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Istio, Linkerd 2, or …? A comparison of Service...

Istio, Linkerd 2, or …? A comparison of Service Mesh implementations

Service Meshes solve many problems of current microservice applications. They add observability, routing, resilience, and security features as a dedicated infrastructure layer. Communication between applications can be monitored, configured and secured without adding or changing application code.
For a long time, Istio was almost synonymous with the term Service Mesh. Meanwhile, many other options often remain under the radar. But how can developers find the right mesh for the project? And what are the most relevant features for that decision?
Comparing different Service Meshes is a time-consuming business. This talk aims to shorten this process. It will provide a comparison of the most relevant features and will show important implementation details. Also compatibility, usability, and performance will be discussed.

Hanna Prinz

March 24, 2021

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  1. Istio, Linkerd 2, or …? S o f t w

    a r e C i r c u s M e e t u p / M a r c h 2 4 t h 2 0 2 1 A comparison of Service Mesh implementations Jörg Müller @joergm Hanna Prinz @HannaPrinz
  2. • Software Development • DevOps, Kubernetes, Service Mesh Hanna Prinz

 at INNOQ Deutschland GmbH hanna.prinz@innoq.com 
 @HannaPrinz 2
  3. • Architecture, Development, DevOps • Focus on Platform & Infrastructure

    Jörg Müller Principal Consultant 
 at INNOQ Deutschland GmbH joerg.mueller@innoq.com 
 @joergm 3
  4. Microservices are distributed Systems Microservice Timeout Retry Routing and Discovery

    Encryption Microservice Authentication & Authorization Circuit Breaker Metrics Logs 5 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  5. Service Mesh Approach Microservice Proxy Control Plane Metrics Con f

    ig Microservice Proxy 8 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  6. Service Mesh Architecture Microservice Proxy Control Plane Microservice Proxy Application

    Data Plane Control Plane Infrastructure Kubernetes API Infrastructure Services 9 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  7. How many Services? many (>= 10) few only if certain

    features are dif f icult to realize otherwise 
 (more later) 12 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  8. Diversity of technologies? high low Libraries can be a good

    alternative 13 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  9. Using Kubernetes? yes no The choice of solutions is signi

    f icantly reduced 15 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  10. How dynamically do services change? 
 (Versions & Scaling) often

    rarely Service Meshes probably should not be the focus 16 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  11. Are certain features needed? yes • mTLS • Tracing •

    Routing • Special Rollouts 17 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  12. In which environment do I want to use the service

    mesh? 22 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  13. Questions about the environment •What infrastructure do I have in

    place? •Are there preferred cloud providers? •What knowledge is available? •How f lexible do we want to be? 23 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  14. Cloud Provider •The impact is small as long as Kubernetes

    is used •Many AWS services (especially Fargate/ECS) can be an indicator for AWS App Mesh •Google Cloud has very good Istio support •Microsoft Azure will probably move in the direction of Open Service Mesh (OSM) 25 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  15. Independence through SMI? •"A standard interface for service meshes on

    Kubernetes“ •Features: • Traf f ic Access Control • Traf f ic Metrics • Traf f ic Specs • Traf f ic Split •De f ines CRDs in Kubernetes that are used by the implementations 26 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  16. Service Mesh Interface Support full partially Istio Open Service Mesh

    none 27 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ (unof f icial/3rdparty support)
  17. Features questions 29 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ 1. What are the

    current challenges in the project? 2. Are there must-haves / 
 nice-to-haves? 3. What level of con f igurability is required? 4. What level of effort are we willing to spend?
  18. Canary Releasing & A/B Testing percentual split only Istio Open

    Service Mesh + header- and path-based Service A Service B Canary 90% 10% Service A Service B Canary / /new Header: city=* Header: city=berlin 31 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  19. Resilience Features Microservice Proxy Microservice Proxy Timeout Retry Circuit Breaking

    x 4s •Many differences in service mesh implementations •Watch out: retry con f ig may apply per service 
 → No extra con f ig of non-idempotent endpoints like HTTP POST! 33 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  20. Chaos Engineering Microservice Proxy Microservice Proxy Fault Injection Delay Injection

    •Supported in Istio, Kuma and partly Linkerd 2 •With some meshes, an additional deployment is necessary 34 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  21. Differences in Security Features Microservice 1 Proxy Microservice 2 Proxy

    •All meshes except Trae f ik Mesh support mTLS •Main differences: • mTLS for TCP connections • TLS Enforcement mTLS "Microservice 1 " X 36 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ mTLS Enforcement
  22. Observability Features •Dashboard quality •Precon f igured Prometheus, Grafana and

    Jaeger •Tracing support •Access logs (or similar features such as Linkerd 2's "tap") 41 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  23. Is the service mesh subjectively a good f it (production

    maturity, usability ...)? 42 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  24. Con f iguration complexity Microservice 2b Microservice 1 Microservice 2a

    10% 90% Example: Traf f ic Split 44 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ can be one CRD with 10 lines of YAML 
 ... or two CRDs with 30 lines of YAML
  25. Debugging Complexity Microservice Proxy Microservice Proxy Ingress Control Plane Kubernetes

    & Overlay Network Hardware & Cloud 45 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  26. Performance & Benchmarking •Additional latency: ~ 3ms •Additional CPU &

    memory resources •Depending on architecture, traf f ic and mesh implementation → Do your own benchmark! 46 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  27. Approaching Service Mesh 0. Is a service mesh the reasonable

    next step? 
 → is the problem somewhere else? 48 @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ 1. What is the technical environment? 
 → Kubernetes/Cloud/Infrastructure tools 2. What features are needed? 
 → Must-Haves/Nice-to-Haves? 3. Does the service mesh f it subjectively? 
 → Production Readiness, Developer Experience, Con f ig, Performance
  28. More about Service Mesh • Service Mesh Comparison 

    • Blog Post: Happy without a Service Mesh 
 https://www.innoq.com/en/blog/happy-without-a-service- mesh/ • Linkerd Tutorial 
 https://linkerd.io/2/tasks/ • Istio Tutorial 
 https://istio.io/docs/setup/getting-started/ • Sample application with Istio and Linkerd Tutorial on GitHub 
 https://github.com/ewolff/microservice-istio https:// github.com/ewolff/microservice-linkerd GOTO 2020 • Getting started with Service Mesh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w14ge2838Vs Service Mesh Primer - 2nd Edition for free at leanpub.com/service-mesh-primer @HannaPrinz @joergm @INNOQ
  29. Krischerstr. 100 40789 Monheim +49 2173 3366-0 Ohlauer Str. 43

 10999 Berlin 
 Ludwigstr. 180E 
 63067 Offenbach 
 Kreuzstr. 16 
 80331 München 
 Hermannstrasse 13 
 20095 Hamburg 
 Erftstr. 15-17 50672 Köln 
 Königstorgraben 11 90402 Nürnberg innoQ Deutschland GmbH www.innoq.com Thank you! Questions? Hanna Prinz 
 @HannaPrinz Jörg Müller joerg.mueller@innoq.com 
 @joergm Service Mesh Primer - 2nd Edition for free at leanpub.com/service-mesh-primer