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More Than Things: Strategies for Intentional Co...

More Than Things: Strategies for Intentional Collections

Job talk for Collection Strategist Librarian position at Grand Valley State University.

Scarlet Galvan

December 10, 2018

More Decks by Scarlet Galvan

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  1. Today’s task: “The balance between cost effectiveness, accessibility, and user

    preferences in library acquisitions is constantly shifting. How would you approach this balance with the libraries’ collections at GVSU? Topics you may want to consider include, but are not limited to, new acquisitions models and curricular needs.”
  2. “The balance between cost effectiveness, accessibility, and user preferences in

    library acquisitions is constantly shifting. How would you approach this balance with the libraries’ collections at GVSU? Topics you may want to consider include, but are not limited to, new acquisitions models and curricular needs.”
  3. “The balance between stewardship, access, and empathy in library acquisitions

    is constantly shifting. How would you approach this balance with the libraries’ collections at GVSU? Topics you may want to consider include, but are not limited to, new acquisitions models and curricular needs.”
  4. “Until we [library workers] and our users are allowed to

    data mine and index scholarly journal content ourselves, we rely on commercial publishers to define significance and relevance for us.” –Bess Sadler and Chris Bourg
  5. Rating Ease of Use Audience Uniqueness Accessibility 1 Most students

    can use both simple and advanced features without assistance; students routinely successfully find and access information User group is very broad. The number of students who would be affected by cancellation would be high. It has a high impact on curriculum and teaching. Resource contains curriculum and teaching information not available anywhere else. The resource may have uniquely useful search interface or metadata. Resource exceeds the library’s standards for accessibility OR these are on demand services. 2 Students can figure out simple tasks on their own, but need coaching for advanced tasks; students have some difficulty finding or accessing information without help. The primary user group is limited to a discipline. It may impact curriculum and teaching. Resource contains curriculum and teaching information which can be found elsewhere; or it has uniquely useful search interface or metadata. Some accessibility standards met, others may be on a development roadmap.
  6. Other starting points: •Taking advantage of shared governance. •Develop a

    model license based on our goals. •Vendor ethics and performance review. •Operationalizing resource management.
  7. Thank you! What questions do you have for me? Think

    of something later? Write me at: galvan.as@gmail.com