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Explore Our Non-Alcoholic Drink Gallery | Good ...

good bar
October 04, 2024

Explore Our Non-Alcoholic Drink Gallery | Good + Bar

Discover a variety of flavorful and sophisticated non-alcoholic beverages at Good + Bar. Browse our gallery to see our unique cocktails, beers, and elixirs.

good bar

October 04, 2024

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Other Decks in Business


  1. Events foster networking, collaboration, and business growth. Enhance brand visibility

    and corporate image. Motivate employees and build team cohesion. Types of corporate events: conferences, trade shows, team-building events, product launches, etc. INTRODUCTION Why Corporate Events Matter
  2. Why are we organizing this event? (e.g., strengthen client relationships,

    launch a new product, celebrate milestones). SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound. Aligning corporate event goals with business strategy. DEFINING OBJECTIVES & GOALS Setting Clear Event Objectives
  3. EVENT BUDGETING Creating an Effective Event Budget Cost allocation for

    corporate event, catering, equipment, entertainment, staffing, etc. Contingency planning: Allocating 10-15% extra for unforeseen costs. ROI consideration: Balancing quality with cost-effectiveness.
  4. Finding the Perfect Venue Factors to consider: Location, capacity, accessibility,

    and amenities. Corporate Event logistics: Parking, transportation, accommodation for guests. Ensuring smooth logistics: AV equipment, internet access, seating arrangements. VENUE SELECTION & LOGISTICS
  5. EVENT MARKETING & PROMOTION Building Excitement: Marketing Strategies Developing a

    marketing plan: Digital, print, and social media outreach. Invitations, website, and RSVP management. Engaging attendees before the corporate event: Early registration perks, social media buzz.
  6. PROGRAM & ENTERTAINMENT Designing a Memorable Program Agenda planning: Keynotes,

    workshops, entertainment, breaks. Selecting speakers or performers: Industry leaders, motivational figures for corporate event Incorporating interactive elements: Q&A sessions, networking breaks, live polls
  7. ON-SITE EVENT MANAGEMENT Flawless Execution: Day-of Coordination Corporate Event day

    checklist: Registration, signage, audio-visual setup, and tech support. Coordinating with vendors, staff, and volunteers. Real-time troubleshooting and keeping the event on schedule.
  8. POST-EVENT ANALYSIS & FEEDBACK Measuring Success and Learning for the

    Future Collecting feedback: Post-event surveys, social media mentions, attendee insights. Analyzing event ROI: Attendance, engagement, and goal alignment. Reporting findings and corporate event planning improvements for future events.