704 16:9/4:3 60p, 60i, 30p, 24p SDTV 480 640 4:3 60p, 60i, 30p, 24p Table 3: Image formats in ATSC terrestrial standard A/53 Part 4:2009 (source ATSC). In general, 24 frames/s is intended for films, 30 frames/s for news and live coverage, and 60 frames/s are for sports and other fast action content. For audio, Dolby Digital AC-3 is used as codec. For video, the MPEG transport stream specifications are used (MPEG-2 under ISO/IEC 13818-2, and lately H.264/MPEG-4 AVC). Maximum nominal data rate for terrestrial TV is 19.39 Mbps for 6 MHz channels. a High-definition TV. b Standard-definition TV. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 31 / 99
  31. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    V DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) is a set of open standards for digi- tal TV (terrestrial, cable, satellital), downloadable for free [26]. DVB is maintained by the so-called DVB project, a mostly European in- dustrial consortium with more than 270 members. Published by a Joint Technical Com- mittee of European Telecommuni- cations Standards Institute (ETSI), the Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization and the European Broadcasting Union. Figure 31: Source DVB. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 32 / 99
  32. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    VI Type Vert. Horiz. Aspect ratio Picture rate HDTV 1152 1440 16:9 25i HDTV 1080 1920 16:9 30p, 30i, 25p, 25i HDTV 1035 1920 16:9 30i, 25i HDTV 720 1280 16:9 60p, 50p 30p, 25p, 24p SDTV 576 720 16:9/4:3 50p, 25p, 25i, 24p SDTV 480 720 16:9/4:3 60p, 30p, 30i, 24p SDTV 480 544 16:9/4:3 30p, 30i SDTV 480 640 4:3 60p, 30p, 30i, 24p Table 4: Image formats in DVB-T (terrestrial) standard, with MPEG-2 (source DVB). Video and audio are coded following MPEG-2 standards (ISO/IEC 13818-2), to create the corresponding transport streams. In recent evolutions of the standard, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC is also considered. Available data rates vary from 4.98 Mbps to 31.67 Mbps (channel bandwidths 6, 7 or 8 MHz). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 33 / 99
  33. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    VII ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting) is a set of Japanese standards for terrestrial digital radio and TV. It was developed at the NHK Sci- ence & Technology Research Labo- ratories of the Japan Broadcasting Corporation, and it is maintained by ARIB (Association of Radio Indus- tries and Businesses) [27]. Promotion and technical assistance is made by the Digital Broadcasting Experts Group (DiBEG) [28], where the standards can be downloaded for free. Figure 32: Sources DiBEG, ARIB. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 34 / 99
  34. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    VIII Type Vert. Horiz. Aspect ratio Picture rate HDTV 1080 1920 16:9 30i HDTV 1080 1440 16:9 30i HDTV 720 1280 16:9 60p SDTV 480 720 16:9/4:3 60p, 30i SDTV 480 544 16:9/4:3 30i SDTV 480 480 16:9/4:3 30i Table 5: Image formats in ISDB-T (terrestrial) standard (source ARIB). Video is encoded following main profile syntax of ISO/IEC 13818-2 (MPEG-2 video) to create the transport streams. Audio employs ISO/IEC 13818-7 (MPEG-2 AAC audio). The international version ISDB-Tb (Brazilian)a uses H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. Available data rates vary from 3.65 Mbps to 23.24 Mbps in 6 MHz channels, from 4.26 Mbps to 27.11 Mbps in 7 MHz channels, and from 4.87 Mbps to 30.98 Mbps in 8 MHz channels. a Also SBTVD, Sistema Brasileiro de Televis˜ ao Digital. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 35 / 99
  35. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    IX DTMB (Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast) is a terrestrial dig- ital TV standard developed in China. It is a merger of the standards ADTB-T (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univer- sity), DMB-T (Tsinghua University) and TiMi (Terrestrial Interactive Multiservice Infrastructure). Figure 33: Source [29]. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 36 / 99
  36. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    X Type Vert. Horiz. Aspect ratio Picture rate HDTV 1080 1920 16:9 30i, 25p, 25i, 24p HDTV 1080 1440 16:9 30i, 25p, 25i, 24p HDTV 1080 1280 16:9 30i, 25p, 25i, 24p HDTV 1080 960 16:9 30i, 25p, 25i, 24p HDTV 720 1280 16:9 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p HDTV 720 960 16:9 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p HDTV 720 640 16:9 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p SDTV 576 720 16:9/4:3 50p, 25p, 25i SDTV 576 544 16:9/4:3 25p, 25i SDTV 576 480 16:9/4:3 25p, 25i SDTV 576 352 16:9/4:3 25p, 25i SDTV 480 720 16:9/4:3 60p, 30p, 30i, 24p SDTV 480 640 16:9/4:3 30p, 30i SDTV 480 544 16:9/4:3 30p, 30i SDTV 480 480 16:9/4:3 30p, 30i Table 6: Image formats in DTMB standard (source [30]). Video and audio uses H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standards, to create the transport frames. Resolutions are the same as in later developments of DVB-T, under H.264 AVC. Bit rates range from 4.81 Mbps to 32.49 Mbps, in channels with 6, 7 or 8 MHz bandwidth. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 37 / 99
  37. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV formats Digital TV formats

