Video Coverage:
I bet you've been writing JS for years and you think you're pretty good at it. I bet you think you know all about how functions create closured scope, and how `this` gets bound, and even how `.prototype` works. Or, rather, you probably don't care because your framework or library takes care of all that for you.
JavaScript is generally considered one of the most misunderstood (and maligned) languages of the modern programming era. And there's good reason for that, because most developers who write JS never actually deeply *know* how the language works. They blame all their WTFs on language bugs, instead of the shortcomings in understanding.
This talk re-visits some of the "tough parts" of the language by declaring "New Rules" (Bill Maher style) for the language. For instance: "new rule: stop using `this` until you really understand how it gets assigned"
This talk is hard-core on coding and expects a solid understanding of the language.