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Overview of CoderDojo


Overview of CoderDojo

The CoderDojo Foundation

October 09, 2015


  1. CoderDojo is a global community of free programming clubs dedicated

    to helping young people understand the magic behind the technology that surrounds them. The CoderDojo Foundation
  2. What is CoderDojo? •  Creating the world they want to

    live in •  Connecting with each other across borders and boundaries •  Developing the skills required to be successful in our increasingly connected world •  Benefiting from the expertise of volunteers who donate their time freely to educate the next generation Every week, as a direct result of CoderDojo clubs in 59 countries, 35,000 young people are: ...... all for free!!
  3. What is CoderDojo? CoderDojo is a global volunteer-led community of

    free programming clubs for young people between the ages of 7 and 17. The movement is based on an Open Source Model, meaning anyone adhering to the CoderDojo Charter can set up a Dojo anywhere in the world. The movement focuses on encouraging kids to express their creativity and to develop new learning techniques. Video: CoderDojo  1  Rule  Be  Cool!  
  4. Today … In less than four years, the movement has

    spread rapidly throughout the world. Today there are more than 750 Dojos spread across 59 countries, with more being set up every week. See Global Dojos: Paris  CoderDojo, New  York  CoderDojo, Western  Australia  CoderDojo
  5. So What Exactly is a Dojo? A Dojo is a

    local, independent volunteer-led, free programming club for young people that follows the CoderDojo Charter. It becomes part of the global community by adopting the ethos and philosophy of the CoderDojo movement. Dojos are built on community spirit and encourage children to collaborate and learn from each other. ‘‘For me CoderDojo is the place where young people can learn to be creative’’ Werner Vogles CTO Amazon
  6. Creative Learning By learning how to code from an early

    age, children are exposed to a new way of thinking and problem solving. These skills will make them valuable future employees. Global Skills Gap Globally, industries are struggling to hire enough skilled employees. Europe is expected to face a shortfall of over 900,000 technically- skilled employees by 2020. Education CoderDojo is an informal learning environment. It gives young people the opportunity to deeply explore technology in an enjoyable and low pressure environment. Why is CoderDojo important? Equal Opportunity In CoderDojo, every child is given an equal opportunity to learn. The movement is inclusive of everyone, regardless of their background, race or culture. Changing the Ratio By learning from female mentors who are successful in industry, CoderDojo is helping to close the gender gap by inspiring young girls to see programming as a career opportunity. Digital Creators CoderDojo ultimate goal is to enable young people to become a generation of technology- savvy digital creators.
  7. Inclusive and Non-Discriminatory Open Source Model The CoderDojo Ethos Independent

    of Formal Education Community Based & Focused Volunteer Led Self-Led Learning Contributing to the Global Community Open Curriculum Collaborative Approach Child Centric Free…Always! Underpinned by a Common Ethos
  8. What Children Learn at Dojos The Soft Skills • Collaboration • Confidence

    • Creative problem solving • Leadership skills • Logical thinking • Mentoring • Presentation Skills • Social Skills
  9. Get in touch with us! The CoderDojo Foundation are here

    to help guide you through the process! 1. Become a Champion. A Champion is the individual who takes the lead on organising a Dojo. Champions can be parents, teachers, technologists or just individuals who want to do something for their community. To kick off the process register yourself on coderdojo.com/start 2. Gather A Team. Dojos work best when a team is built to support and manage them. All Dojos require a technical mentor (ratio of 1:10 minimum), non technical volunteers can manage registration or social media. How do you start a Dojo? 3. Find a Venue. Dojos can be run in any venue that has wifi, chairs, tables and heat! Libraries, canteens, community centers, meeting rooms all work. The venue should be donated for free. 4. Plan Your Dojo. Dojos can run weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, pick what works for you and set a start date. Decide on what content to start your Dojo off with, for help here visit the CoderDojo wiki kata.coderdojo.com. 5. Promote your Dojo. Promote your Dojo to local youth club, schools or among colleagues and friends. The average Dojo size is 35 but you can start small and work up!
  10. CoderDojo’s Impact “CoderDojo has definitely influenced my thoughts on college….made

    me look into an area I wouldn’t have considered before” Catrina, Attendee “One of the things that he looked forward to was his weekly trip to CoderDojo. He feels at home in the environment” Ken, Parent of child on autistic spectrum “I thought it was cool how all the apps worked, so when I heard about the Dojo I wanted to start coming. Today I’m using Xcode and writing a calculator in Objective-C” Ted, attendee “It’s great to see someone going from having literally no experience to having a working interactive web site they’ve built by hand” Craig, Mentor
  11. “In 2013, women made up 14 percent of all computer

    science graduates — down from 36% in 1984. This imbalance persists in the tech industry.” New York Times, 31st May 2014 CoderDojo  Blazing  a  trail  for  young  females  in  ICT   In CoderDojo we are challenging the socially- accepted idea among young girls that the world of the computer sciences is not for them! •  Currently 30% of Dojo attendees are girls. •  Dojos struggle to attract girls aged 12- 16. •  Societal stereotypes and unconscious biases have both been shown to discourage girls from choosing STEM-related subjects. Certain Dojos run ‘Girls only’ sessions. The aim of these are to: •  Build up young girls confidence. •  Make the learning relevant to girls. •  Showcase positive female role models. •  Appeal to their creative sides. Our aim is for Dojo attendees to ultimately reflect an equal split between boys and girls. We would like to see girl-specific interventions become unnecessary because societal perceptions have changed irrevocably, and girls opt in to attend Dojos!   CoderDojo Girls
  12. Garima (16) Garima has a fascination for science & coding.