    XI Satellite digital TV is normally delivered through open standards, like DVB-S and ISDB-S, and use the video formats detailed. ◮ The DVB-S standard only specifies physical link characteristics and framing, while the overlaid transport stream delivered is mandated as MPEG-2. ◮ DVB-S typically reaches 34 Mbps in a satellite transponder with 36 MHz bandwidth. ◮ ISDB-S also employs MPEG-2 for coding and transport, but it reaches 51 Mbps. ◮ DBV-S2 resorts to H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and can be 30% more efficient than DVB-S. Figure 34: Link measurement setup as detailed in ISDB-S standard (source [31]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 38 / 99
  38. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery I The digital TV revolution has been made possible due to the availability of efficient (and cheap) digital hardware and efficient algorithms. In particular, the video and audio signals have to be digitized, encoded, (lossy) compressed and encapsulated. Figure 35: Typical process for video coding and compression (source [32]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 39 / 99
  39. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery II Figure 36: MPEG logo (source [33]). Figure 37: MPEG as used in several media, detailing its versions and ba- sic container formats -program (PS) or transport (TS) streams (source Wikipedia). MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) is a working group of authorities that was formed by ISO and IEC to set standards for audio and video compression and transmission. MPEG includes approximately 350 members per meeting from various industries, universi- ties, and research institutions. In its 30 years of activity MPEG has developed a big portfolio of standards and technologies that have developed an industry worth several hundreds billion USD. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 40 / 99
  40. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery III Algorithmic characteristic MPEG-2 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC General Motion compensated, predictive, Same base structure residual transformed, entropy coded as MPEG-2 Block size 8x8 16x16, 16x8, 8x16, 8x8, 8x4, 4x8, 4x4 Macroblock size 16x16 (frame), 16x8 (field) 16x16 Intra prediction None Multi-direction, multi-pattern Quantization Scalar quantization with step size Scalar quantization with step size of constant increment of increase with rate 12.5% Entropy coding VLCa, with multiple tables CAVLCb, CABACc, with arithmetic coding and multiple VLC tables Weighted prediction No Yes Reference picture One picture Multiple pictures Motion estimation blocks 16x16 16x16, 8x8, 8x4, 4x4 Frame distance for prediction ±1 Unlimited forward / backward Fractional motion estimation 1/2 pixel 1/4 pixel Deblocking filter None Dynamic edge filters Scalable coding support With some support on temporal Yes, with layered picture spatial, and SNR scalability SNR, temporal scalability Bit rates with same quality 12-20 Mbps 7-8 Mbps HD video (1920x1080) Transmission rate 2-15 Mbps 64 kbps-150 Mbps Table 7: Comparison of MPEG standards. MPEG-2 requires far lower complexity than H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (source MPEG). a Variable-Length Coding. b Context-Adaptive VLC. c Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 41 / 99
  41. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery IV Figure 38: Quality and efficiency comparison among several coding and compression standards (source [34]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 42 / 99
  42. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery V Figure 39: MPEG-2 tansport stream (TS) management and multiplexing (source [35]). MPEG-2 packets have a length of 188 bytes, with a 4-byte header. H.264/MPEG-4 AVC processed data can be sent as another elementary stream (ES) within the MPEG-2 TS, since a separated MPEG-4 TS has not been defined. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 43 / 99
  43. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery VI The transport streams, according to the given standard, have to be sent through a PHY for final terrestrial or satellite broadcasting. TS’s multiplexing can take place at different hierarchical levels. Figure 40: Digital TV transmission basic scheme (source [36]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 44 / 99
