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Develop it, Test it, Ship it, Measure it - Building an end-to-end CI
 solution for Neos projects

April 30, 2022

Develop it, Test it, Ship it, Measure it - Building an end-to-end CI
 solution for Neos projects

The development of a complex Neos project is not done by single developers. A team of specialists will be involved in different parts of your project workflow. And not all of them are developers.

How can you provide a great development (and operational) experience that automates as much as possible? And how can end-to-end tests or measurements for core web vitals be integrated into the development pipeline? Are containers the answer? And what can a CI tool do for you?

In this talk we will have a 360° look at the DevOps lifecycle and build the perfect project pipeline using tools like GitLab CI, Kubernetes, Helm, Playwright and Lighthouse CI.


April 30, 2022

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  1. Develop it Test it Ship it Measure it Christopher Hlubek

    (@hlubek) Building an end-to-end CI 
 solution for Neos projects.
  2. Verify code With tests Unit Tests Functional Tests or Fusion

    Snapshot Tests [https://github.com/suf fl e/Suf fl e.Snapshot] Continuous Integration
  3. GitLab CI Build assets composer Test php:unit php:functional Deploy Docker-build

    app js:unit integration Acceptance acceptance Stage by stage
  4. GitLab CI assets composer php:unit php:functional app js:unit integration acceptance

    app: stage: docker-build needs: - composer - assets With graph 
  5. Review Auto-deployed per 
 merge request Reset on each deploy

    Dynamic URL Deployments / Environments https:/ /my-project-task-update.cluster.dev
  6. Integration Auto-deployed for 
 main branch Reset on each deploy

    Fixed URL Deployments / Environments https:/ /my-project-integration.cluster.dev
  7. Staging Auto-deployed for tags Data / DB is persistent Fixed

    URL Deployments / Environments https:/ /my-project-staging.cluster.dev
  8. Integration vs. Staging Deployments / Environments Most current state Always

    fresh Reference system Preview release Test migrations Use prod content / data
  9. Production Auto-deploy for 
 version tags 
 3.7.0 Manual deploy

 release candidates 
 3.7.2-rc Deployments / Environments
  10. Worker 1 Kubernetes Worker 2 Worker 3 Worker 4 Controlplane

    1 Controlplane 2 Controlplane 3 Physical view
  11. Kubernetes Namespace dev-my-project CI and dev deployments Namespace gitlab-ci Deployment

    gitlab-runner Pod job-123 Pod job-124 Deployment integration Ingress integration.domain.dev Deployment review-foo Ingress review-foo.domain.dev
  12. Access from 
 GitLab CI Service account of namespace

    be connected via certi fi cate Kubernetes Will be replaced by 
 GitLab Kubernetes Agent
  13. Unit Test Snapshots & assertions Test different values Verify YAML

    is correct Helm https://github.com/quintush/helm-unittest
  14. Values Example default: image: # A default image tag for

    the project images (excluding Nginx) tag: 'latest' postgres: # A locally deployed PostgreSQL database (without persistence) enabled: false image: repository: "postgres" tag: "13" pullPolicy: Always env: POSTGRES_USER: neos POSTGRES_PASSWORD: only-for-development service: type: ClusterIP port: 5432 neos: replicaCount: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 0 strategyType: Recreate # Neos Deploymnent uses 2 containers for PHP FPM and a Nginx webserver php: image: repository: 'registry.networkteam.com/chlubek/neos-ci-end-to-end/neos' # tag: 'latest' pullPolicy: Always env: FPM_FASTCGI_ADDRESS: localhost:9000 FLOW_HTTP_TRUSTED_PROXIES: "*" resources: {} nginx: image: repository: 'registry.networkteam.com/networkteam/docker/nginx' tag: '1.3' pullPolicy: Always env: FPM_FASTCGI_ADDRESS: localhost:9000 resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: Helm
  15. Overriding from CI deploy:integration: extends: .helm-deploy-job # Use Helm image

