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平和なConsul Cluster運用 / consul-casual-1

平和なConsul Cluster運用 / consul-casual-1

Consul Casual Talks #1

FUJIWARA Shunichiro

August 01, 2016

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  1. Consulͷ׆༻ࣄྫ 1. Internal DNS (node, service) 2. maintͰϝϯςφϯε 3. StretcherʹΑΔσϓϩΠɺChef࣮ߦ

    4. consul-templateʹΑΔnginxͷઃఆߋ৽ 5. 1୆͔͠ಈ͔ͨ͘͠ͳ͍daemonͷഉଞىಈ
  2. Internal DNS (node, service) node໊ (ྫ kayac-web-i-1234567...) service໊(ྫ) • log-aggregator

    : Fluentdͷू໿αʔό • log-analyzer : Norikra • internal-proxy : ֎ʹग़ͯߦͨ͘ΊͷSquid • internal-mta : ֎ʹग़ͯߦͨ͘ΊͷPostfix
  3. Internal DNS (node, service) dnsmasqΛશ୆Ͱىಈ .consul υϝΠϯͷ໊લղܾ͸consul agent΁ Λdnsmasq͕Listen͢Δ

    # dnsmasq.conf server=/consul/ bind-interfaces listen-address=
  4. Internal DNS (node, service) resolv.conf Ͱ (node|service).consul ΛݕࡧυϝΠϯʹࢦఆ → node໊ɺservice໊͚ͩͰ઀ଓͰ͖Δ

    # /etc/resolv.conf search node.consul service.consul nameserver # dnsmasq nameserver # VPC resolver nameserver # Unbound on EC2
  5. bash-completionͰsshͷϗετ໊ิ׬ ~/.bash_profile _known_hosts_real() { local members=$(consul members -status=alive | awk

    '!/Node/{printf("%s ", $1)}') COMPREPLY=( $( \ compgen -W "$members" \ ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]} \ ) ) return 0 } ੜ͖͍ͯΔϗετͷΈิ׬ީิʹͳΔ http://qiita.com/sfujiwara/items/f4fa907ead53ed104e1a
  6. Fluentdͷू໿αʔό΁ૹΔઃఆ ConsulͰఏڙ͢ΔDNS໊΁ϥ΢ϯυϩϏϯͰૹ৴ <match **> type forward expire_dns_cache 15 dns_round_robin true

    heartbeat_type tcp <server> host log-aggregator.service.consul </server> </match> ૹ৴ઌͷྻڍෆཁɺࣗಈ੾Γ཭͠
  7. PackerͰ AMI ࡞੒࣌ʹ maint 1. consul cluster ʹ join 2.

    maint -enable (ߏஙதʹ૊Έࠐ·Εͳ͍Α͏ʹ) 3. ChefͰߏங 4. maintঢ়ଶͷ·· AMI ࡞੒ 5. AMI͔Βىಈͨ͠Πϯελϯε΋maintͷ·· 6. ىಈޙͷॾʑ͕ऴΘͬͨΒ maint -disable → αʔϏεΠϯ
  8. maintͳΒىಈ͠ͳ͍ daemontools ͷ run script #!/bin/bash maint=$(consul maint) if [[

    $maint != "" ]]; then echo "$maint" sleep 10 exit 1 fi exec ... ϝϯς࣌ʹىಈͯ͠ཉ͘͠ͳ͍daemonΛ੍ޚ (maint -enableʹͳͬͯ΋stopͨ͠Γ͸͠ͳ͍)
  9. StretcherͰChef࣮ߦ Chef-Server → Stretcher + Chef-Solo • Chef-Serverr͕ SPOF /

    ϘτϧωοΫʹͳΒͳ͍ • શ୆ʹಉ͡tar, eventΛ഑෍ˠద༻͢ΔjsonΛ֤ϊʔυͰܾఆ # /etc/sysconfig/hostname-prefix HOSTNAME_PREFIX="xxx-app" → nodes/xxx-app.json Λద༻
  10. ChefͷroleݕࡧΛserviceఆٛͰ /etc/consul.d/role.json { "service": { "name": "role", "tags": [ "batch-server",

    "db-client", ... ] } } Serviceͱͯ͠ఆٛͯ͠ݕࡧՄೳʹ http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/role? tag=db-client
  11. http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/role? tag=internal-proxy [ { "Node": "xxx-i-10bf0fe2", "Address": "", "ServiceID": "role",

    "ServiceName": "role", ... }, { "Node": "xxx-i-3c1b72b3", "Address": "", "ServiceID": "role", "ServiceName": "role", ... } ]
  12. ͋Δdaemontools؅ཧϓϩηεΛ࠶ىಈ͍ͨ͠ curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/ daemontools?tag=gunfish | jq -r ".[].Node" xxx-admin-i-0391d6162be552655 xxx-app-i-01a7ff42f4796be4f

    xxx-app-i-05bd652734828b522 xxx-batch-i-0095ac858fe87d8e5 Regexp::TrieͰ࠷దͳਖ਼نදݱʹͯ͠ consul exec consul exec -node '(?:xxx\-(?:a(?:dmin|pp)|batch))' "svc -h /service/gunfish"
  13. nginxͷઃఆߋ৽ # config.hcl template { source = "/etc/nginx/spam.ip.conf.ctmpl" destination =