  44. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery VII Parameters ATSC DVB-T ISDB-T DTMB Outer coding R-S (207, 187, t = 10) R-S (204, 188, t = 8) BCH (762, 752) Outer interl. 52 R-S block interleaver 12 R-S block interleaver None Inner coding R = 2/3 trellis code Punctured convolutional code, LDPC (7493, 3048), R = 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, (7493, 4572), ν = 7, polynomials = 171, 133 (7493, 6096) Inner interl. 12:1 Bit-wise Bit-wise interleaving, Bit-wise time trellis interleaving frequency interleaving interleaving and code and frequency and selectable time frequency interleaving interleaving interleaving interleaving Scrambler 16-bit pseudo random binary sequence Modulation Single carrier COFDM BST-COFDM, 13 fsa COFDM 8 and 16VSB 4, 16, 64QAM As DVB + DQPSK As DVB + 32QAM Hierarchical modulation As DVB As DVB 11.5% excess BW GI 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 As DVB GI 1/9, 1/4 2k, 8k FFT 2k, 4k, 8k FFT Single and 3780 SCs Info rate 19.39 Mbps 4.98-31.67 Mbps 3.65-30.98 Mbps 4.81-32.49 Mbps SFN No Yes Table 8: Transmission parameters for different terrestrial digital TV standards (source [37]). BST-COFDM (Band Segmented Transmission Coded OFDM) allows segmenting the data spectrum into 100 KHz blocks. ATSC reuse the 6 MHz NTSC channels, the rest can transmit in 6, 7 or 8 MHz channels. Higher performance standards are already defined, like DVB-T2 or ATSC 3.0. a Frequency segments: they give higher flexibility to the scheme. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 45 / 99
  45. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery VIII Figure 41: Segment and program allocation for ISDB-T (source [38]). The available data rate can be managed to handle different kind of channels / con- tent. In all the standards, there is the possibility to multiplex several SD and/or HD sub- channels. The aggregation of several TSs into a single TS for transmission is handled by the Transmission Multiplexing Configura- tion Control (TMCC). ISDB-T with its 13 segments offers higher flexibility, and complexity. The middle segment in ISDB-T offers mo- bile digital TV (1seg standard), while the rest of standards are not designed for mo- bile (reception in DVB-T is still possible, but difficult). All this makes a huge difference with the strictly limited possibilities of the analog standards. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 46 / 99
  46. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery IX We are already in the second generation of digital TV standards. Figure 42: PHY of ATSC 3.0, describing its physical layer pipe (PLP) based layered division multiplexing (LDM) (source [39]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 47 / 99
  47. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery X Figure 43: Source Rhode&Schwarz. Figure 44: Source Rhode&Schwarz. All the evolutions point towards higher throughputs with similar band- width resources, but complexity skyrockets. The idea is to support new services, and specially progressively higher resolutions: from HD to Ultra-HD (4k: 3840x2160). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 48 / 99
  48. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery XI Parameter DVB-S DVB-S2 Input interface Single TS Multiple TS and GSEa Modes Constant coding & Modulation Adaptive coding & Modulation FEC R-S LDPC + BCH Code rates 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 8/9, 9/10 Carrier Single carrier Single carrier Modulation BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, 16/32APSK Interleaver Bit interleaving Bit interleaving Pilots N/A Pilot symbols Table 9: Main parameters for DVB-S and DVB-S2 (source [40]). There are also standards defined for digital TV over satellites. Essentially only PHY and final management of transport streams are standarized, as the original source coded signals are the same. As in the terrestrial case, we are already in the second generation of standards. a Generic Stream Encapsulation. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 49 / 99
  49. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery XII Figure 45: Technical specifications of second generation ISDB satellite interface, ISDB-S3 (source [41]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 50 / 99
  50. Technologies for digital TV Digital TV signal delivery Digital TV