    and run chart in ci/helm with overrides from env vars image: $HELM_IMAGE stage: deploy rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH environment: name: integration url: https://my-project-integration.cluster.dev variables: RELEASE_NAME: integration script: - | cat <<EOF > overrides.yaml neos: php: env: NEOS_CREATE_ADMIN_USER_NAME: admin NEOS_CREATE_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD: password NEOS_IMPORT_SITE_PACKAGE_KEY: 'Neos.Demo' ingress: hostnames: - my-project-$RELEASE_NAME.cluster.dev tls: - secretName: wildcard-cluster-dev hosts: - my-project-$RELEASE_NAME.cluster-dev default: image: tag: $CI_REGISTRY_TAG annotations: app.gitlab.com/env: $CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG app.gitlab.com/app: $CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG postgres: enabled: true EOF # Make sure the previous release is completely removed - helm delete $RELEASE_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "No previous release found" # Install the chart and wait until everything is ready, # otherwise print logs of failed pods and fail the build - | (helm install --wait -f overrides.yaml $RELEASE_NAME . && echo "Done.") \ || (inspect-failed-release $RELEASE_NAME && false) Helm
  16. Custom Kaniko Image Build script Registry auth Push to Harbor

 (for tags) Kaniko Built using low-level tools 
 (Skopeo, Umoci)
  17. Code tests In TypeScript Playwright import { test as base,

    expect, Page, Locator } from '@playwright/test'; // ... test.describe('ContactForm', () => { test('success', async ({ contactForm }) => { await contactForm.fillField('Name', 'Christopher'); await contactForm.fillField('Email', '[email protected]'); await contactForm.fillField('Message', 'Hi there, this is a test!'); await contactForm.getSubmitButton().click(); await expect(contactForm.message).toHaveText('Thank you!'); }); test.describe('validation', () => { test('required field', async ({ contactForm }) => { await contactForm.fillField('Name', 'Christopher'); await contactForm.fillField('Email', '[email protected]'); await contactForm.getSubmitButton().click(); await expect(contactForm.errorFor("Message")) .toHaveText('This property is required'); }); test('email field', async ({ contactForm }) => { await contactForm.fillField('Email', 'invalid'); await contactForm.getSubmitButton().click(); await expect(contactForm.errorFor("Email")) .toHaveText('Please specify a valid email address'); }); ContactForm.spec.ts
  18. Use Page Object Model 
 To abstract selectors Playwright Especially

    for forms! import { expect, Locator } from "@playwright/test"; export class FormObject { protected form: Locator; constructor(form: Locator) { this.form = form; } async isVisible() { await expect(this.form).toBeVisible(); } getField(label: string) { return this.form.locator( `.form-group:has(label:has-text("${label}")) .form-control` ); } errorFor(label: string) { return this.form.locator( `.form-group:has(label:has-text("${label}")) .errors` ); } async fillField(label: string, value: string) { const field = this.getField(label); await expect(field).toBeVisible(); await field.fill(value); } getSubmitButton() { return this.form.locator('button[type="submit"]'); } }
  19. Config Example import { PlaywrightTestConfig } from "@playwright/test"; const config:

    PlaywrightTestConfig = { testMatch: "DistributionPackages/**/*.spec.ts", use: { baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL || "http://localhost:8081", trace: "on-first-retry", }, // Enable retries for CI and to capture videos, but not for local development retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : undefined, // Enable list reporter (defaults to dot) and junit for CI reporter: process.env.CI ? [["list"], ["junit", { outputFile: "test-results/report.xml" }]] : "list", }; export default config; Playwright
  20. ... and more Playwright Extend Playwright fixtures (type-safe) Intercept and

    assert XHR requests Easy to run headless in CI via container
  21. LHCI Lighthouse CI Standalone server Build results can be reported

    to LHCI Maintains history to compare reports
  22. Measure Lighthouse CI Run for deployed environments Job template is

    added via include 🚫 Do not run on shared instances / containers
  23. Fin Let's get in contact about Neos and CI 

    Christopher Hlubek (@hlubek) https://github.com/networkteam/neos-ci-end-to-end