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The Vital Signs of Oracle Analytics: Understand...

The Vital Signs of Oracle Analytics: Understand, Measure and Improve Performance

Performance issues in Oracle Analytics are like diseases: they will spread if you ignore them, and eventually kill your systems.

This session aims at demystify performance tuning myths by revealing the truth behind commonly held beliefs or ideas that are not based on facts or evidence. It looks at the practical elements of diagnosing the causes of performance issues in Oracle Analytics, and discusses good practices to observe when developing new systems. It also includes a focus on the new capabilities of Data Visualization and their impact on performance.

Federico Venturin

October 22, 2024

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  1. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Federico Venturin o Analytics Consultant o Oracle ACE

    Associate ♠ o Oracle Analytics Ambassador 2024 o ITOUG Board member o Based in Trebaseleghe Venice, Italy o fventurin.hashnode.dev o [email protected]
  2. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev I was raised by my parents to believe

    that you had a moral obligation to try and help save the world Anne Lamott Why Am I Here?
  3. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Infrastructure capacity o Configuration settings o Data

    model design o Semantic model (RPD) design o Dashboard design o Other / external factors What Causes Performance Issues?
  4. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Adding capacity alone is generally not sensible

    o Fix issues at root cause and you might offset the need for capacity at all Infrastructure Capacity
  5. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Default values are generally good o Unnecessary

    fiddling without good reason should be avoided Configuration Settings
  6. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev The overall performance improvement gained by optimising a

    single part of a system is limited by the fraction of time the improved part is actually used Gene Amdahl Amdahl's Law
  7. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Generic performance diagnosis tool o Shows the

    time for each step within an action o To understand why is it slow, we first must understand where is it slow Time Profile
  8. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o End user reports a response time of

    40 seconds o Where did the time get spent? o What should we do? Time Profile in Action
  9. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Enables administrators to collect statistics for each

    query o Number of rows returned from the database o SQL statements executed on the database o Execution time o Cache hits Usage Tracking
  10. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Usage Tracking is not enabled by default

    o Specify usage tracking database, schema and connection pool in the RPD o Set properties in the System Settings page Enabling Usage Tracking F
  11. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Facility for logging query activity at the

    individual user level o Gives more information than Usage Tracking o Writes to DOMAIN_HOME/servers/obis1/logs/obis1-query.log Query Logging
  12. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Query logging is not enabled by default

    o Requires LOGLEVEL to be greater than 0 (2 is recommended) Enabling Query Logging
  13. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Switch off the BI Server query logging if

    you are having performance issues in Oracle Analytics Myth #3
  14. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Query logging is needed to trace and

    diagnose performance issues o The overhead is neglectable when LOGLEVEL is less than or equal to 2 Query Logging
  15. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Provide information about Fusion Middleware (FMW) components

    o View DMS metrics using DMS Spy (http://HOST:9500/dms) or WLST Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) Metrics
  16. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Helpful in monitoring the database for real

    time performance o V$ (Oracle), dm_exec_query_stats (SQL Server), etc. o Consider instrumenting connection pools o Correlate recent database activity with Oracle Analytics dashboards and users Dynamic Performance Views
  17. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o What? o CPU, disk, memory, network, etc.

    o Where? o Oracle Analytics o Data sources o How? o *nix: collectl, iostat, vmstat, etc. o Windows: PerfMon, Telegraf, etc. Operating System Metrics
  18. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Enables the BI Server to store query

    precomputed results in a local cache and satisfy subsequent queries without accessing back-end data sources o Can result in dramatic improvements in the average query response time o Can be particularly effective when federated data sources are used o It must be proactively designed and managed BI Server Cache
  19. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Mechanism for caching file-based and connection-based datasets

    o Totally different compared to the BI Server cache o In principle all rows and columns for each table are cached o Aggregation and filtering on data gets done by the BI Server o By default it is stored on the file system o DOMAIN_HOME/servers/obis1/cache/xsastorage o May be adequate for small to medium sized data sources such as spreadsheet files o Storing it on a database may provide better performance for larger data sources XSA Cache
  20. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Do not use cache as a mask

    for bad design o The actual problem is never addressed and will persist Cache
  21. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Data transformations should happen once at ETL

    time o Widespread usage at query time is indicative of suboptimal design, it's difficult to maintain, and result in less efficient and complex SQL Data Transformations
  22. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Self-service data models o Can contain multiple

    tables with relationships between them o Can contain data from files, SaaS applications, Oracle Analytics reports, and many relational and big data data sources o Data enrichment and transformation through a powerful editor o But they are not a replacement for the semantic model (RPD) o Vertical Federation and Double Column features are not supported o Generate different physical queries Datasets
  23. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Used for combining sources of different granularity

    in a semantic model o Reports that require summarised data will perform better if the summary has been calculated in advance, in an aggregate table Vertical Federation
  24. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Provides a mechanism for associating two columns

    o One column provides description values, the second corresponding IDs o Enables the query engine to generate more efficient physical SQL Double Column Support
  25. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Example: Semantic Model Vs Dataset o Same logical