    signal delivery XIII Figure 46: Source Rhode&Schwarz. Radio planning and deployment is similar to that of analog TV, but in terrestrial we can handle better SFNs thanks to COFDM, so as to avoid ghosting. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 51 / 99
  51. Technologies for digital TV Concluding remarks Concluding remarks Francisco J.

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  52. Situation of digital TV worldwide Situation of digital TV worldwide

    Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 53 / 99
  53. Situation of digital TV worldwide Background for choices Background for

    choices I Some regions of the world had little doubt as to what digital TV system to deploy, as they were making their own standards from the beginning of the 1990s through the corresponding agencies, bodies, industries or consortia. USA → ATSC, Europe → DVB, Japan → ISDB, China → DTMB. Figure 47: Digital TV development timeline up to 2011 (source [42]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 54 / 99
  54. Situation of digital TV worldwide Background for choices Background for

    choices II According to international agreements, DTTBa development had sev- eral requirements to meet, as compiled by the ITU-R ([43] in 2002, [44] in 2016). In particular, it was foreseen to leverage the capacity of digital systems to: ◮ Provide a more flexible approach to the provision of terrestrial television services. ◮ Provide a greater programme capacity within a given allocation of spectrum. ◮ Provide for higher quality reception. ◮ Provide a greater degree of resistance to the impairment caused by delayed signals. ◮ Provide for satisfactory reception on portable receivers using attached or built-in antennas. ◮ Make use of somewhat lower effective radiated powers. a Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 55 / 99
  55. Situation of digital TV worldwide Background for choices Background for

    choices III Figure 48: DTTB reference model for first generation standards (source [44]). Figure 49: DTTB reference model for second generation standards (source [44]). Note the gateway: it adds a new level to manage transmission and operation of SFNs, PLPs, etc. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 56 / 99
  56. Situation of digital TV worldwide Background for choices Background for

