to the users and fields. produce new development on raster and point clouds. host FTS Kit comprised of Raspberry Pi style Charites, 3D (terrain and city models) optimize repetition of measurements and prototyping use storytelling 10
Maps, Apple Maps, Azure Maps, Geolonia Maps, GSI Maps, OS Maps - Maps natively implemented on the Web technology. • mapbox/storytelling = low-code web application; no software package 1. No geo-analysis function 2. Fast, Flexible, Free, Field-oriented, and Fun! • Everything is intentionally on CUI, like in the mainstream Web. 12
to the users and fields. produce new development on raster and point clouds. host FTS Kit comprised of Raspberry Pi style Charites, 3D (terrain and city models) optimize repetition of measurements and prototyping use storytelling 34
resolution land cover • - Showa Station, Antarctica • - Voxel Tile ver. A • - Voxel Tile ver. B • - Voxel Tile ver. C •{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf - a copy of the topographic map vector tiles of while Japan (43 GB) •|et512) - elevation tiles of whole Japan 38
everyone because of its Open License. 2. However, it requires too many ICT skills. 3. What if we can provide the computing environment in a single physical package, ready to be used? 4. FTS Kit - FTS in a single physical package? 39
wintering party) @ Showa Station, Antarctica Raspberry Pi with vector tile server and GPS antenna, for the use in both station and field. 43