    SQL o Show me MEZCAL Revenue by County and Vendor in 2022 SELECT 0 s_0, "Iowa Liquor Sales"."Product"."Vendor Name" s_1, "Iowa Liquor Sales"."Store"."County" s_2, "Iowa Liquor Sales"."Measures"."Revenue $" s_3 FROM "Iowa Liquor Sales" WHERE (("Date"."Year" = 2022) AND ("Product"."Category Name" = 'MEZCAL')) ORDER BY 3 ASC NULLS LAST, 2 ASC NULLS LAST FETCH FIRST 65001 ROWS ONLY SELECT 0 s_0, XSA('weblogic'.'Iowa Liquor Sales')."D_ITEM"."VENDOR_NAME" s_1, XSA('weblogic'.'Iowa Liquor Sales')."D_STORE"."COUNTY" s_2, XSA('weblogic'.'Iowa Liquor Sales')."F_IA_LIQUOR_SALES"."BOTTLES_SOLD" s_3 FROM XSA('weblogic'.'Iowa Liquor Sales') WHERE (("D_DATE"."YEAR_NUMBER" = 2022) AND ("D_ITEM"."CATEGORY_NAME" = 'MEZCAL')) ORDER BY 3 ASC NULLS LAST, 2 ASC NULLS LAST FETCH FIRST 65001 ROWS ONLY
  26. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Example: Semantic Model Vs Dataset o Different physical

    SQL WITH SAWITH0 AS (select sum(T110.SALE_DOLLARS) as c1, T93.VENDOR_NAME as c2, T100.COUNTY as c3 from DWH.D_DATE T70 /* Dim Date */ , DWH.D_ITEM T93 /* Dim Product */ , DWH.D_STORE T100 /* Dim Store */ , DWH.F_IA_LIQUOR_SALES T110 /* Fact Iowa Liquor Sales */ where ( T70.DAY_DATE = T110.INVOICE_DATE and T93.ITEM_ID = T110.ITEM_ID and T70.YEAR_NUMBER = 2022 and T93.CATEGORY_NAME = 'MEZCAL' and T100.STORE_ID = T110.STORE_ID ) group by T93.VENDOR_NAME, T100.COUNTY) select D1.c1 as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3, D1.c4 as c4 from ( select 0 as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3, D1.c1 as c4 from SAWITH0 D1 order by c3, c2 ) D1 where rownum <= 65001 WITH SAWITH0 AS (select T1000005.SALE_DOLLARS as c1, T1000005.STORE_ID as c2, T1000005.ITEM_ID as c3, T1000005.INVOICE_DATE as c4 from DWH.F_IA_LIQUOR_SALES T1000005), SAWITH1 AS (select T1000008.COUNTY as c1, T1000008.STORE_ID as c2 from DWH.D_STORE T1000008), SAWITH2 AS (select T1000011.VENDOR_NAME as c1, T1000011.CATEGORY_NAME as c2, T1000011.ITEM_ID as c3 from DWH.D_ITEM T1000011 where ( T1000011.CATEGORY_NAME = 'MEZCAL' ) ), SAWITH3 AS (select T1000014.YEAR_NUMBER as c1, T1000014.DAY_DATE as c2 from DWH.D_DATE T1000014 where ( T1000014.YEAR_NUMBER = 2022 ) ), SAWITH4 AS (select D3.c1 as c1, D2.c1 as c2, D1.c1 as c5 from ( ( SAWITH0 D1 inner join SAWITH1 D2 On D1.c2 = D2.c2) inner join SAWITH2 D3 On D1.c3 = D3.c3) inner join SAWITH3 D4 On D1.c4 = D4.c2), SAWITH5 AS (select D1000001.c1 as c1, D1000001.c2 as c2, sum(D1000001.c5) as c3 from SAWITH4 D1000001 group by D1000001.c1, D1000001.c2) select D1.c1 as c1, D1.c2 as c2, D1.c3 as c3, D1.c4 as c4 from ( select 0 as c1, D116.c1 as c2, D116.c2 as c3, D116.c3 as c4 from SAWITH5 D116 order by c3, c2 ) D1 where rownum <= 65001
  27. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Example: Semantic Model Vs Dataset o Performance (BI

