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Groovy with Style -- Devoxx 2015

Groovy with Style -- Devoxx 2015

Advice, tricks'n tips about Groovy, how to use it, and more.

Guillaume Laforge

April 09, 2015

More Decks by Guillaume Laforge

Other Decks in Technology


  1. <=>

  2. @glaforge #groovydvx No semicolons! class HelloParis {
 private String message

    = 'Hello Paris!';
 String greet(String name) {
 "$message, $name speaking";
 print new HelloParis().greet('Guillaume');
  3. @glaforge #groovydvx No semicolons! class HelloParis {
 private String message

    = 'Hello Paris!';
 String greet(String name) {
 "$message, $name speaking";
 print new HelloParis().greet('Guillaume');
  4. @glaforge #groovydvx No semicolons! class HelloParis {
 private String message

    = 'Hello Paris!'
 String greet(String name) {
 "$message, $name speaking"
 print new HelloParis().greet('Guillaume')
  5. @glaforge #groovydvx Public by default public class HelloParis {

    String message = 'Hello Paris'
 private String name
 public HelloParis(String name) {
 this.name = name
 public String greet() {
 return "$message, $name speaking"
  6. @glaforge #groovydvx Public by default class HelloParis {
 private String

    message = 'Hello Paris'
 private String name
 HelloParis(String name) {
 this.name = name
 String greet() {
 return "$message, $name speaking"
 } Methods and classes are public by default
  7. @glaforge #groovydvx class HelloParis {
 String message = 'Hello Paris!’

    String name
 HelloParis(String name) {
 this.name = name
 String greet() {
 return "$message, $name speaking"
 } Fields and static fields require visibility
  8. @glaforge #groovydvx class HelloParis {
 String message = 'Hello Paris!’

    String name
 HelloParis(String name) {
 this.name = name
 String greet() {
 return "$message, $name speaking"
 } Fields and static fields require visibility You created both an instance property and a static property!
  9. @glaforge #groovydvx Get rid of the useless ‘def’ class HelloParis

 private String message = 'Hello Paris!'
 private def String name
 def HelloParis(def String name) {
 this.name = name
 public def String greet() {
 def String result = "$message, $name speaking"
 return result

  10. @glaforge #groovydvx Get rid of the useless ‘def’ class HelloParis

 private String message = 'Hello Paris!'
 private def String name
 def HelloParis(def String name) {
 this.name = name
 public def String greet() {
 def String result = "$message, $name speaking"
 return result

  11. @glaforge #groovydvx Get rid of the useless ‘def’ class HelloParis

 private String message = 'Hello Paris!'
 private String name
 HelloParis(String name) {
 this.name = name
 String greet() {
 String result = "$message, $name speaking"
 return result

  12. @glaforge #groovydvx Get rid of the useless ‘def’ class HelloParis

 private String message = 'Hello Paris!'
 private String name
 HelloParis(String name) {
 this.name = name
 String greet() {
 def result = "$message, $name speaking"
 return result
 But it’s fine to use ‘def’ for local variables
  13. @glaforge #groovydvx Return is optional too String greet() { 

    "$message, $name speaking"
 } But return is fine for early returns, or for clarity of intent
  14. @glaforge #groovydvx Optional return for if / else int color(String

    name) {
 if (name == 'red')
 else if (name == 'green')
  15. @glaforge #groovydvx Optional return for switch / case int color(String

    name) {
 switch (name) {
 case 'red': 1; break
 case 'green': 2; break
 default: -1
  16. @glaforge #groovydvx Optional return for switch / case int color(String

    name) {
 switch (name) {
 case 'red': 1; break
 case 'green': 2; break
 default: -1
 } Yeah, yeah, ugly semicolon and break…
  17. @glaforge #groovydvx Optional return for try / catch boolean isInt(String

    s) {
 try {
 } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
 } finally {
 println 'done'
 assert isInt('123') && assert !isInt('abc')
  18. @glaforge #groovydvx Optional return for try / catch boolean isInt(String

    s) {
 try {
 } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
 } finally {
 println 'done'
 assert isInt('123') && assert !isInt('abc') ‘finally’ blocks don’t return a value
  19. @glaforge #groovydvx Command chains & named arguments check that: wine

    tastes good Parsed as: check(that: wine).tastes(good)
  20. @glaforge #groovydvx Trailing closure argument gets out void unless(boolean b,

