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Kubernetes and the Potential for Higher Level I...

Kubernetes and the Potential for Higher Level Interfaces

Talk from KubeCon, the Kubernetes community conference. Covering the importance of context for user interfaces, standards, platforms, ecosystems, APIs and examples of high-level user interfaces for Kubernetes.

Gareth Rushgrove

March 10, 2016

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  1. Kubernetes and the Potential for Higher Level Interfaces Puppet Labs

    Gareth Rushgrove Ecosystems, APIs and user needs
  2. $ kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager. Find more information

    at https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes. Usage: kubectl [flags] kubectl [command] Available Commands: get Display one or many resources describe Show details of a specific resource or group of resources create Create a resource by filename or stdin replace Replace a resource by filename or stdin. patch Update field(s) of a resource by stdin. delete Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector. edit Edit a resource on the server A universal interface for actions on a Kubernetes cluster Gareth Rushgrove
  3. template: metadata: labels: app: guestbook tier: frontend spec: containers: -

    name: php-redis image: gcr.io/google_samples/gb-frontend:v4 resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi env: - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM value: dns # If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to A data format describing desired state Gareth Rushgrove
  4. The language to represent the data should be a simple,

    data-only format such as JSON or YAML, and programmatic modification of this data should be done in a real programming language Gareth Rushgrove Borg, Omega, and Kubernetes, ACM Queue, Volume 14, issue 1 http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2898444 “
  5. Changes with kubectle patch diverge from the model $ kubectl

    patch --help Update field(s) of a resource using strategic merge patch JSON and YAML formats are accepted. Usage: kubectl patch (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME) -p PATCH [flags] Examples: # Partially update a node using strategic merge patch kubectl patch node k8s-node-1 -p '{"spec":{"unschedulable":true}}' Gareth Rushgrove
  6. $ kubectl apply --help Apply a configuration to a resource

    by filename or stdin. JSON and YAML formats are accepted. Usage: kubectl apply -f FILENAME [flags] Examples: # Apply the configuration in pod.json to a pod. $ kubectl apply -f ./pod.json And kubectl apply requires the full object serialisation Gareth Rushgrove
  7. kubectl get pod mypod -o yaml \ | sed 's/\(image:

    myimage\):.*$/\1:v4/' \ | kubectl replace -f - This is from the official kubectl help. It pipes to sed. Gareth Rushgrove
  8. $ puppet apply examples/init.pp --test Info: Loading facts Notice: Compiled

    catalog for gareths in environment production in 1.24 seconds Info: Applying configuration version '1453298602' Info: Checking if sample-pod exists Info: Creating kubernetes_pod sample-pod Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Kubernetes_pod[sample-pod]/ensure: created Notice: Applied catalog in 0.23 seconds Running without that Pod already existing will create it Gareth Rushgrove
  9. Running a second time, nothing changes because the Pod already

    exists Gareth Rushgrove $ puppet apply examples/init.pp --test Info: Loading facts Notice: Compiled catalog for garethr in environment production in 1.33 seconds Info: Applying configuration version '1453298688' Info: Checking if sample-pod exists Notice: Applied catalog in 0.15 seconds
  10. $ puppet resource kubernetes_pod sample-pod kubernetes_pod { 'sample-pod': ensure =>

    'present', metadata => { 'creationTimestamp' => '2016-01-20T14:03:23Z', 'name' => 'sample-pod', 'namespace' => 'default', 'resourceVersion' => '4579', 'selfLink' => '/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/sample-pod’, 'uid' => '91c8a550-bf7e-11e5-816e-42010af001b1' }, spec => { 'containers' => [{ ‘image' => 'nginx', 'imagePullPolicy' => 'IfNotPresent', 'name' => ‘container-name', 'resources' => {'requests' => {'cpu' => '100m'}}, 'terminationMessagePat [{'mountPath' => '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount', 'name' 'dnsPolicy' => 'ClusterFirst', 'nodeName' => 'gke-guestbook-dc15a31a-nod puppet resource allows for interrogating an existing Kubernetes installation Gareth Rushgrove
  11. $ kubectl describe pod sample-pod Name: sample-pod Namespace: default Image(s):

    nginx Node: gke-guestbook-dc15a31a-node-fyb6/10.240. Start Time: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 14:03:23 +0000 Labels: <none> Status: Running Reason: Message: IP: Replication Controllers: <none> Containers: container-name: Container ID: docker://542389c5b2a98616ba3a8001029bc4a3f00d7c0 Image: nginx Image ID: docker://407195ab8b07 The same information is still accessible via other tooling Gareth Rushgrove
  12. Gareth Rushgrove Deis is an open source PaaS that provides

    a Heroku- inspired workflow, using Kubernetes under the hood Gareth Rushgrove
  13. Create configs locally with the CLI Gareth Rushgrove $ deis

    create Creating application... done, created boring-huntress Git remote deis added
  14. $ git push deis master Counting objects: 95, done. Delta

    compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done. Writing objects: 100% (95/95), 20.24 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 95 (delta 41), reused 85 (delta 37) -----> Ruby app detected -----> Compiling Ruby/Rack -----> Using Ruby version: ruby-1.9.3 -----> Installing dependencies using 1.5.2 Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/.......... Fetching additional metadata from http://rubygems.org/.. Using bundler (1.5.2) Installing tilt (1.3.6) Installing rack (1.5.2) The switch to Git for deployment Gareth Rushgrove
  15. Set config using CLI Gareth Rushgrove $ deis config:set FOO=1

    BAR=baz && deis config:pull $ cat .env FOO=1 BAR=baz $ echo "TIDE=high" >> .env $ deis config:push Creating config... done, v4 === yuppie-earthman DEIS_APP: yuppie-earthman FOO: 1 BAR: baz TIDE: high
  16. $ deis scale web=8 Scaling processes... but first, coffee! done

    in 20s === boring-huntress Processes --- web: web.1 up (v2) web.2 up (v2) web.3 up (v2) web.4 up (v2) web.5 up (v2) web.6 up (v2) web.7 up (v2) web.8 up (v2) Scale using the CLI Gareth Rushgrove
  17. Kubernetes is NOT an implementation details from the point of

    view of the administrator Gareth Rushgrove
  18. $ helm install redis-cluster ---> Running `kubectl create -f` ...

    services/redis-sentinel pods/redis-master replicationcontrollers/redis replicationcontrollers/redis-sentinel ---> Done Help provides distribution tools, plus wraps kubectl Gareth Rushgrove
  19. name: jenkins home: https://jenkins-ci.org/ version: 0.2.0 description: The leading open-source

    continuous integration server. maintainers: - Matt Fisher <mfisher@deis.com> details: Jenkins is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Chart.yaml metadata format Gareth Rushgrove
  20. If the API is the point of interoperability, how can

    it evolve safely? Gareth Rushgrove
  21. "type": "integer", "format": "int32", "description": "The port on each node

    on which this service is exposed when type=NodePort or LoadBalancer. Usually assigned by the system. If specified, it will be allocated to the service if unused or else creation of the service will fail. Default is to auto-allocate a port if the ServiceType of this Service requires one. More info: http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/user- guide/services.md#type--nodeport" } } }, "v1.ServiceStatus": { "id": "v1.ServiceStatus", "description": "ServiceStatus represents the current status of a service.", "properties": { "loadBalancer": { "$ref": "v1.LoadBalancerStatus", "description": "LoadBalancer contains the current status of the load-balancer, if one is present." The Kubernetes API spec is ~14,000 lines of JSON Gareth Rushgrove