source programming languages and frameworks, until now, we’ve had no nonprofit vendor-neutral steward. Lightbend does a great job guaranteeing stability of the Scala 2.x compiler. But Scala is bigger than the 2.x compiler alone. It needs more attention elsewhere too: Libraries Community/ecosystem Dotty Alternate back-ends
Independently guide and support the entire Scala community. Coordinate and develop open source libraries and tools for the benefit of the overall Scala community. Provide deep, quality, and freely available educational materials for Scala.
to date Our Scala MOOCs on Coursera… serve as the main free educational resource for learning Scala have the highest completion rates across all MOOCs their size
to date Our Scala MOOCs on Coursera… serve as the main free educational resource for learning Scala have the highest completion rates across all MOOCs their size
to date Our Scala MOOCs on Coursera… serve as the main free educational resource for learning Scala have the highest completion rates across all MOOCs their size
to date Our Scala MOOCs on Coursera… serve as the main free educational resource for learning Scala have the highest completion rates across all MOOCs their size
A new Scala Mini-degree offered on Coursera * * called a “specialization” on Coursera one capstone project composed of: 2 NEW courses! (a significant 4-5 week long final programming project.)
Principles in Scala 1. 2. 3. 4. Functional Program Design in Scala Parallel Programming Big Data Analysis in Scala and Spark NEW NEW Taught by: Taught by: Taught by: Taught by: MARTIN ODERSKY MARTIN ODERSKY guest lecturer: erik meijer Viktor Kuncak, Aleksandar Prokopec hEATHER MILLER
of functional programming 1. Taught by: MARTIN ODERSKY 6 weeks! write purely functional programs, using recursion, pattern matching, and higher-order functions combine functional programming with objects and classes design immutable data structures reason about properties of functions understand generic types for functional programs topics: Functions & evaluation Higher order functions Data & abstraction Types & pattern matching Lists Collections
design principles of functional programs 2. Taught by: MARTIN ODERSKY Erik Meijer guest lecturer: 4 weeks! design functional libraries and their APIs competently combine functions and state in one program topics: For expressions & monads Lazy evaluation Functions & state Timely effects understand reasoning techniques for programs that combine functions and state write simple functional reactive applications (Futures!)
program analysis What are we going to teach? 3. Taught by: Viktor Kuncak Alex Prokopec task-parallelism, basic parallel algorithms data-parallelism, Scala parallel collections data structures for parallel computing Task- & data-parallelism. But mostly data-parallelism. 4 weeks!
of Spark’s programming model 4. Taught by: Heather Miller 3 weeks! What are we going to teach? Data-parallelism extended to the distributed case nitty gritty: how does the Spark programming model differ from familiar programming models like shared-memory parallel collections? manipulate data with Spark and Scala express algorithms for data analysis in a functional style recognize how to avoid shuffles and recomputation in Spark
improved! The Scala Center seeks to: Substantially grow our community of open source contributors. Coordinate and direct the open source development of libraries/tools of broad benefit to the community. Provide scaffolding to help community develop, publish, find, and evaluate Scala libraries. Improve the landscape of Scala’s libraries.
that: Hardware/infrastructure is available (fund it!) Projects are managed, larger goals broken into pieces for anyone to help with At least 1-2 Scala Center staff members always engaged and participating throughout development Give contributors control! open source project management
that: Hardware/infrastructure is available (fund it!) Projects are managed, larger goals broken into pieces for anyone to help with At least 1-2 Scala Center staff members always engaged and participating throughout development Give contributors control! wE WANT: Maximum benefit for the entire community of individual community members’ efforts. Work together to grow something we can all depend on. eND GOAl: Grow teams of close-knit core contributors/ committers to Scala Center projects, consisting of Scala Center staff and folks from the overall Scala community.
we ? Dedicated slack channels per project Concise, direct to the point, discuss outcomes, plan each members’ next steps. Sync on each others’ availabilities. Great for: always being able to ask questions, broadcasting daily wins, never getting stuck, + sharing the occasional meme :) Project management and contributions
Revenue share from the MOOCs. Donations from industrial partners. To grow beyond 2, (mostly for MOOCs) The Scala Center has been created as an independent, non-profit organization within EPFL. Our independence from commercial interests is protected by statute through the Swiss Federal restriction that our funding must be made as charitable donations for us to receive contributions in their entirety, not linked to any particular initiative. This ensures objectivity in and accountability for our decision-making and allows us to focus on our overall mission: to benefit all Scala users.
Revenue share from the MOOCs. Donations from industrial partners. To grow beyond 2, What do corporate members get for their donation? The right to stay in the loop, a guarantee of progress from us, and the ability to make recommendations about areas that need attention. Every recommendation must be for the good of all.
Scala Center’s progress on its initiatives. Advisory board Community representative(s) We discuss areas of concern that might need attention. We vote on what we think is most important. Corporate representatives We are committed to being fully transparent! voting members
advisory board: Clarify Scala to Dotty migration path Took place yesterday! 1. 2. Improve governance of community processes (e.g., SIP/SLIP) Ensure continuity of Scala.js project 3.
still maintain the stable Scala release. We’ll start with libraries and the Scala ecosystem. Dotty To stay orthogonal, other areas of focus may include: Alternate backends; Scala.js, Scala Native (?)
salesperson to get your library used. We should help make it easier users find your libraries! We want to give a voice to great projects without the need for marketing + publicity
StackOverflow, & more! Based off of published Scala libraries Scala versions 2.10 and up! You can update configuration info + add a “Scala community” badge for GitHub README. Introducing… A map of the known Scala ecosystem!
& more! Based off of published Scala libraries Scala versions 2.10 and up! Travis-like decentralized configuration + “Scala community” badge for GitHub README. A map of the known Scala ecosystem! Scaladex Introducing… Put a nice UI on it! Show more meaningful bits of information! We’ve crawled maven, and collected all known Scala libraries + linked to GitHub Next steps: Status:
source build files, e.g., this library uses –Xexperimental Using “dependents” we could show how widely used a library is. “used by” other published libraries, that is. Licensing info can be upfront! imagine all of the things we can do with this!! We could imagine adding the entire Scala ecosystem to the Lightbend community build to catch all regressions so you don’t have to! Linking between documentation modules together!
our libraries have frozen along with it. We want to open up libraries to everyone, in the form of a small core and a batteries-included platform. scala-library.jar scala-core.jar scala-platform.jar If it’s a must-have library for most projects, and if it’s maintained, ship it with the Scala Platform. e.g, ScalaTest
ScalaFiddles in SO questions + answers! Can be used for questions/answers on mailing lists and StackOverflow Can be used as in-browser REPL on Can be embedded in documentation for interactive docs too! Great for blogs, tutorials, or even in-house docs!
the governance around Scala community processes! Our goal: rework the process, rebuild excitement, make this process actually work! Starting next month, we’ll take the process over. More soon!
you’re a scala shop, Beyond the warm and fuzzy feeling it gets you to contribute back to your language and ecosystem, Why? not only does your fix cycle back and help you and others in your company but being involved in open source is a great for visibility and recruiting!
contribute back to your language and ecosystem, Why? not only does your fix cycle back and help you and others in your company but being involved in OS is a great way for visibility and recruiting! How you can help. PRs more welcome than cash! If you’re a scala shop, Allow your developers to spend some time giving back to Scala and its ecosystem! Whether that means developing your own open source Scala library to contribute to the overall Scala ecosystem, or by contributing code back to Scala. Anything helps.
us! Get in touch! But, really… Or reach out to Bill Venners, the Scala Community Representative! Bill Venners Artima, Inc. @bvenners or by email