to help guide you through the process! 1. Become a Champion. A Champion is the individual who takes the lead on organising a Dojo. Champions can be parents, teachers, technologists or just individuals who want to do something for their community. To kick off the process register yourself on 2. Gather A Team. Dojos work best when a team is built to support and manage them. All Dojos require a technical mentor (ratio of 1:10 minimum), non technical volunteers can manage registration or social media. How do you start a Dojo? 3. Find a Venue. Dojos can be run in any venue that has wifi, chairs, tables and heat! Libraries, canteens, community centers, meeting rooms all work. The venue should be donated for free. 4. Plan Your Dojo. Dojos can run weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, pick what works for you and set a start date. Decide on what content to start your Dojo off with, for help here visit the CoderDojo wiki 5. Promote your Dojo. Promote your Dojo to local youth club, schools or among colleagues and friends. The average Dojo size is 35 but you can start small and work up!