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Um Assistente Virtual Inteligente para Auxiliar...

Um Assistente Virtual Inteligente para Auxiliar na Melhoria da Eficiência Energética de Aplicações Móveis

Gustavo Pinto

January 15, 2018

More Decks by Gustavo Pinto

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  1. Developers have no idea I have no idea on how

    to improve this parallel code to be more energy efficient :(
  2. It is not clear where and how one can optimize

    for energy efficiency List<Object> lists = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> lists = new Vector<>(); List<Object> lists = new Collections.synchronizedList(); List<Object> lists = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); what if…
  3. It is not clear where and how one can optimize

    for energy efficiency List<Object> lists = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> lists = new Vector<>(); List<Object> lists = new Collections.synchronizedList(); List<Object> lists = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); what if…
  4. I have no idea on how to improve this parallel

    code to be more energy efficient :( Use CopyOnWriteArrayList for thread safe traversal operations.
  5. GREENLIN an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) Levantar trabalhos relacionados Construir

    uma representação de conhecimento Desenvolver o IVA GREENLIN Avaliar o IVA GREENLIN
  6. I have no idea on how to improve this parallel

    code to be more energy efficient :( Google Cloud Speech GREENLIN an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) Desenvolver o
  7. I have no idea on how to improve this parallel

    code to be more energy efficient :( Google Cloud Speech GREENLIN an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) Desenvolver o
  8. I have no idea on how to improve this parallel

    code to be more energy efficient :( Google Cloud Speech GREENLIN an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) Desenvolver o
  9. Resumo das contribuições 1. Uma revisão da literatura 2. Construção

    de uma base de conhecimento de consumo de energia de aplicações móveis 3. Um IVA para auxiliar desenvolvedores de aplicações móveis 4. Uma avaliação experimental