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Von WPF nach Angular in 45 Minuten

Von WPF nach Angular in 45 Minuten

Slides from our presentation at Trivadis TechEvent

Thomas Gassmann

September 14, 2018

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  1. Von WPF nach Angular in 45 Minuten Trivadis TechEvent 2018

    Manuel Meyer @manumeyer1 Thomas Gassmann @gassmannT
  2. JavaScript «The by-design purpose of JavaScript was to make the

    monkey dance when you moused over it» Brendan Eich
  3. View Code // XAML <Button Width="75" Height="20" >Search</ Button> <TextBox

    Height="23" Text="TextBox" Width="120"/> <!-- HTML --> <input type="text" value="text"> <button>Search</button>
  4. Model Classes // C# POCO public class Game { public

    string MatchInfo1 { get; set; } public int FifaId { get; set; } } <!-- TypeScript --> export interface Game { MatchInfo1: string; FifaId: number; }
  5. Backend Call // REST API Call -> «Add REST Client»

    var url = $"{endpointUri}/Game/?countryCode={code}"; var client = new WmAPI.WmAPIClient(url); Game[] result = client.GetAll(); <!-- TypeScript --> -> Convert Swagger to TypeScript Class const url = `${endpointUri}/Game/?countryCode=${code}`; return this.http.get<Game[]>(url);
  6. Data Binding // XAML <Label Content="{Binding /MatchInfo1}"/> <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding}" DisplayMemberPath="Description"

    > <!-- HTML --> {{selectedMatch.GameInfo1}} <a (click)="showDetail(match)" *ngFor="let game of games$ | async"> {{ game.Description }} </a>
  7. WPF versus Angular ▪ File new Project ▪ C# ▪

    XAML ▪ Controls ▪ User Controls ▪ Resource Dictionaries ▪ Commands ▪ Data Binding ▪ Value Converter ▪ ng new <my-name> ▪ Typescript ▪ HTML ▪ HTML Elements ▪ Components ▪ CSS ▪ HTML Events ▪ Data Binding ▪ Pipe
  8. Angular CLI ▪ Command line interface for Angular ▪ Build

    an Angular application ▪ Generate files (Scaffolding) ▪ Execute / run the application ▪ Run unit and e2e tests ▪ Prepare and «optimize» the application for deployment.
  9. CLI: Generate new app ng new my-app Generate a new

    app in /my-app ng new my-app --dry-run Report without writing files ng new my-app --skip-install Generate without npm install ng new --style scss Use SCSS instead of CSS ng new my-app --routing Generate app with routing
  10. CLI: Generate Component ng generate <blueprint> Generate component/service, etc. ng

    g component product-list Generate a component ng g c <name> --spec=false Without unit tests
  11. CLI: Serve and build ng serve Serve the app on

    localhost:4200 ng serve -o Serve the app and open ng build Build in dev mode ng build --prod Build in prod mode
  12. Die Spezifikation der Anforderungen «Die Spezifikation ist die alte Applikation.

    Das muss im Web genau so aussehen wie jetzt» --der Chef
  13. UX & UI Design Requirements for a Partner ▪ Must

    be strong in Web UX Design ▪ Must be strong in Web UI Design ▪ Must deliver CODE, or else…
  14. 1. The Keyboard Problem «Mit Ctrl-N konnte man schon immer

    einen neuen Kunden anlegen» --der Chef
  15. Recap ▪ Most of the concepts are similar ▪ Its

    2018. Thanks to TypeScript, we do NOT need to be afraid fo JS anymore ▪ Technologies are aligning ▪ But the Web is a different world.