    Closure c) {
 if (!b) c()
 def (speed, limit) = [80, 90]
 unless(speed > limit) {
 println "speed up a notch"
  21. @glaforge #groovydvx Trailing closure argument gets out void unless(boolean b,

    Closure c) {
 if (!b) c()
 def (speed, limit) = [80, 90]
 unless(speed > limit) {
 println "speed up a notch"
 } Parsed as: unless(speed > limit, {…})
  22. @glaforge #groovydvx No need for dumb getters and setters class

    Person {
 private String name
 private int age
 void setName(String name) {
 this.name = name
 String getName() {
 void setAge(int age) {
 this.age = age
 int getAge() {
  23. @glaforge #groovydvx No need for dumb getters and setters class

    Person {
 String name
 int age
  24. @glaforge #groovydvx No need for dumb getters and setters class

    Person {
 String name
 int age
 } Icing on the cake: add @Immutable or @Canonical
  25. @glaforge #groovydvx Use the property notation class Person {

 int age
 def p = new Person(name: 'Guillaume', 
 age: 36)
 assert p.name == 'Guillaume'
 p.age = 37
 assert p.age == 37
  26. @glaforge #groovydvx The @Builder transformation import groovy.transform.builder.*

    Person {
 String name
 int age
 Person.builder() .name('Guillaume') .age(37) .build()
  27. @glaforge #groovydvx The @Builder transformation import groovy.transform.builder.*

    Person {
 String name
 int age
 Person.builder() .name('Guillaume') .age(37) .build() Different strategies available: chained setters, external builder class, type-safe initializer
  28. @glaforge #groovydvx Native syntax for data structures def list =

    [1, 2, 3]
 def range = 'a'..'b'
 def map = [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3]
 def regex = ~/.*foo.*/
  29. @glaforge #groovydvx Switch / case on steroids switch(obj) {

    123: "number 123"; break
 case "abc": "string abc"; break
 case String: "is a string"; break
 case [1, 2, 3]: "in list"; break
 case ~/.*o+.*/: "regex match"; break
 case { it < 3 }: "closure criteria"; break
 default: "unknown"
  30. @glaforge #groovydvx Import aliasing with static imports too import static

    java.lang.Integer.parseInt as atoi
 assert atoi('123') == 123
  31. @glaforge #groovydvx Groovy Truth assert !( null )
 assert !(

    "" )
 assert !( [] )
 assert !( 0 ) assert new Object()
 assert "string"
 assert [1, 2, 3]
 assert 1234
  32. @glaforge #groovydvx Groovy Truth assert !( null )
 assert !(

    "" )
 assert !( [] )
 assert !( 0 ) assert new Object()
 assert "string"
 assert [1, 2, 3]
 assert 1234 False
  33. @glaforge #groovydvx Groovy Truth assert !( null )
 assert !(

    "" )
 assert !( [] )
 assert !( 0 ) assert new Object()
 assert "string"
 assert [1, 2, 3]
 assert 1234 False True
  34. @glaforge #groovydvx Customize the truth with asBoolean() class Account {

    String name
 boolean disabled = false
 boolean asBoolean() { !disabled }
 assert new Account(name: 'current')
 assert !new Account(name: 'old', disabled: true)
  35. @glaforge #groovydvx Safe navigation // Java if (order != null)

 if (order.getCustomer() != null) {
 if (order.getCustomer().getAddress() != null) {
 // Groovy println order?.customer?.address
  36. @glaforge #groovydvx Safe navigation // Java if (order != null)

 if (order.getCustomer() != null) {
 if (order.getCustomer().getAddress() != null) {
 // Groovy println order?.customer?.address Also give more meaningful NPEs!
  37. @glaforge #groovydvx Power Assert def (a, b, c, d) =