    She wanted to share her knowledge with young people in her community so started a Dojo! Now she runs the weekly Dojo with the support of mentors from local businesses around the area. s Maciej (16) Lauren attended her first Dojo 3 years ago. She now develops apps, websites and games. She was named EU Digital Girl of the year in 2014. She has developed Cool  Kids  Studio, a healthy eating website. Lauren (10) Maciej has been attending Dojos for nearly 4 years. He won the 2013 CoderDojo Coolest Project Award by creating and open sourcing his own programming language: “Oda” Ninja Success Stories Niall (11) Niall has attended his Dojo every week since the beginning of the CoderDojo movement. He became Europe's youngest iOS developer after learning Swift and publishing an app on the app store ‘’Kehoes Crazy War of Worlds”.
  13. The Coolest Projects Awards The CoderDojo Coolest Projects Awards is

    the only event of its kind in the world! The aim of the event is to recognise achievement and celebrate the creativity of the kids & young people within Dojos. Prizes are awarded across 6 categories: Scratch, Hardware, Websites, Apps, Games and Enterprise (Advanced Languages). The awards have grown rapidly year after year and in 2016 we are expecting over 750 projects to be demoed! 2013 – 75 projects entered, 2014 - 240 projects entered, 2015 – 510 projects
  14. 1. Support Digital Creators Support new and young digital creators,

    change-makers, innovators and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. CoderDojo creates spaces for young people to explore technology and to develop crucial skills such as programming, problem solving, teamwork and creativity. Our ninjas have already achieved great things and as the movement scales, their possibilities are limitless. We have already seen young lives change because of participation in Dojos. 5 Reasons to support CoderDojo
  15. 2. Global Presence Support a movement that is enabled by

    a truly global, connected community, with 750 Dojos located in 59 countries. At Dojos, young people are introduced to the concepts of remote and collaborative working across geographical boundaries. To them, the world, enabled by technology, is borderless. 3. Growth Be part of a phenomena that is growing rapidly and is supporting positive change in the world. The growth that has been achieved in less than 4 years is extraordinary. With further partnership and support, we can achieve our goal of giving every child, regardless of where they’re from, the opportunity to learn about technology in a meaningful and interactive way. Why Support CoderDojo? CoderDojo Growth in >4 years
  16. Sample of Outlets who cover CoderDojo 4. Reach Be associated

    with a brand that in a short space of time has become internationally recognised and regularly featured in international media covering themes like: technology, coding, tech skills, STEM, the global skills gap, empowerment, youth and education. 5. Influence Attend and feature in high impact special technology and youth events. To increase the profile and awareness of CoderDojo, we regularly run events in unique locations such as Buckingham Palace, SXSW, Web Summit and the European Union Parliament. EU Parliament Buckingham Palace The Web Summit Why Support CoderDojo?
  17. Our vision is a world where every child has the

    opportunity to learn about technology and be creative in a safe and social environment. 2015 – 2016 Strategic Pillars of Focus CoderDojo Foundation Overview Engaging  all  young  people   Engaging  &  SupporHng  all  volunteers   Development  &  CuraHon  of  Content  &  Resources   Global  Community  Growth     Infrastructure   CommunicaHons  &  Brand  Awareness  Building  
  18. Company No: 524255 CHY No: CHY20812 The Team Laura  Ivers

      Content  Lead   GiusHna     Mizzoni   Head  of   Development   Rosa   Langhammer   ReporHng  Lead   Mary     Moloney   Global  CEO   Ursula     Clarke  EvereS   Technical  Lead   Pete  O’Shea   Comms  &  Events   Lead   Annabel     Cleary   Intern   Directors: James Whelton Bill Liao Noel Ruane Sean O’Sullivan Una Fox Cyril Treacy
  19. Opportunities for Partnering 1.  Funders: Make a financial donation above

    a set tier per annum directly to the Foundation. These donations enable the core team to deliver the activities required to operate and support existing and start up Dojos globally. 2.  Pro Bono Partners: Donate Resources that benefit the CoderDojo Community/Foundation. Examples include free hardware or software donations for global Dojos. 3.  Growth Partners: Are organizations who use existing infrastructure/resources to scale CoderDojo by opening Dojos across global locations. Growth partners evangelize CoderDojo and encourage employees to start Dojos both informally or through a structured CSR programme. 4.  Alliance Partners: Are organisations who share a similar mission/vision and want to align with CoderDojo. Typically these partners cross-promote their offerings, and share knowledge and resources.       Collaboration is at the core of what we do. We’re always open to engaging with new & potential partners, specifically in the following areas:
  20. Join the Movement! There are opportunities in your life to

    change somebody else’s world for the better, to be the giant on whose shoulders the next generation stand. This is at the core of everything that CoderDojo stands for and does. Join this unique and special movement to impact the next generation! @CoderDojo [email protected] www.coderdojo.com