    choices IV The parameters of each competing standard have been chosen to meet the requirements with given tradeoffs and constraints, for example: ◮ Channel bandwidth has been inherited from previous analog TV infrastructure in many cases. ◮ OFDM was chosen in some standards to ease SFN deployment and provide better multipath resistance. ◮ 8VSB was chosen in ATSC to better meet power constraints and ease coexistence with VSB modulated analog TV during transition. Figure 50: Example of comparative advantages of one standard in a commercial presentacion (source [45]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 57 / 99
  57. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition I Once developed, digital terrestrial TV had to be deployed. Transition for digital satellite TV posed less dramatic issues, as its services are delivered through auxiliary set top boxes, easy to replace as “system enhancement”. The ITU-R issued guidelines to ease the ASOa for DTTB and MTV (Mobile TV). The transition process has particularities according to the country involved. Reasons for choices of the specific standard and requisites are not only technical, but they are also strongly linked to economic, political and market issues. a Analog Switch-Off. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 58 / 99
  58. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition II Figure 51: Policy development for DTTB & MTV transition (source ITU). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 59 / 99
  59. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition III Figure 52: Standards and technology regulation for DTTB & MTV transition (source ITU). Here it is convenient to leave the market play a role in the choices. Consumer preferences and industry interests are important. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 60 / 99
  60. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition IV Figure 53: Licensing policy for DTTB & MTV transition (source ITU). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 61 / 99
  61. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition V Figure 54: Key aspects for spectrum management in DTTB & MTV transition, according to a national spectrum plan -NSP (source ITU). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 62 / 99
  62. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition VI Figure 55: Assignment policy for new DTTB & MTV channels (source ITU). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 63 / 99
  63. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition VII Digital TV transition and ASO have been accomplished in some coun- tries, while others are on the process, or just initiating it. ◮ Simulcasting is usually done at the first stage (co-existence of analog and digital)a. ◮ In some cases, policies -like discount coupons- are put in place to help customers to get the new signal (replace the old set, or add an adapting set top box). ◮ ASO can be planned in stages (region by region), or in a whole country at once (depends on size and population). ◮ Once ASO completed, the spectrum liberated is being handed to 4G and 5G mobile networks (digital dividend). Figure 56: Commercial digital TV converter (source [46]). a In this situation, it is also necessary to protect neighboring countries against interference in their own analog channels, as guaranteed by international agreements. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 64 / 99
  64. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition VIII Digital TV transition started as early as 2000 in some parts of the world. ◮ In Spain, the first national digital TV emissions where launched the 30th November 2005. ◮ Complete roll-out was foreseen for 2010, in three phases: 30th June 2009, 31st December 2009, and 3rd April 2010. ◮ Most of the country had already experienced ASO by 10th March 2010. Figure 57: Proportion of TV sets not ready for digital TV in Spain (source [47]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 65 / 99
  65. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition IX In the Spanish case, the transition process required the overall investment of 12000 million euros (private and public). 4700 emitting centers had to be digitized, and 32 million TV sets should be adapted. Figure 58: Reference figures for the transition in Spain (source [48]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 66 / 99
  66. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition X Figure 59: Tasks to be done for the transition in Spain (source [48]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 67 / 99
  67. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition XI Figure 60: Commitments of DTTB coverage during transition in Spain (source [49]). There were 73 technical areas defined, where 90 transition projects were to take place. Projects included the planning for ASO, and the replacement with DTTB. Phase I: transition in areas with less than 500000 inhabitants. Phase II: transition in areas with popula- tion up to 700000 inhabitants. Phase III: transition in highly populated ar- eas, with great requirements in infrastruc- ture and planning. The transition was mediated and fostered by a national plan, approved by the gov- ernment on 7th September 2007. Free-to-air channels and traditional opera- tors were the preferred choices. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 68 / 99
  68. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition XII Figure 61: Phases for the transition in Spain: phase I (red), phase II (green), phase III (blue) (source [48]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 69 / 99
  69. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition XIII Figure 62: National channels with DTTB transmissions during transition in Spain (source [49]). During the period, national channels had to emit also through at least one satellite platform, to provide signal in places where the DTTB infrastructure could not be got ready in time. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 70 / 99
  70. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition XIV Figure 63: Status of transition to DTTB as of beginning of 2015 (source [50]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 71 / 99
  71. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV transition Digital TV

    transition XV Figure 64: Year of launch of DTTB emissions (source [51]). Figure 65: Year of switch-off of analog TV (source [51]). Figure 66: Distribution of DTTB standards (source [51]). Figure 67: Status of transition (source [51]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 72 / 99
  72. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV deployments Digital TV

    deployments I Figure 68: Analog TV standards in use, as of 2000 (source [9]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 73 / 99
  73. Situation of digital TV worldwide Digital TV deployments Digital TV

    deployments II Figure 69: Digital terrestrial TV standards in use or planned, as of 2017. Blue: DVB-T/ DVB-T2. Green: ATSC. Pink: ISDB-T. Mauve: ISDB-Tb. Orange: DTMB. Dark colors mean “actively in use”, lighter ones mean “adopted” or “under trial”. Fully interactive map in [52]. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 74 / 99
  74. Situation of digital TV worldwide Concluding remarks Concluding remarks Francisco

    J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 75 / 99
  75. Prospects of digital TV Prospects of digital TV Francisco J.

    Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 76 / 99
  76. Prospects of digital TV Television ecosystem Television ecosystem I TV

    was identified from the beginning as a very powerful, immediate and influencial medium to reach a vast audience, and get revenues in various ways. ◮ This included the possibility to emit targeted commercials, broadcast propaganda, try to modify public opinion, tastes, etc. ◮ With satellite TV, the possibility to further exploit these assets became even greater. ◮ Nevertheless, in many countries TV was also perceived as a public service, and some resources -channels- were usually devoted to public service broadcasting (PSB). Figure 70: Source [53]. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 77 / 99
  77. Prospects of digital TV Television ecosystem Television ecosystem II The

    business around aerial TV had several actors and implications: ◮ On the one side, a huge TV equipment industry came into being, and there was a constant technological race to get higher resolutions, better imaging and less bulky TV sets. ◮ On the other side, a diversified TV content production industry was developed. ◮ Governments could leverage big incomes by auctioning or granting spectrum and by exploiting licenses to potential channel owners, reserving some resources for PSB. ◮ The private channel owners could traditionally generate revenues in two ways: codi- fied pay TV, or advertising in free-to-air emissions. Figure 71: Codified image of a football match in former analog pay TV channel in Spain (source [54]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 78 / 99
  78. Prospects of digital TV Television ecosystem Television ecosystem III Commercial

