Keynote talk at Configuration Management Camp, covering the power of metadata for building operations focused tools around containers. Talk of standards, container APIs and metadata.
1.0 Release: 1 Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/Sound Source: URL: Distribution: WSS Linux Vendor: White Socks Software, Inc. Packager: Santa Claus <> %description It slices! It dices! It's a CD player app that can't be beat. By using the resonant frequency of the CD itself, it is able to simulate 20X Example RPM spec file Gareth Rushgrove
Specify a maintainer of the Dockerfile FROM debian SC2154 node_verion is referenced but not assigned (did you mean 'node_version'?). DL3009 Delete the apt-get lists after installing something DL3015 Avoid additional packages by specifying `—no-install-recommends` RUN export node_version="0.10" \ && apt-get update && apt-get -y install nodejs="$node_verion" Includes common issues and shellcheck linting of bash Gareth Rushgrove
Label 'vendor' should use a namespace based on reverse DNS notation ========> Check labels don't use reserved namespaces ========> Check labels only use valid characters ========> Check labels start and end with alpanumeric characters ========> Check labels for double dots and dashes Check against Docker guidelines Gareth Rushgrove
- the musl c library (libc) implementation busybox-1.23.2-r0 - Size optimized toolbox of many common UNIX utilities alpine-baselayout-2.3.2-r0 - Alpine base dir structure and init scripts openrc-0.15.1-r3 - OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of alpine-conf-3.2.1-r6 - Alpine configuration management scripts List installed packages Gareth Rushgrove