I, O, t⟩ |= cs (target(p)) ⟨P, S, I, O, t⟩ −→ ⟨P, start(S, p, t), I, O ∪ {ms (target(p))}, t⟩ RSTOP p ∈ canStop(S) ⟨P, S, I, O, t⟩ |= ce(target(p)) ⟨P, S, I, O, t⟩ −→ ⟨P, stop(S, p, t), I, O ∪ {me(target(p))}, t⟩ RTIME ⟨P, S, I, ∅, t⟩ −→∗ ⟨P, S′, I, O, t⟩ ̸ −→ ⟨P, S, t⟩ I,O =⇒ ⟨P, S′, t + 1⟩ Table: Rules for the internal reduction −→ and the observable reduction =⇒. Notation γ ̸ −→ means that there is no γ′ such that γ −→ γ′. Arias, Desainte-Catherine and Rueda Formal Models to Compose and Execute Multimedia Interactive Scores 27/1 27/1