    Server cache and XSA cache disabled) Query Status: Successful Completion Rows 297, bytes 111672 retrieved from database query id: <<50068>>, physical request hash 77df9598 Physical query response: Total time 4.114 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 4.113 (seconds), id <<50068>>, physical request hash 77df9598 Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 4.114, DB-connect time 0.000 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 4.144, Total time in BI Server 4.127, Execution time 4.135, Response time 4.143, Compilation time 0.007 (seconds), logical request hash 8fea7779 Num of Result Cache Hit:0, Num of XSA Cache Hit:0. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 8fea7779 : 0.000 (seconds) Query Status: Successful Completion Rows 297, bytes 116424 retrieved from database query id: <<93648>>, physical request hash 403c0537 Physical query response: Total time 3.234 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 3.233 (seconds), id <<93648>>, physical request hash 403c0537 Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 3.234, DB-connect time 0.000 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 4.139, Total time in BI Server 4.128, Execution time 4.130, Response time 4.138, Compilation time 0.891 (seconds), logical request hash f06be6ba Num of Result Cache Hit:0, Num of XSA Cache Hit:0. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash f06be6ba : 0.000 (seconds)
  28. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Example: Semantic Model Vs Dataset o Performance (BI

    Server cache and XSA cache enabled, first run) Total Cache elapsed time 5.446 (seconds) Query Status: Successful Completion Rows 297, bytes 111672 retrieved from database query id: <<20134>>, physical request hash 77df9598 Physical query response: Total time 5.442 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 5.441 (seconds), id <<20134>>, physical request hash 77df9598 Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 5.442, DB-connect time 0.001 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 5.475, Total time in BI Server 5.466, Execution time 5.467, Response time 5.474, Compilation time 0.015 (seconds), logical request hash 8fea7779 Num of Result Cache Hit:0, Num of XSA Cache Hit:0. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 8fea7779 : 0.000 (seconds) Total Cache elapsed time 53.861 (seconds) Native storage data summary stats for <<46612>>: file size = 6032624 bytes, row count = 2972, column count = 9 Native storage data summary stats for <<46682>>: file size = 4721480 bytes, row count = 12781, column count = 6 Native storage data summary stats for <<46713>>: file size = 4721480 bytes, row count = 96, column count = 2 Native storage data summary stats for <<46807>>: file size = 9967108 bytes, row count = 4261, column count = 22 Query Status: Successful Completion Rows 27277229, bytes 3164158564 retrieved from database query id: <<41299>>, physical request hash b886e1f9 Physical query response: Total time 36.792 (seconds), Fetch time 36.772 (seconds), Execute time 0.018 (seconds), id <<41299>>, physical request hash b886e1f9 Rows 96, bytes 14976 retrieved from database query id: <<46713>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46713>>, physical request hash 0 Rows 4261, bytes 85220 retrieved from database query id: <<46807>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46807>>, physical request hash 0 Rows 2972, bytes 23776 retrieved from database query id: <<46612>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46612>>, physical request hash 0 Rows 12781, bytes 153372 retrieved from database query id: <<46682>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46682>>, physical request hash 0 Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 5, Cumulative time 36.792, DB-connect time 0.000 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 96.571, Total time in BI Server 96.559, Execution time 96.553, Response time 96.562, Compilation time 42.700 (seconds), logical request hash 41e4c4d0 Num of Result Cache Hit:0, Num of XSA Cache Hit:3. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 41e4c4d0 : 0.000 (seconds)
  29. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Example: Semantic Model Vs Dataset o Performance (BI