    "/etc/nginx/spam.ip.conf" command = "service nginx reload" perms = 0644 backup = true } # spam.ip.conf.ctmpl {{key "spam_ips"}} localhost:8500/v1/kv/spam_ips ʹPUT͢Δ͚ͩͰઃఆߋ৽
  14. ServerʹඞཁͳϦιʔε • CPU: 2CPUͰे෼ • Memory: 20MBʙ • Disk: 2MBʙ

    Memory, Disk͸KVͷར༻ঢ়گ࣍ୈ KV dump JSON 10MB, data_dir/raft 120MB → consul agent RSS 250MB
  15. ߴՄ༻ੑͷͨΊʹ Server୆਺ʹΑΓಉ࣌ʹো֐Λىͯ͜͠ ΋໰୊ͳ͍node਺͕มΘΔ • 3 node → 1 • 5

    node → 2 3 nodeߏ੒࣌ɺ2୆མͪͯ࢒Γ1୆ʹͳ ͬͯ͠·͏ͱLeader͕બग़Ͱ͖ͳ͍ ௕࣌ؒ੾Γ཭͢ϝϯςφϯε࣌ʹ͸Ұ࣌ తʹServer nodeΛ૿΍͢ख΋
  16. nodeো֐࣌ͷӨڹ ! LeaderͰ͸ͳ͍ → " ଞnodeʹ͸Өڹͳ͠ ! Leader → "

    Leader࠶બग़ σϑΥϧτͰ͸͢΂ͯͷಡΈॻ͖ΛLeader͕ॲཧ (ڧҰ؏ੑ) Leader͕ܾ·Δ·ͰΞΫηεෆೳ (DNS, HTTP)
  17. Stale mode (DNS) Leader࠶બग़͸௨ৗ2ʙ3ඵͰ׬ྃ ͦͷؒ΋DNSͰNode, Service໊ղܾΛ͍ͨ͠ʁ → Stale mode :

    Leaderະબग़Ͱ΋Ԡ౴Մೳ "dns_config":{ "allow_stale": true, // default false "max_stale": "10s" // default 5s } ݁Ռ͸ݹ͍Մೳੑ͕͋Δ(݁Ռ੔߹ੑ)
  18. Stale mode (HTTP API) HTTP APIͰstale modeʹ͢Δ৔߹͸Ҿ਺ stale $ curl

    "" staleҾ਺ͳ͠ͰLeaderબग़தʹΞΫηε → 500 Internal Server Error
  19. KVͷόοΫΞοϓ ͋Δ֊૚ͷԼͷ஋Λ࠶ؼతʹऔΓ͍ͨ৔߹͸ recurse $ curl -s "" [ {"CreateIndex":112,"ModifyIndex":115,"LockIndex":0, "Key":"key1","Flags":123,"Value":"dGVzdA=="},

    {"CreateIndex":122,"ModifyIndex":122,"LockIndex":0, "Key":"key2","Flags":0,"Value":"dGVzdDI="}, {"CreateIndex":124,"ModifyIndex":124,"LockIndex":0, "Key":"test/1","Flags":0,"Value":"dGVzdDM="} ] Key, Flags, ValueΛPUT͠ͳ͓͠ͰϨετΞͰ͖Δ
  20. ࣮ࡍʹLeader͕ೖΕସΘͬͨͱ͖ͷϩά 2016/07/30 10:07:28 [WARN] raft: Heartbeat timeout reached, starting election

    2016/07/30 10:07:28 [INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state 2016/07/30 10:07:30 [WARN] raft: Election timeout reached, restarting election 2016/07/30 10:07:30 [INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state 2016/07/30 10:07:30 [INFO] raft: Election won. Tally: 3 2016/07/30 10:07:30 [INFO] raft: Node at [Leader] entering Leader state 2016/07/30 10:07:30 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired 2016/07/30 10:07:30 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: xxx-consul-i-ff26ca5a 2ඵఔ౓Ͱճ෮ DNSͷcache / stale mode ͰαʔϏεӨڹͳ͠ stale໌ࣔ͠ͳ͍HTTP API͸500ʹͳΔˠৗ࣌ୟ͖·͘Δͷ͸…?
  21. consul exec Ͱେྔ݁Ռऔಘ consul exec "cat /var/log/foo.log" | grep ...

    ֤ϗετͷϩάΛconsul execͰऔಘ͠Α͏ͱͨ͠ → consul exec ͸KVʹҰ୴อଘ͢ΔͷͰϝϞϦ/DBංେԽ serverΛ1୆ͣͭ࠶ىಈͯ͠ճ෮
  22. ่յͨ͠ΒͲ͏͢Ε͹ 1. མͪண͘ 2. serverΛશ෦ࢭΊΔ 3. σʔλ(data_dir)΋શ෦ফ͢ 4. serverΛ -bootstrap-expect

    N Ͱىಈ • start_join ·ͨ͸ खಈͰ join 5. (ඞཁͳΒ) KVΛόοΫΞοϓ͔Β໭͢