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UNVT Storytelling

UNVT Storytelling

UNVT Storytelling Workshop
2021-10-22T09:00/10:00-04:00 @ MS Teams


October 22, 2021

More Decks by Hidenori FUJIMURA

Other Decks in Technology


  1. produce - Tippecanoe host - budo, nginx style - parse-hocon

    optimize - vt-optimizer UNVT Components 3
  2. UNVT on the way forward. UNVT moves Web Maps forward

    to the users and fields. produce new development on raster and point clouds. host FTS Kit comprised of Raspberry Pi style Charites, 3D (terrain and city models) optimize repetition of measurements and prototyping use storytelling 10
  3. Web Map philosophy and storytelling • Web Maps • Google

    Maps, Apple Maps, Azure Maps, Geolonia Maps, GSI Maps, OS Maps - Maps natively implemented on the Web technology. • mapbox/storytelling = low-code web application; no software package 1. No geo-analysis function 2. Fast, Flexible, Free, Field-oriented, and Fun! • Everything is intentionally on CUI, like in the mainstream Web. 12
  4. Let’s get down to the code: https://github.com/unvt/tell ← unvt/charites style

    ← CC0 License ← introduction document ← build scripts 18
  5. Let’s make a copy of the map 1. Sign-in on

    GitHub (if you haven’t.) 2. Access https://github.com/unvt/tell 3. Click on upper left. 22 Now you have your copy.
  6. Let’s host ‘your’ map on GitHub Pages 1. Click 2.

    Click on the left 3. Choose and 23 Now you have your copy. Your site is ready.
  7. 24

  8. 29 Domain Specific Language (DSL) ← UN colleagues might be

    able to update the style URL to Taro’s. ← You can add more locations or make them more precise.
  9. UNVT on the way forward. UNVT moves Web Maps forward

    to the users and fields. produce new development on raster and point clouds. host FTS Kit comprised of Raspberry Pi style Charites, 3D (terrain and city models) optimize repetition of measurements and prototyping use storytelling 34
  10. FTS Tile Service SSH DNS Let’s Encrypt NFS HTTP/2 Tiles

    & Apps HTTP/2 HTTP FTS Architecture 36 Commercial Internet connection, (even) from home.
  11. FTS: aim •Flexible Tile Service •Field-oriented Tile Service •Fast Tile

    Service •Fun Tile Service •Free Tile Service 37
  12. FTS Proof of Concept, running 24/7@home • https://x.optgeo.org/hrlulc - high

    resolution land cover • https://x.optgeo.org/a-1 - Showa Station, Antarctica • https://x.optgeo.org/kid-a - Voxel Tile ver. A • https://x.optgeo.org/kid-b - Voxel Tile ver. B • https://x.optgeo.org/kid-c - Voxel Tile ver. C • https://x.optgeo.org/bv/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf - a copy of the topographic map vector tiles of while Japan (43 GB) • https://x.optgeo.org/et10b/(et256|et512) - elevation tiles of whole Japan 38
  13. A recent problem with UNVT 1. UNVT is available to

    everyone because of its Open License. 2. However, it requires too many ICT skills. 3. What if we can provide the computing environment in a single physical package, ready to be used? 4. FTS Kit - FTS in a single physical package? 39
  14. FTS Kit: status Launch customer: Japan Antarctic Research Expedition (63rd

    wintering party) @ Showa Station, Antarctica https://www.nipr.ac.jp/antarctic/ Raspberry Pi with vector tile server and GPS antenna, for the use in both station and field. https://x.optgeo.org/a-1 43