    Server cache and XSA cache enabled, first run) Total Cache elapsed time 5.446 (seconds) Query Status: Successful Completion Rows 297, bytes 111672 retrieved from database query id: <<20134>>, physical request hash 77df9598 Physical query response: Total time 5.442 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 5.441 (seconds), id <<20134>>, physical request hash 77df9598 Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 5.442, DB-connect time 0.001 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 5.475, Total time in BI Server 5.466, Execution time 5.467, Response time 5.474, Compilation time 0.015 (seconds), logical request hash 8fea7779 Num of Result Cache Hit:0, Num of XSA Cache Hit:0. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 8fea7779 : 0.000 (seconds) Total Cache elapsed time 53.861 (seconds) Native storage data summary stats for <<46612>>: file size = 6032624 bytes, row count = 2972, column count = 9 Native storage data summary stats for <<46682>>: file size = 4721480 bytes, row count = 12781, column count = 6 Native storage data summary stats for <<46713>>: file size = 4721480 bytes, row count = 96, column count = 2 Native storage data summary stats for <<46807>>: file size = 9967108 bytes, row count = 4261, column count = 22 Query Status: Successful Completion Rows 27277229, bytes 3164158564 retrieved from database query id: <<41299>>, physical request hash b886e1f9 Physical query response: Total time 36.792 (seconds), Fetch time 36.772 (seconds), Execute time 0.018 (seconds), id <<41299>>, physical request hash b886e1f9 Rows 96, bytes 14976 retrieved from database query id: <<46713>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46713>>, physical request hash 0 Rows 4261, bytes 85220 retrieved from database query id: <<46807>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46807>>, physical request hash 0 Rows 2972, bytes 23776 retrieved from database query id: <<46612>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46612>>, physical request hash 0 Rows 12781, bytes 153372 retrieved from database query id: <<46682>>, physical request hash 0 Physical query response: Total time 0.000 (seconds), Fetch time 0.000 (seconds), Execute time 0.000 (seconds), id <<46682>>, physical request hash 0 Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 5, Cumulative time 36.792, DB-connect time 0.000 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 96.571, Total time in BI Server 96.559, Execution time 96.553, Response time 96.562, Compilation time 42.700 (seconds), logical request hash 41e4c4d0 Num of Result Cache Hit:0, Num of XSA Cache Hit:3. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 41e4c4d0 : 0.000 (seconds)
  30. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Example: Semantic Model Vs Dataset o Performance (BI

    Server cache and XSA cache enabled, second run) Query Status: Successful Completion Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 0.000, DB-connect time 0.000 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 0.021, Total time in BI Server 0.004, Execution time 0.006, Response time 0.020, Compilation time 0.004 (seconds), logical request hash 8fea7779 Num of Result Cache Hit:1, Num of XSA Cache Hit:0. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 8fea7779 : 0.000 (seconds) Query Status: Successful Completion Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 0.000, DB-connect time 0.000 (seconds) Rows returned to Client 297 Logical Query Summary Stats: Elapsed time 0.647, Total time in BI Server 0.630, Execution time 0.635, Response time 0.646, Compilation time 0.629 (seconds), logical request hash 41e4c4d0 Num of Result Cache Hit:1, Num of XSA Cache Hit:0. Deferred init block execution time for logical request hash 41e4c4d0 : 0.000 (seconds)
  31. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Allow visual data manipulation without requiring manual

    coding skills o But they are not a replacement for ETL tools and procedures Data Flows
  32. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Oracle Analytics retrieves results for all columns

    listed in Criteria tab Overcrowded Analyses select sum(T42433.Units) as c1, sum(T42433.Revenue) as c2, T42428.Name as c3, T42412.Office_Dsc as c4, T42412.Company as c5, T42433.Order_Status as c6, T42409.Prod_Dsc as c7, T42409.Brand as c8, T42419.Employee_Key as c9, T42404.Calendar_Date as c10, T42404.Per_Name_Year as c11, T42428.Cust_Key as c12, T42409.Prod_Key as c13, T42412.Office_Key as c14 from BISAMPLE.SAMP_OFFICES_D T42412 /* D30 Offices */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_EMPL_D_VH T42419 /* D50 Sales Rep (Parent Child Hierarchy) */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_EMPL_PARENT_CHILD_MAP T42420 /* D51 Closure Table Sales Rep Parent Child */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T42409 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_CUSTOMERS_D T42428 /* D60 Customers */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_DAY_D T42404 /* D01 Time Day Grain */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_F T42433 /* F10 Billed Rev */ where ( T42412.Office_Key = T42433.Office_Key and T42409.Prod_Key = T42433.Prod_Key and T42419.Employee_Key = T42420.Ancestor_Key and T42404.Calendar_Date = T42433.Bill_Day_Dt and T42420.Member_Key = T42433.Empl_Key and T42428.Cust_Key = T42433.Cust_Key ) group by T42404.Calendar_Date, T42404.Per_Name_Year, T42409.Brand, T42409.Prod_Dsc, T42409.Prod_Key, T42412.Office_Dsc, T42412.Office_Key, T42412.Company, T42419.Employee_Key, T42428.Cust_Key, T42428.Name, T42433.Order_Status
  33. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Create multiple smaller analyses and remove excluded

