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When you say DevOps

Filip Zrůst
September 15, 2016

When you say DevOps

A presentation which further explores automation as part of DevOps principles. That automation is best fulfilled by adopting continuous integration and delivery practices. It also stresses that even in the age of GitHub flow mainline (trunk-based or master-based) development makes sense for probably most of the code we are writing and that we are often blindly adopting processes suitable for large open source projects.

There is an example given during presentation which can be found at https://github.com/frzng/toggles-example. Original Keynote presentation can be found at https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0ASyPrXNsy-wMueAVNkFOfYQw#When_you_say_DevOps.

Filip Zrůst

September 15, 2016

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  1. –Neal Ford “As soon as you have humans doing repetitive

    tasks on behalf of computers, they all get together late at night and laugh at you.”
  2. When you say DevOps I hear… Culture, Automation, Measurement and

    Sharing Developers should change: ❖ their mindset about being the most important ❖ by learning and adopting proven practices ❖ by adopting CI/CD mindset