A talk to the Integrated Enterprise Architecture conference about the influence of software eating the world, and the changing role of architecture as a discipline.
copied to system under test' include_context 'with a known name and storage account name' include_context 'with known network' it_behaves_like 'an idempotent resource' include_context 'destroy left-over created resources after use' it 'should have the correct size' do expect(@machine.role_size).to eq(@config[:optional][:size]) end it 'should have the correct deployment name' do expect(@machine.deployment_name).to eq(@config[:optional][:deployment]) end it 'should have the correct cloud service name' do expect(@machine.cloud_service_name).to eq(@config[:optional] [:cloud_service]) end Reusing unit testing frameworks to automate manual checks
application should not contain SQL injection vulnerabilities Meta: @id scan_sql_injection @cwe-89 Given a scanner with all policies disabled And the SQL-Injection policy is enabled And the attack strength is set to High And the alert threshold is set to Low When the scanner is run And the XML report is written to the file sql_injection.xml Then no Medium or higher risk vulnerabilities should be present
07:09, 3.31s elapsed (12 total ports) Nmap scan report for www.puppetlabs.com ( Host is up (0.082s latency). rDNS record for li924-113.members.linode.com PORT STATE SERVICE 20/tcp filtered ftp-data 21/tcp filtered ftp 22/tcp open ssh 23/tcp filtered telnet 25/tcp filtered smtp 80/tcp open http 110/tcp filtered pop3 443/tcp open https 512/tcp filtered exec 522/tcp filtered ulp 1080/tcp filtered socks 8080/tcp open http-proxy Standard nmap output requires manual analysis
expect(@open_ports.count).to eq(3) end it 'exposes a web server' do expect(@open_ports).to include('80/tcp') expect(@open_ports).to include('443/tcp') end it 'exposes an SSH server' do expect(@open_ports).to include('22/tcp') end it 'rejects email traffic' do expect(@closed_ports).to include('25/tcp') end Using a unit testing framework we can make explicit assertions
ports (FAILED - 3) exposes a web server exposes an SSH server rejects accept email traffic (FAILED - 4) Anyone can run the tests and understand what is expected and what is currently broken