    columns Overcrowded Analyses select sum(T42442.Units) as c1, sum(T42442.Revenue) as c2, T42406.PER_NAME_YEAR as c3 from BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_QTR_D T42406 /* D03 Time Quarter Grain */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_FA2 T42442 /* F21 Rev. (Aggregate 2) */ where ( T42406.QTR_KEY = T42442.Bill_Qtr_Key ) group by T42406.PER_NAME_YEAR -99.99% rows returned -99.33% elapsed time
  34. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Do not append any WHERE conditions to

    the query View Prompts select sum(T42433.Units) as c1, sum(T42433.Revenue) as c2, T42412.Company as c3, T42409.Prod_Dsc as c4, T42409.Brand as c5, T42406.PER_NAME_YEAR as c6, T42409.Prod_Key as c7, T42412.Company_Key as c8 from BISAMPLE.SAMP_OFFICES_D T42412 /* D30 Offices */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T42409 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_QTR_D T42406 /* D03 Time Quarter Grain */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_F T42433 /* F10 Billed Rev */ where ( T42406.QTR_KEY = T42433.Bill_Qtr_Key and T42409.Prod_Key = T42433.Prod_Key and T42412.Office_Key = T42433.Office_Key ) group by T42406.PER_NAME_YEAR, T42409.Brand, T42409.Prod_Dsc, T42409.Prod_Key, T42412.Company, T42412.Company_Key
  35. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev Use dashboard prompts rather than view prompts View

    Prompts select sum(T42433.Units) as c1, sum(T42433.Revenue) as c2, T42409.Prod_Dsc as c3, T42409.Prod_Key as c4 from BISAMPLE.SAMP_OFFICES_D T42412 /* D30 Offices */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_PRODUCTS_D T42409 /* D10 Product (Dynamic Table) */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_TIME_QTR_D T42406 /* D03 Time Quarter Grain */ , BISAMPLE.SAMP_REVENUE_F T42433 /* F10 Billed Rev */ where ( T42406.QTR_KEY = T42433.Bill_Qtr_Key and T42409.Prod_Key = T42433.Prod_Key and T42406.PER_NAME_YEAR = '2010' and T42409.Brand = ‘BizTech’ and T42412.Office_Key = T42433.Office_Key and T42412.Company = 'Genmind Corp' ) group by T42409.Prod_Dsc, T42409.Prod_Key -95.56% rows returned -25.80% elapsed time
  36. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Links views so that one view (master)

    drives changes in others (detail) o Requires to place at least a master column in the Prompts drop target o Does not append any WHERE condition to the query o Use actions rather than sending master-detail events Master-Detail Linking of Views
  37. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Encapsulate the presentation of a hierarchy within

    a single column o Generate very complex and long SQL o Do not use more than 1 hierarchical column at a time Hierarchical Columns 211 lines of SQL!!!
  38. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o When a user selects data points in

    a visualisation, related data points are automatically highlighted in other visualisation o Executes additional queries that may have an impact on performance Brushing
  39. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Switch it off by default in the

    System Settigs page o Authors can still enable it on demand at canvas level when required Brushing F
  40. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Auto-Insights generates visualisations automatically o Explain uses

    ML to automatically explain a metric or attribute o Advanced Analytics creates statistics and ML-generated insights o Different built-in algorithms to train (and apply) predictive models o Python scripts are executed behind the scenes o ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/advanced_analytics o Loading and manipulating large amounts of data may require a lot of resources Embedded AI and ML Capabilities
  41. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Do not use Oracle Analytics as a

    feed for Excel-marts o Can you achieve the same within Oracle Analytics? o Exports to CSV should be used for data sets of > 100K rows o Do not use Excel formats for data sets larger than 100K rows o Exports of >500K rows should only use Publisher capabilities o Exports to CSV of 1M to 10M rows should be scheduled using Publisher o End users should not request large data set downloads on demand o Doc ID 1558070.1 Data Export
  42. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev o Start editing on Criteria tab in Classic

    Analytics o Toggle off Auto Apply Data while editing workbooks o Make sure dashboards/workbooks have default/mandatory prompts o Be smart about dashboard/workbook design o Database optimisation (partitioning, indexing, parallelism, statistics, etc.) o Balanced hardware configuration o Keep access permissions to the minimum necessary Not Forgetting
  43. [email protected] fventurin.hashnode.dev What About OAC? o Definitely not a collaborative

    patient! o No DMS metrics o No OS metrics o Query timeout limits o Limited control over cache