    [10, 20, 30, 610]
 assert a + b * c == d - 40
  38. @glaforge #groovydvx Power Assert def (a, b, c, d) =

    [10, 20, 30, 610]
 assert a + b * c == d - 40 Assertion failed:
 assert a + b * c == d - 40
 | | | | | | | |
 10| 20| 30| | 570
 610 600 | 610
  39. @glaforge #groovydvx Calling Elvis for default values def result =

    name != null ? name : "Unknown"
 def result = name ?: "Unknown"
  40. @glaforge #groovydvx Calling Elvis for default values def result =

    name != null ? name : "Unknown"
 def result = name ?: "Unknown" Groovy Truth 
 at play here
  41. @glaforge #groovydvx Catch ‘any’ exception try {
 } catch

    (any) {
 // ...
 } Someone suggested me: catch(emAll)
  42. @glaforge #groovydvx Of the importance of contracts • Use explicit

    typing for • method signatures • properties & fields • Nice for • Java interoperability • documenting your APIs • IDE auto-completion and refactoring
  43. @glaforge #groovydvx Picture credits Style: http://1hdwallpapers.com/wallpapers/my_style.jpg Eurostar: http://www.whatsupwhatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Eurostar_3012_Waterloo.jpg Puzzle: http://joyinthecause.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/missing-puzzle-piece_00449088.jpg

    Gems: http://www.freewhd.com/blue-gems-wallpaper/ Wise: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/044/f/6/three_wise_men_color_by_csoro-d4pmlv2.jpg Ready: http://nameshapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Social-Media-Coaching-for-CEOs-Getting-started.jpg Semicolon: http://www.freeimageslive.co.uk/image/view/3944/_original Till death to us part: https://mypencillines.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/img_0171.jpg Public: http://www.levelupliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Fear-of-Public-Speaking-image.jpg Contract: https://www.icts.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/contract.jpg Exception: http://www.quotescover.com/wp-content/uploads/Its-the-exception-that-proves__quotes-by-French-Proverb-77.png Banana: http://texturetaddka.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/DSC2008.jpg Elvis: http://natedsanders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Elvis-Presley-Wallpaper-1280-x-960.jpeg Assert: http://www.itshouldjustworktm.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/assert-sign-photoshopped.jpg Compass: https://lh4.ggpht.com/WtY8QL0re9kMssF6q4RopDHC6QEpou7ybQo7qNRjn1X8Iu5uKUZv7huHA_PxPB8iGfs=h900 Safety vest: http://media.nautisports.com/catalog/product/image/gilet-de-sauvetage-gonflable-hydrostatique-hammar-pilot-275-n-avec-harnais-pro-rouge-nav_17452_web_1_1.jpg Class: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/50/A_Class_in_Progress.jpg Aliasing: http://i.imgur.com/JrFly.png Light switch: http://www.hapihour.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/lighting-design-wall-light-winsome-designer-light-switches-australia-designer-light-switchesdesigner-light-switches-and-platesdesigner-light-switches-coversdesigner- light-switches-graydesign.jpg Steel structure: http://www.jingtabuilding.com/UploadFiles/sl6.jpg Quotes: http://g.fastcompany.net/multisite_files/fastcompany/poster/2013/09/3018353-poster-1280-quotess3.jpg Setter: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Rzesz%C3%B3w_Irish_Red_and_White_Setter_1pl.jpg Argument: http://www.familytreecounseling.com/kathysblog/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/arguing_couple.jpg Equal cupcake: http://static.communitytable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/marriage-equality-cupcakes-ftr.jpg Obama truth: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/Obama_swearing_in.JPG Quiz: http://a622.phobos.apple.com/us/r30/Purple/v4/df/a9/6e/dfa96e6c-ea9b-ee4c-4d6c-f9edf2775e1d/mzl.exfkkuro.png return: http://legacyofshadow.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/no-return-sign.jpg spock: http://trekcore.com/gallery/albums/spock09/spock_pb04.jpg London: http://www.100percentoptical.com/images/2014/10/london.jpg Tie fighter: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090419001710/uncyclopedia/images/f/fe/Darthvader_tie_fighter.jpg