    TV channels can be also subsidized by their owners, who use the medium as a platform for promotion of other interests. PSB can be funded following three possibilities: ◮ A PSB entity is stablished and fully funded by the government. ◮ A PSB entity is stablished by the government, and it is partially funded by public budget and by other sources (advertising). ◮ A commercial broadcaster is assigned PSB functions, and it is funded by commercial income. Public funding can be obtained in a variety of ways, including taxes, revenues of spectrum auctions, TV industry fees, etc. Figure 72: Logo of Spanish PSB corporation (source RTVE). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 79 / 99
  79. Prospects of digital TV Television ecosystem Television ecosystem IV Figure

    73: The multimedia value chain (source [55]). Business around TV involves media production, content selection and aggregation, and content delivery. DTTB business has been traditionally dominated by the broadcasters. All the agents involved interact in a context of growing complexity, and under the ongoing diversification of platforms and service carriers. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 80 / 99
  80. Prospects of digital TV Television ecosystem Television ecosystem V Figure

    74: South Korean DMB MTV set (source [56]). Mobile TV (MTV) is also being pushed forward, along fixed DTTB, with the idea to provide the same contents under mobility conditions. Nevertheless, it has a very strong competence from video streaming platforms over mobile networks. There are already standards and broadcast emissions, but their reach is still limited. ◮ Terrestrial: DVB-M/H, ATSC-M/H, T-DMB, 1seg. ◮ Satellite: DVB-SH, CCMB, S-DMB. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 81 / 99
  81. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    I There is a inherent crisis in the model of “appointment TV”. Terrestrial and satellite digital TV have a very strong competence from other alternative video content providers (linear or not): ◮ Digital cable TV (traditional competitor). ◮ Internet streaming, including IP TV (newcomers). Figure 75: IP and cable TV network architecture (source [57]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 82 / 99
  82. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    II DTTB implementation and the subsequent ASO is offering an opportunity to rethink the role of “linear TV”, develop new business models and provide new services. Governments can already get new income and make key investments by exploiting the digital dividend, granting the available frequencies to 4G/5G network operators. Each country has specific issues, and each DTTB deployment should be backed by its own business model. ◮ The future of TV is not “on demand” or “live”, but should mix both. ◮ DTTB can have an effective role in promoting local content and production, and providing the right content to the right audience. Figure 76: The ITU provides guidelines to support the business models for DTTB transition (source [58]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 83 / 99
  83. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    III Linear TV is still very important, but the trend is negative. Figure 77: Average time spent on activies per day as of 2016, in UK (source [59]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 84 / 99
  84. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    IV Linear TV still captures substantial revenues from advertising, but this is in the overall slowly declining. Figure 78: Total TV broadcast industry revenue per source as of 2016, in UK (source [60]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 85 / 99
  85. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    V Advertising as source of income is shifting towards new models. Figure 79: Evolution of advertising (source [60]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 86 / 99
  86. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    VI The future lies in the convergence of different technologies and media, in exploiting their specificities while providing collaborative services. Figure 80: Services & digital platforms (source [61]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 87 / 99
  87. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    VII Figure 81: A possible business model for MTV not based on advertising revenues and free-to-air delivery (source [62]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 88 / 99
  88. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    VIII Figure 82: Scenarios for the future of digital TV and related technologies (source [48]). Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 89 / 99
  89. Prospects of digital TV Challenges & opportunities Challenges & opportunities

    IX Figure 83: Source [63]. Ongoing evolution and changes in TV is an opportunity to rethink its role and influence in society. Francisco J. Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 90 / 99
  90. Prospects of digital TV Concluding remarks Concluding remarks Francisco J.

    Escribano Digital TV technologies: present and future August 23, 2018 91 / 99
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