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Marionette: the Backbone framework

Marionette: the Backbone framework

Marionette: the Backbone framework

Frontend NE

May 07, 2015

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  1. ahumphreys87 ahumphreys87 Days JavaScript Architect at Bede Gaming. JavaScript Game

    Framework that powers cross platform Bingo client and Slots games. Node.js Slots Engine, Chat Server. Node.js API facade. Evenings Core contributor to Marionette.js Issue triaging, Pull Request reviews. Bug fixing. New features!
  2. The Path to JavaScript MV* The Path to JavaScript MV*

    Server side rendering Adding JavaScript. jQuery. It's MV* Time!!
  3. Server Side Rendering Server Side Rendering Markup generated server side.

    Styled with CSS. No animation, fancy image image sliders or interactivity. It's all pretty bland. Something is missing....
  4. Example... Example... var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for

    IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.open('POST', 'example.com', true); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText; } }; xmlhttp.send('fname=Henry&lname=Ford');
  5. Along came jQuery Along came jQuery $.ajax({ method: "POST", url:

    "http://www.example.com", data: { fname: "Henry", lname: "Ford" } }) .done(function(data) { $("#myDiv").html(data); }); jQuery saved JavaScript and Front End Development
  6. The jQuery Hole The jQuery Hole $('#myDiv') .append('<div class="link"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Link

    1</a></div>') .append('<div class="link"><a href="javascript:void(0)">Link 1</a></div>') .append('<button>Close</button>'); Creating markup strings in jQuery is a code smell!
  7. <button id="playGame" data-gameid="game1" data-gamename="Demo Game" data-players="1"> Play </button> And then

    you need data... And then you need data... $(document).on('click', '#playGame', function() { var playButton = $(this); $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "http://www.example.com", data: { gameId: playButton.data('gameid'), gameName: playButton.data('gamename'), players: playButton.data('players') } }) .done(function(data) { console.log('Game Playing'); }); });
  8. Why Marionette? Why Marionette? Fills Backbone's gaps. Battle tested in

    large applications. Actively maintained. Vibrant community. Implements render on some useful pre defined views.
  9. The Community The Community Number 1 room in Gitter. Over

    5000 members. Lots of code examples and help! https://gitter.im/marionettejs/backbone.marionette
  10. Enough of the fluff - lets go Enough of the

    fluff - lets go deep! deep! Application. Router. Modules. Events (Wreqr/Radio). Object. Architecture Layer View Layer Region. ItemView. CollectionView. CompositeView. LayoutView.
  11. The View Layer The View Layer All views have Backbone.Event

    baked in. This allows us to: Listen for view events. Show nested views. Capture and manipulate during view lifecycle. Example time....
  12. var MyView = Marionette.View.extend({ template: '<div>test</div>', events: { 'click #myButton':

    'doSomething' }, doSomething: function() { console.log('button clicked'); }, onRender: function() { console.log('did some data change?'); }, onShow: function() { console.log('BOOM, I am in the DOM'); }, onDestroy: function() { console.log('Clean me up'); }, onSwapOut: function() { console.log('If I gotta leave, I wanna go in style'); }, onSwap: function() { console.log('Now thats what I call an entrance'); } });
  13. ItemView ItemView Extends from the base View. Ideal for rendering

    a Backbone.Model. modelEvents. var person = new Backbone.Model({ fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Ford' }); var MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: '{{fname}} {{lname}}', modelEvents: { change: 'render' } }); myView = new MyView({ model: person }); myView.render();
  14. CollectionView CollectionView Render a Collection. Renders a list of ItemViews.

    collectionEvents. childEvents. Auto update on add/remove/update. Sorting and Filtering. Pagination. Another example...
  15. var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { fname: 'Andrew', lname: 'Humphreys'

    } }); var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Person }); var people = new People([ {fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Ford', age: 67}, {fname: 'John', lname: 'Smith', age: 25}, {fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Hoover', age: 42} ]); var MyCollectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ childView: MyView, onChildviewDoSomething: function() { console.log('a childs button was clicked'); } }); var myCollectionView = new MyCollectionView({ collection: people }); myCollectionView.render();
  16. var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Person, comparator: 'age' }); var

    people = new People([ {fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Ford', age: 67}, {fname: 'John', lname: 'Smith', age: 25}, {fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Hoover', age: 42} ]); var MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: '{{fname}} {{lname}}' }); var MyCollectionView = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ childView: MyView, filter: function (child, index, collection) { return child.get('fname') === 'Henry'; } }); var myCollectionView = new MyCollectionView({ collection: people }); myCollectionView.render();
  17. CompositeView CompositeView Renders a collection within a template. Ideal for

    tabular data. Nested lists/Tree views Time to see it in action...
  18. var People = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Person, comparator: 'age' }); var

    people = new People([ {fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Ford', age: 67}, {fname: 'John', lname: 'Smith', age: 25}, {fname: 'Henry', lname: 'Hoover', age: 42} ]); var MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({ tagName: 'tr', template: '<td>{{fname}}</td><td>{{lname}}</td>' }); var MyCompositeView = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({ template: '<table><thead><th>Forename</th><th>Surname</th></thead><tbody></tbody></table>', childView: MyView, childViewContainer: 'tbody' filter: function (child, index, collection) { return child.get('fname') === 'Henry'; } }); var myCompositeView = new MyCompositeView({ collection: people }); myCompositeView.render();
  19. LayoutView LayoutView The big daddy of all views. Create complex

    nested layouts. Render all in 1 call. A view with regions. Yeah, you guessed it - example time...
  20. var MyLayoutView = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ template: "#layout-template", regions: { myRegion: "#some-div",

    anotherRegion: ".another-element" } }); var MyLayoutView2 = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({ template: "#layout-template2", regions: { myRegion: "#some-div2", anotherRegion: ".another-element" } }); var myLayoutView = new MyLayoutView( onShow: function(){ this.showChildView('myRegion', new MyLayoutView2()); this.showChildView('anotherRegion', new Marionette.View()); } ); MyApp.getRegion('someRegion').show(myLayoutView);
  21. <div id="some-region"> <!-- LayoutView --> <div> <div id="some-div"> <!-- LayoutView

    2 --> <div> <div id="some-div2"></div> <div class="another-element"></div> </div> </div> <div class="another-element"> <!-- ItemView --> <div></div> </div> </div> </div>
  22. Whats so great? Whats so great? Using this pattern we

    can infinitely nest views. The event bindings on subviews ensure only views that need to re- render actually do. Similar to a CollectionView's children we can listen for childEvents. Use as an "app root" view. Or something smaller!
  23. What does the future hold? What does the future hold?

    v3.0.0 LayoutView => ItemView => View. Views replacing a regions element. Backbone.Radio. Backbone.Metal. Improved Router. Application lifecycle. Modules => Sub-apps. Simple decision making - 2 views: v3.0.0 v3.0.0 View CollectionView